League of Legends general - /lolg/

In need of a Veeky Forums(You) edition
OT: eyosongive.us

>tfw no qt petite gf


The e-girl orbiters have stopped
and soon their accounts will pay

xth for Syndra

post em nerds

Fuck, marry, kill. Go!

xth for boobs

>jungler begs for top
>I'm shit at jungle but I wanna give him a chance
>dies to their Illaoi 4 times before 15 minutes
>ends the game 2/8

Just put me down user

So back to my question better cock sucker: Miss Fortune, Katarina, or Vi?

Cass still

I love Lee Sin but I absolutely despise jungle, can I play him top?

i cant win without being carried

It's been 3 years and I still don't know how did riot manage both to create the best skin in LoL history yet at the same time fuck up the rest of the SG line.
Omega squad Rumble when.

Sorry man. I'm just old and angry.


I love Riven!!!!! My SUPER cute and SUPER perfect wife!!!!

Give me five years I'll have the same mindset.

It's possible but you're wasting his early gank potential.

>twice in a row I get autists whining about my build in aram

As neutered as AP kog is I'm still gonna play it in aram, I don't care how strong AD kog is in comparison. They can take that whining to a mode where it matters.

reminder that players constantly bringing up a /ff is in fact a reportable offense

people like this need to be sterilized

that post is 100% ironic. you need to be sterilized for not being able to tell

I want to impregnate them both with quintuplets

are all the replies agreeing to it being 100% ironic too?

I'll take 1.1 , 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3 , 7.4, 8.1, 8.3, 9.2 and 10.4

probably not

>Lucian is 4 years old

What the fuck

how? he's literally a grown adult

Poe's Law my friend

he even had a wife
i think user is retarded

>New champion comes out
>Hi new to meet you I'm Luci-

He's protecting people from the undead, why does nobody like him?

>"It's the "Haha its a nigger champion let's shit on him" meme

I think people are just don't like him bc they think its cool


>why does nobody like him?
Because he's a nigger.

how do i stop masturbating to ahri


He'll get her back one day.

You don't. Just let her ride your dick


>Lovable crazy lol gf falls into PixelButts lap and he tells her to fuck off
That's it PixelButts, you're dead to me. I won't stand for someone wasting such an opportunity.

this is bait, right?

made smurf cause don't want to demote out of gold. 7 decides my name and main

I still remember release Lucian. I honestly miss him considering the Twitch Tristana meta.

Hey, /lolg/. It's me once again !! And i usual, i came to remind you about two things: that Heimy is the best ! the best ! fluffy husbando, and about how much i love you, user !!!

>why does nobody like him?
He's just undead as the undead, user.



Masturbate to yordles.

Lucian pre-E buff sucked though.

Wasn't he one of the few champs that were shit on release?

>people still think Camille is in a bad spot right now

I want more cyberpunk shit in league

Do you even play Riven

You can hardly call it a smurf if you're not above diamond




Bee Singed only.

you're right, I guess "alternate account" would be more appropriate

what's her purpose?

I enjoy laning with the trigger nigger. Cool guy.


Reminder high elo players are autistic and you should pity them for their pathetic lives

fox and the grapes

>*Dashes halfway across the map to jump on you*
>"If you don't have the talent to fight at least have the decency to die"
>*Slows you while dealing %HP damage
>"There are two sides to everything my side and the wrong side"
>*Procs 2nd Q and does 2/3 of your HP, instantly killing you*

nothin personel kid


I have a bad memory , but I do remember him being OP at a certain point during a certain time frame.

That was around a year ago with the Cleaver + Botrk build

Don't you still build him like that

this year's worlds song is way worse than i couldve ever imagined.

do people really like this shit?

true damage ;^)

only downside to her is she needs 2 seconds to do full combo

that's slow for an assassin

too bad only bad players play her as an assassin

Originally, he had a Q that tracked the enemy champion so poorly you could walk sideways and avoid it, and The Culling was better known as The Cuddling. Then they buffed the shit out of its damage, then proceeded to make it track like it does today, making him a huge lane bully, on top of buffing his ult to actually do damage. For a couple of months he was one of the best champs in the game, then they gutted him for the first time. Later on he gets the buff to E reducing cd's, builds ER, and basically has no cooldown on his dash, making him possibly even more broken than the first time. That gets gutted too, and he spends about a year in the gutter, til they buff him again, nerf his Q range because they buffed him too much, and then he became a top tier midlaner. The end.

It's pretty good

yea if you like complete fucking shit




URF Lucian escaping his game mode for a little while.




its not my style either.
I love ignite last year which most people seemed to hate, while i think this one is the worst one theve had

oh well, i can see why it appeals to some though

I don't like forced diversity


How is this forced diversity

Any info when is the next contest?

Mate. That gives me the absolute feels.

Why did they completely ruin Graves again? I miss playing him as ADC

He's a nigger in a fantasy world. Did niggers exist in LotR?

he was too similar to lucian

Is anyone here diamond on oce?

There are no diamond players in oce. They're all bots.

>Build full damage
>get free armor/mr
>Look im now a ranged bruiser who has over 400 ad and crit
>2 shots squishies
>mobility, knockback

fuck you faggot

Do most pro/super highly ranked players have some form of high functioning autism? This goes for games in general not just League

>someone picks pantheon into my illaoi

>playing the irrelevant lane

"Boipusy Defiler"
You main Taric now

time to break out the strap on

Hey guess what
it was mid

>Implying Pantheon won't shit down your throat like he does against 99% of the champion pool


lmao pantheon players are delusional
Guess what illaoi rapes pantheon buddy
I went 14/2 that game panthcucks BTFO

Yes, South and east of Mordor. umbars and khandis.