Final Fantasy General DCXXXIX - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer closed beta:
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018
NA and Europe Closed beta runs until Sept. 4

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
Friend Codes:
FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


FFT is shit

So this week's solely for tm farming huh?

Yes, thank Christ

Besides the first three days of OK farm you should've been TM grinding anyways

I was, still, putting aside 75 nrg per day for the daily missions though.



Is Ramza the only one with dialogue in FFT events? And I guess the dungeons themselves. I'm new and short on eggs so don't want to use them on others just to find out.

How do I add you guys as friends in King's Nights?

there is a lot of really gay moogle art out there.

Moogles are kinda hot so that's ok



I got to join the big boys club, Kain isn't even fully dove which means improving this will be ez

>double white mage
Try other options, I promise you'll improve that time

>big boys' club
>not even close to sub-30

Good luck dude, we're all gonna make it. Post your first sub minute clear, it'll be nice to see your progress.

I didn't have much water resistance, so that helped me through it. Now with the magicite it should be more tolerable. OSB was hitting for 85k so I know I can cap with the attack I have left to get. I don't have much else for lightning except Cid IV's super

Shit I'm jealous, mine only hit for 50K

>Meliadoul, the character I've been longing for since about half a year ago, is finally here
>I've quit the game a couple months ago and don't care enough for it to come back
>she's finally here
>and I'm gone
>don't even have mythril for a pull

Install again
I didn't know there were fans of Meliadoul in the world

>>Meliadoul, the character I've been longing for since about half a year ago, is finally here

i dont really play RK but i like recruiting characters.
Ramza /where/? or am i too late

I let Vessel of Fate drop by accident (so just Ramza USB and burst mode) and it hit for 50k, so another layer of buffs would probably put you up there

Your waifu is waiting for you

I get to just rock Shout; no Burst mode. If I had Vessel I'd try it; but I think using two soul break starts rather than a soul break start + gauge gain up entruster would lead to much less OSBs which would actually lead to a time loss.

>being so undevoted to your waifu you quit the game before she even arrives
>not even at least taking literally 10 seconds a day to login and collect the mythril to whale for her

You can get basically any character, including Ramza, just by trading a hero's soul for them at the hall of rites. Each weekly event gives one hero's soul, plus a group of heroes connected to the event. Ramza isn't one of the tactics characters in this particular tactics event, but you can trade the soul for him. If you like recruiting characters, RK is great as you can get them all without relying on a gacha.

There are. I'm running the game (that's how I found the event was on), but I can't do it, it's such a massive chore to run dungeons at this point.
My heart fluttered when I saw the event banner. Literally.
For me the game has no point anymore. The intrinsic value of playing/acquiring things in it is simply gone.

FFVII happy gacha draw. Elena's burst, which is pretty good actually and is my first burst drawn in JP. Happy with this.

I've hear that we will get the free daily pulls soon, is that true? if so, when?

You've been lied to

we aren't getting these with the TW bonus stuff too?

>it's such a massive chore to run dungeons at this point.
The dungeons do themselves, user
What a sad excuse of a man doesn't give anything for his waifu
You should learn a thing or two from the Vaynefag

i think im understanding it i just started though i dont think i'll be able to beat the elite dungeon if thats the one that gives the hero's soul

The hero's soul is the prize for the fifth and final normal dungeon. Those dungeons are easy enough that you can auto through them, especially with the characters the first few unlock for you (characters get boosted stats and exp in their home realm). Also, these early event dungeons give growth eggs which you can feed to your guys to level them up even faster.

I should add that if character collecting is your main pleasure in this game, they always make it easy enough for day one players to collect every character.

>The only Meliadoulfag in the world isn't even slightly devoted to her
>Doesn't even bother to get her and pull for her
I feel kinda sorry for Meliadoul desu. This probably would maker her sadder than Isilud's death

it has begun

So what are you playing now then if its not RK

*blocks your path*

Dark Souls 2

Crusader Kings 2, Space Hulk Deathwing, World of Tanks, Age of Empires 2, might get back into Fallout NV. Haven't played any mobile games since.
I'm doing some dungeons but still at 24 mythril, might post a lucky pull here.

I wonder what chocobo farts smell like haha

Glorious, good luck user, I expect great things from you. Do you have any idea what classes you're interested in or are you just gonna play it by ear for a while?

Not the only Meliadoulfag. I've raised her faithfully in BE, even potted her up.

She may not be meta, but she's got her uses, and she's a quality waifu.

why the fuck did I laugh at this

I need a name first. I haven't played this in 8 years so i'll probably try one of the classes I never used like COR

Obviously Tidus

I'd suggest something sane but knowing XI all the sane names have been taken

fuck off flynn


First thing that came to mind was Riboflavin. I don't know why, maybe I'm just tired.



Make me

Damnit user it's my senior year I don't need to have an mmo relapse esp if it's good. I already waste too much time on BE and I know seeing this shit is gonna give me the itch.

hey /ffg/ are you ready for XI's raid?

Did they do a graphical update for this?
It still doesn't look great, but I remember it looking a lot worse than that when I played

Jecht Jr.

No. The intro was always like that, then you get in-game and it's a horse's ass

>lucky draw
>Malach SSB
I'm glad I stayed away from this game

That's a great lucky draw though user. You WANT a bad lucky draw this close to fest because it means your fest draws (the ones that actually matter) will be good to compensate

I'm using supersampling and uncompressed textures so it looks better than it normally does

You only need one or two dark knight souls right? They dont stack?

oh i didnt see that, sweet thanks user and yeah i just wanna get squall and ramza idk if i can get addicted to RK it looks complex

>not rolling Tili-

you better believe it
someone said to put excalibur on for the boss. Okay! Raid with me /ffg/! Here i go! Geronimo!

>my lucky draw and past few pulls were pretty good
Another shitty fest for me then.

>They dont stack?
>still asking this
Are you retarded?

reading is hard

>it's a /perpetuallypissed/ user post

>it's a /stuckatthementalageof5anon/

Clam dawn

im not even the user you responded to dumbass.
>/perpetuallypissed/ user strikes again
Just kill yourself bro. We all know your severe depression is getting the best of you anyways.

>it's a samefag retarded who needs spoonfeding post

Not the same guy, just someone calling you out for being defensive after fucking up

>its an im always wrong about everything in my life post


No, that me over here. Im pretty ok with how things turned out, in fact, its pretty fun.

I don't think i'll be doing even the daily pulls for this banner. Even if daily pulls are efficient, pulling for only weirei isn't worth it.

nah senpai i'll just use 1 ticket

>daily pull
>2 tickets later

>I don't think i'll be doing even the daily pulls for this banner.

But starting tomorrow, the daily pulls are FREE for a week.


congrats. hope it's what you want.

>half pull
>that 3 star that isn't shantoto
>first ticket
I'm done with this banner in pulls, feels good lads

I am really pleased with this. Luckshitter status has gone into maximum overdrive. TIME FOR HATS

summer lid

>the memes continue for another 2 weeks

>Literally pulling for a second shantotto
>run out of tickets
>use a 10+1 ticket
>This shows up

mad jelly

Huh? When did they switch the naming scheme of cure spells? Curaga is now Curaja, and Curaga is now Curada. Are they trying to align it to the jp naming sense?

> cactus success rate up

awww yeaaaaaa... time to use up my stockpile of cactus.

why do you guys always get the previous banner's 5*

Ah fuck I didn't even think of that, thread ruined. Damnit Lilly next time you roll a rainbow block out your name and rank like everyone else.

Too bad this raid ELT can't be cheesed.

Nice injection, tranny

nice one Lilly, btw, are you going back to A2 or are you going to upgrade your OK?