Why do modern people dress like shit?
Why do modern people dress like shit?
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uh huh.
now go find a picture of what the average factory or agricultural worker of that era wore and you will answer your own question.
Little more representational.
Now, versus yoga pants, literal shart in the Mart and tank tops, exposed midriffs, niggers sagging, etc
One more for you
Hello /pol/. No cherrypicking here, none at all. Mhm...
Isn't that cherrypicking as well? I mean the peoplw in your picture were working
What do you mean by "modern" people?
They're still dressed ok, overalls and pants with long sleeves.
Also le pol boogeyman
>exposed midriffs
>yoga pants
And the problem is..?
Different tastes in what is considered fashionable, and appearance of large clothing companies as opposed to tailors
6 schoolgirls of prime breeding age yet I'm not attracted to any of them whatsoever.
It's more of an anglo thing to dress like trash. A lot of well dressed women in Northern and Western Europe.
Because dresses are cumbersome and don't have (good, if any) pockets.
My ancestors were farmers in Iowa. I have photos of them working in the fields ca 1910 wearing long sleeve shirts and a vest.
why does the Anglo underclass always look so polish?
(I am aware there are a lot of polish immigrants in the UK but that doesn't answer the question a lot of working class English and Scottish people look legitimately Slavic)
2nd from left and 3rd from right (including the one in the back) are decent looking fãm
Modern fashion is extremely varied. For every 'LEL SLUTS' photo you find, there are people dressed modestly. Or even historically. Or weirdly. Or plainly. Or sharply.
Modern fashion no longer looks the way it did in the past because fashion constantly evolves, and the world is different now. What was practical in the past is no longer practical now.
Personally I love modern fashion because it is so varied. Want to dress up in 1950s garb? Go for it. Want to wear smart slacks and a sharp suit? S'good. Want to wear a mini skirt, sparkly top and a giant dramatic cape? Have fun. Want to wear a shirt with a print made entirely of PB Crisps artwork? Fucking do it, you just fucking do it.
I cringed reading this post
Because we stopped having tailors, people making their own clothes, specialists and so on and so forth. Clothes most people buy now is mass produced at industrial levels so access to more unique clothes is more limited. Also mass marketing and advertising in media influences what we should buy and what's hot. People buy it to be trendy and fit in since you'll never be taken seriously walking around with a cape. Clothes also lasts less nowadays so we are made to buy more. Its even worst now that companies have been getting cheaper. So the quality has gone down as has properly fitted clothes. Now if you're thinking of change in style. Id say people have developed tackier tastes. And people are either to lazy to give a shit, are so desperate to be different they'll pick up a funky style for the lulz, orbuy ugly clothes cause thats all they can afford.
Why? He makes a valid point. In the information age were culture and ideas spread easily, it's logical that fashion trends would shift more quickly than in the past. With modern companies you can produce and buy more varied and niche clothing cheaply, driving fashion variety further up.
They look good.
Are you autistic? I heard that happens a lot for those people.
>tfw no matter how trends wax and wane jeans, t shirt and decent pair of sneakers will always be a safe option for as long as you are alive
why do people make pretend fashion is difficult?
Watch out you might offend some tumblrina or commie redditcuck neckbeard with that thread
Clothes are also much easier to obtain because of industrialization, so shifts in fashion and trends are more easily broadcast and worked into society. And for substyles or alternative fashion, which have happened historically (pic related) it's now more widespread due to increasingly available media in the 20th century, social media in the 21st century, and again the easier access to clothing.
Because comfort and efficiency, you fag. If you want to go buy gorceries in a three piece suit and fedora that's your choice, but don't act like the rest of us are wrong for being practical.
Getting your picture taken 100 years ago was treated about the same as having a portrait painted of yourself. Cameras were rare, expensive, and it wasn't easy to develop film. Being in a photograph was a special occasion that didn't happen very often so you'd make sure to look your finest.
Yes right
The people arguing against him are from tumblr and probably KEKS aswell, am i right /b/rother? xD
OP pic isn't a posed formal photograph.
Because modern fashion has almost no remnants of functionality left, which is what early modern/mid-century fashion had going for it.
>it is another OP pines for old traditions and aesthetics to feel superior
These pictures don't particularly look any better anyway
Common theme in those times was for everyone to dress as close to the same as possible because of disdain for the wealthy. "If everyone looks the same, everyone is treated equally well."
Aka communistical motifs.
Sounds good desu
its also that culture is much more homogenous back then, aka no subculture like hippies, goths, rap, hipsters, etc which means everyone dress more the same
while I love gushing over what people wore in the past, it doesn't really matter, since due to readily accessible materials, you could easily dress like someone in the past for a fair bit of money
kinda a similar thing with music, even if you prefer music in the past, you can still listen to it regardless
>since due to readily accessible materials, you could easily dress like someone in the past for a fair bit of money
Yep. And honestly you can find pretty nice, more simple historical clothes for $150-300 a pop.
It's kinda a shame that women get all the best stuff in this regard though.
Can't wear them without looking like a twat though.
Well yes, if you wear anything outside the standard norm, you will look like a twat.
Men have some fun stuff in the 18th century IMO, but I rarely see costumers who tackle them.
The far background does kinda look like a matte painting
It's too fucking hot here in NC to dress like a fucking vampire. When I leave the house 99% of the time it's basketball shorts and a t-shirt because I'm drenching that in sweat in five minutes because of the fucking humidity and sun.
Fuck you, you stupid fuck.
why did it become cool in the 80s for men to be glamorous and almost look like women?
cultural marxism
nice meme
>tfw crinolines will never come back into fashion
what a depressing image.
>yoga pants
What are you, some kind of faggot?
Sportswear is a blessing. Especially when you live on the coast.
Probably because they are inbred brits.
This is literally the mindset of fedora faggots who think wearing a hat makes them fucking classy without completing the damn ensemble.
I hate modern Western clothing too.
Women should only be covered.
why did you post an uncovered whore then?
>Collard shirts
they look dapper as fuck
>Be Tropical region colonized by Netherlands.
>18th Century-19th Century.
>The Dutch bring their jackets, suits, & ties into the region.
>Die of heatstroke or become annoyed to the point of irritation.
>Concurrently, western people seriously think it is ok to wear three piece suits in the tropics.
Why do premodern people dress like idiots?
Oh, the poor building. It had a window removed and a door put in its stead.
how come none are wearing flip-flops?
slags have standard
Gives a valid explanation. Two word response why he's wrong. You must be real popular
Because we are shit
The women in every office I have worked have worn flip-flops on the job.
>implying poison weren't called faggots in the 80s
You must have low standards.
Most blue collared jobs these days also have people wear collared shirts.
>Fully exposing your womans eyes to every man on the street
For the same reason idiots are out there dabbing and twerking. Standards are extremely low.
be the change you want to see
Depends on the material, a linen suit for example is totally fine.
everyone looks the fucking same and rather bland desu
Dabbing is just a trend to signify that you're within the in-group of the socially aware youths. It's only globalised in Anglospheric countries because of the Internet, before the Internet, teens and young adults also had similar functions
Because you're living in a dead civilization
because it does not cost very much money.
>>Personally I love modern fashion because it is so varied. Want to dress up in 1950s garb? Go for it.
false. everybody will laugh at you.
>Cover your head for modesty
>still put on makeup
not entirely true... It also depends on someone's confidence and "being able to pull that off".
Before Industrial Revolution, your everyday clothes had the equivalent cost of a car, therefore people looked for good looking, durable clothes.
Nowadays cheap clothing is the norm, so people look for comfort.
>Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
>Run run run run run run run away oh oh
>Psycho Killer
Its primarily just the Anglos, France, and Western Europeans.
Spain for example was more experienced in colonial fashion. They have 300 years of experience in the Tropics after all. They tailored their styles not only to local climate, but to local fashion as well.
These are terrible. Not practical at all, not even really attractive. They are just saying "look how obscenely rich I am, I can afford to wear this much fabric every day and I don't have to do any physical work".
>implying early brits didn't begin to go full native during company rule
its almost as if history is far more nuanced than you think.
>live in non-specified culturaly enriched Yuro major city
>see veiled women all the time on the street, on subway and at work
>most of those under 40 wear tons of make up and piercings
>vulgar speech
>yoga pants
>even seen some tatoos and fine lingerie peeking out
>only fervent european converts and older arab ladies dress according to dogma
>all the arab women I saw wearing classy/western clothing (like in college) didn't wear the veil and spoke perfect accentless local language.
Is integration working after all?
yes, everione is getting mashed up in the same lidl tier clothes and kaufland shoes, the veil is just a token identity simbol, its doubtfull any of the second generation european muslims believe anything more than the average catholic, even with people ethnicaly segregating europe will eventualy turn them all into the same shit, any possible acting out will just be hopeles reactions against it
Going Native =/= New fashion developing out of fusion of cultures.
>what is comfort and practicality?
>your clothing cost the same as a car
It's time to stop posting
Not him, but you don't seem to grasp how labor intensive pre-industrial clothing was. Buying a new set of clothing was a huge deal, and everything beyond burlap peasant bags were substantial investments.
Nobles kept huge guilds of weavers, lace-makers, tailors and dressmakers in business, and that shit was time and labor intensive, and very expensive.
The early industrial revolution would have seen prices dropping for clothing like how we've seen computer prices drop (relative to performance) in our lifetime.
While not the most scholarly article, this one gives a more detailed overview:
>comparing some nobles clothing to what peasants, merchants or priests would have worn
Not only are modern clothes more practical nowadays, they're also tougher.
There's a reason why denim jeans became popular my friend. Every one of those slack wearing faggot had their crotches ripped from under them.
How do you dress OP?
That still looks better than most modern fashion though.
c'mon, if you saw somebody getting around in a flatcap and overalls you'd think they were a hipster fuckwit
>"Why do people dress like shit?"
>shits the era with the shittiest style in history
Which is funny because denim is shit. Polyester-cotton blend is master race.