League of Legends general - /lolg/

Syndra edition

OT: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:

euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Excessive Force

First for Riven!


>tfw no qt petite gf

actual xth for Syndra
not a chance

That's a cute Riven

xth for memes

Unrivaled best couple!

>playing normals yesterday

>carry was literally silver

>enemy jungler was a Challenger

does Normal hidden MMR not exist anymore? is the playerbase declining that fast?



Xth for wanting syndra to magically block my orgasms and tease me with her body all day before falling asleep on top of me

But user, every Riven is a cute Riven.


not a single chance.

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password is vidya

Has LoL ever been worse than it has in Season 7?

how do i join chatrooms again

I love Camille

>tfw no regal and elegant gf

bretty gud

so let me get this straight.
there is a guy that was a viking 7 foot tall x-years ago. at some point he got possessed by the aspect of destruction and became an immortal fire viking lord. and you DONT want to main him? im confused


fug im tarded nvm

Well duh because she's not real. But that won't stop me from dreaming

you can dream about her chopping your balls off, that'd be more likely.

Season 7 is probably one of the best we've ever had, balance-wise.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 3 slots left

password is vidya


I can dream about whatever I damn well please and your shitposts won't change a thing

bcus olaf exists and he isnt a spicy little bitch

remember its NEVER too late to CL*MB /lolg/!
only another month and a half to go!
what are your goals for this season?
have you reached them?

is someone who hasnt played in over two years welcome? I started playing again a few days ago
I'll be able to join in an hour or two, probably less if its still up

What happens if Elementalist Lux transforms in the middle of intercourse?

too bad because she'd just send you flying off her fortress.

> Enemy Brand support alone
> 2v1, Draven and Thresh
> YEAARGGGGH! *ults*
> Enemy double kill!

Is there a more cancerous thing to happen to bottom lane than Brand support

She burns your dick off

I'm silver and I've hit dozens of 1800+ mmr games in normals. Like it's uncommon now for me to not see at least one plat or diamond player on each team

Absolutely EVERYONE is welcome not because we are desperate and lonely or anything it's just because we are nice people and nothing else we're not desperate which I mentioned once and twice to hammer home the point that we are in fact not desperate for more vg players haha

I had meant the women could train themselves to not squeeze with enough force to break bones. It wouldnt be very sustainable to kill every man within weeks or months of getting them

the fluids they secrete at like steroids for their mates

well if your still around I'll join in later

It depends on what form she's transforming from and which one she transforming into

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 3 slots left

password is vidya

Then eventually the guys body would be able to handle the tension

What if she is transforming from light to dark? Can you feel her getting tighter? [/spoiler] or loser?[/spoiler]


How do I learn to play agressive lolg? Whenever I try to take risks it doesn't work out.

tension just makes her fight harder

I'd play with ya'll but i'm a burgerclap

Reminder that raging at your team makes you less likely to win, which puts you with players who have way lower skill than you.

>They want to make the WR orianna changes happen again
>Completely killed the champ last time they did so they reverted it
So what's the point? You just reverted that exact thing why are you trying it again

>Jinx/Ziggs is now a potential canon pairing
>over other canonical choices or fan-suggested ships like Ekko, Jhin, or Lux in the SG universe, all of which would be far more interesting and believable
>writer: Anthony Burch

Why am I even surprised.
I wonder how Jinxfag feels about this.

Don't play aggressive at all and just react to your enemies mistakes. You'll be passive for a while but then once you get better at it you'll be both far more aggressive and far more effective in your aggression than you were before.

>first pick mid lux, enemy picks my second worst counter, zed
>support trolls and picks lee sin, never buys sight or even one control
>jungler mumu q's into a 3v1 and gets hooked, blames me for it even though i burned all my skills to save
>we lose infernal for that since our lee trist bot is getting destroyed by their tresh vayne
>Zed gets dusk and 1shots me through barrier under tower
>Lee Sinn:Report lux for inting

I can't dodge at this point but the retards keep coming, fuck this game seriously.

She would get noticeably tighter not that light lux isn't incredibly tight as well, if she wasn't already on top she'd either flip you over or leglock you with surprising strength. She would start to take initiative with the movements and grind you inside her mercilessly until you reached the edge. She would overall become much more assertive and dominant, but would make it take as long as possible for you to cum.

>Want to play a normal to chill out
>Our mid is bronze 1
>Their mid is Plat 2
It....didn't go well

whats wrong with her neck? JinxxCopyThat confirmed


user stop trying to convincing me that Ziggs is her best ship. When it's jayce

That comic confused me greatly. Every single Jinx line made me think it was Ashley Burch and every single Ziggs line made me think it was Anthony Burch.

Does he want to fuck his sister or something?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 2 slots left

password is vidya

Probably the same way poppyfags felt when he confirmed she was gay in a tweet or something.

I mean if her fluids act as steroids, eventually the guys body would be able to handle her constriction

>everything I don't like is cancer
anyways it's not like you didn't deserve to die

just get good at fighting, learn how much damage u can roughly do and what abilities are must avoids for the 1v1 like syndra stun, saving vlad pool for ori ult, jax e during kennen ult etc


You wish tumblrina. Ekko would've been better though, Ziggs seems too obvious since they both love bombs. Also furryshit is cancer.

>Pretending you would hate to cuddle and pat her head
>Acting like her being homeless is even that bad
C'mon user, there's no need to be like that.

How accurate is OPGG's MMR calculation?

euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Excessive Force

better than she as a nigger lover

Reminder that Lux x Ez will never, ever be canon.




Nah, Jayce is better with Vi (who she might have a crush on,) Caitlyn or Viktor, the latter of which being the only one who could and would tolerate him when it came to collaborative projects.


and is preferably healthily muscled. goes to the gym, does squats and shit so she can go all day.

>Elementalist Lux is already best girl
>but she's even better because Ezreal doesn't exist in her AU

>i've never read new horizon story

Readproof my comic /lolg/

xth for wanting to fuck a sneklady

Jhin, Karthus, and Azir's voices turn my sister on

Will the day ever come when we see Cass in one of your comics?

change "they all good" to "they are all good"

>ardent censer nerf
please make it live please make it live please make it live

>Anthony Burch shows his ugly head

We get it. We know you want to fuck your sister.

They're all good

I guess that's when the budget ran out

Good comic, made me laugh

xth for breast metal waifu

Interesting...Are you sure your sister isn't a voice activated lightswitch?

Whe it comes to Lux I'm only referring to the Star Guardian AU. And I agree that Ekko's the best choice for her right now, and would've been far more interesting to see in a comic from since they, you know, actually have some history with each other.

Meanwhile this is furshit that's ompleyely left field; it came out of nowhere. IIRC, neither champion has the other listed on under their 'affiliations' on their universe pages.

They are pretty sexy

pretty funny

Pure ascetic.

Gave me a chuckle. Good work buddy.

>Ywn get to cosplay Riven
>Ywn get to wear cute clothes or cosplay girl characters
>Ywn get a boyfriend or partner that you dress up for and have fun, kinky sex with
Being born was a mistake.

"good" also seems too soft

given how hype Irelia is, she should probably be saying "They're all great!"

How do you not get pushed in early with Janna starting E?

>tfw had a gf that was in to cosplay
>but was 3/10 at best
>and wanted to cosplay yordles all the damn time

talk about the boner killer

Is it possible to make a team comp around the best voices in league?

Assuming Karthus is jungling, Azir is mid, and Jhin is adc, what about support and top

>wn get a boyfriend or partner that you dress up for and have fun, kinky sex with
I'm right here though

I love Tales of Valoran, good work on it.

Could you post 79? I missed it.

Like this one too, made me laugh seeing the paint.

Do you think Riven does Kegels

IIRC it counts your last 20 games in the last 2 weeks. I don't think the exact maths of how it works in the client has been released. In any case, if you're winning 30+LP you'll skip ranks.

>wanted to cosplay yordles all the damn time
literally the hotest thing a cosplayer could do.
yordle females > all other females

>Play really well
>Team straight ints and lose

>Play like shit
>Team carries and we win

What did Riot mean by this?

Support Vel'koz
Karthus top
Graves Jungle

Not the best but the most sexy voices.