/owg/ - Overwatch General

>Season 6 changed some things
>And it's bringing even bigger changes soon™ (maybe September 19th)

>here's what's live right now:
- Orisa - shield is bigger, plasma bolts fly faster
- Roadhog - keep moving & get damage reduction while self-healing
- Junkrat - can carry two concussion mines at once, tire is way faster
- Widowmaker - venom mine reveals enemies, grappling hook recharges faster
(also, you can adjust crosshair outline opacity)
>here's what isn't live yet:
- RIP-Tire momentum nerf
- D.Va changes
- Mercy rework (see below)

>(might be released with the Junkertown patch)

>JUNKERTOWN is coming out on SEPTEMBER 19th
youtube.com/watch?v=3XU1TockPjE (new video)

>Talk shit, get banned
>(for real this time, we promise)

>Deathmatch is live (it's in the arcade)

>What did the devs say they're working on?
- Vague promises of back-end changes
- SR calculation changes eventually (no more gaming the system with off-meta one-tricks)
- Maybe map voting / rotation someday
- See-through objective markers "soon"
- No solo-only queues or search preferences

>Latest cinematic

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Here comes T.Racer!

I want them to buff McCree's M1 since he now has to shoot down flying Mercys who can damage boost the whole team from 50m while constantly regenerating health.

Tracer LOVES pussy, because she's a god-damned DYKE is why!

Why is Angela Ziegler (call-sign: Mercy) so fun to play?

Post Blu

>Missed the gold requirement for this skin by one day.

I want them to buff McCree so that he can cave in the skulls of his enemies with his metallic arm

Thanks for the easy kills.

After reading the first part, I was confused, thanks for including the second part to clarify the situation.

I want them to buff my boy in general
all he's gotten is literal crumbs compared to to the buffs and reworks everyone else seems to be getting.
ill never stop playing him though

Here's a damage-dealing, healing support idea specializing in busting down barriers, shields and armor.

It's a massive suit of Crusader armor, almost like an elemental, reanimated. 300 HP, comprised of 200 armor and 100 shields. Pretty big hitbox. Its shift swaps it between two modes- healing and harming, default is harming. Infinite ammo.
Left click is a Zarya-like beam that does 60 DPS. This upgrades to 120 DPS when used vs. shields. This includes barriers. Right click is a fiery beam that acts just like left click- 60 DPS, but 120 when used against armor. You can fire them both at once, but after 3.5 consecutive seconds of firing them both, you overheat and lose the ability to shoot for two seconds and lose some of your armor/shield pool.
Shields and armor drained go into a pool of HP that can contain a maximum of 300 of each type of HP. This drains slowly over time. Pressing shift switches you over to healing mode, which allows you beam someone and apply armor and shields to them, with a max of 100 of both type- so you could have, for example, 50 armor and 50 shields on someone. Shields decay and do not regenerate much like Doomfist and Lúcio's, and armor will slowly rot away after a few seconds of being applied. You can reapply the armor and shields as much as you want if they keep getting taken down from the person you're 'healing'.
The focus is on being an aggressive support that doesn't need much help to be effective, and can handle Winston, D.VA and the like on their own. However, with your complete lack of regeneration and your large hitbox, you need to stay with your team and support them, doing a careful mix of damage and 'healing'.



bloo days must be such a pain

Did they nerf movement too?

Personne n'échappe à mon côté arrière

Why do the god damn Koreans have their hands on this book already? Are you fucking kidding me?

So do I, user. But seriously they should buff his M1 a little. At least give me 75 damage on M1 so I can flickshot Tracer to the head without having to use the flashbang, and make the falloff not so severe since he has to compete with so much other spammy shit that is much more forgiving and has less or no falloff.

>spic gets darker as she gets old

Full nig after her 50s?


Mercy's still killable. In fact, more so now.

>Personne n'échappe à mon côté arrière
means : No one escapes my backside

The thing is, his buffs are good, but they're not what he needs. He needs the flashbang to be more consistent and he needs his M1 and M2 to be better. McCree's entire concept is one man, no bullshit mobility or gimmicks or superpowers, just a dodge roll and his trusty gun. They have then made that gun feel worse and worse.

I just wanna be a cowboy.

>when you slap the enemy team so hard they cry in all chat
>but your team sucks dicks and you lose anyway

fucking unga bunga teams

>Genji can throw a ninja star faster and harder than McCree's custom made bullets.

Damage boost was removed, movement was slowed down, rez lost invul and can't be done behind walls or through barriers. So yes.

Reaper beans prepare for Halloween.

>literally killing 6 people over a teamfight but my team can't do anything


All the time. I'm so tired of being on the payload/point, alone, and the entire enemy team descends on me. I kill Winston and Zen or go 3 for 1 and then my team finally gets there, 5v3, and lose. It's absolutely incredible. I've stopped death spectating because it just makes me sad.

Jesus. Zen's time is now I guess.
Is D.va even remotely viable now? I heard the rockets got nerfed.


>has legs
this wasnt in the lore
stop it

>striped pantyhose

Yes but the DM nerf hurts her far more than the rocket nerf. She's kind of like a cross between Winston and Genji now, but her ability to tank has been neutered hard.


-reaper can no longer fully kill enemies,
he puts them into a 'down' state, where he must perform a brutal execution to finish them off
-now has 500 health
-cannot be healed
-only regains health from performing brutal executions


Ou La la!

What book is this

compare ana with pharah

Genji should be removed from the game. Those who main it rounded up and executed. Prove me wrong.

That's retarded.

Why does Sombra make no-no parts tingle?

The 250 page, 8 pound book filled with lore relevant info and concept art. All the concept art. It's not supposed to release until the end of October but for some reason some god damn Koreans got their hands on it early.

you want to nerf him why?

New Mercy is going to be at least as annoying as old Mercy. Remember that time that the only reason you made a push was because you clutched out a couple picks from the choke? Now Mercy completely invalidates those picks within seconds of you getting them. Heroes and abilities that are all about getting picks are going to be much worse, i.e. Widowmaker, Hanzo, Zen's right click, Hog's hook. The only way to make Mercy not bullshit is to remove Res entirely.

Reaper beans day at the skate park

Take away that bull shit 20% health on hit and bring back the orbs.

Up his damage and RoF.



>put in a queue to play the game

What the fuck now?

Instead of tanking she's now blitzing with the dive, meaning faster kills and effectively a dive buff. They also sped up her reload rate for DM.

throw in hanzo too


next gen beans™

They're different people with different genes. Your skin tone doesn't change a whole lot as you age, young ana and old ana have the same skin tone.

At least you don't kill the mercy first, she respawns to her whole team dead and revives everyone.

Try writing a coherent sentence and you might be on to something.

I fucking love that qt Bloo

like this?
why are we not crowd funding this ?


Doomfist needs to be able to punch anywhere he likes, not just horizontally, but vertically too! Please tell me why this shouldn't be a thing!


What if you
>Keep Res as is on PTR
>Increase respawn times by several seconds across the board
>Made Res instantly bring you back, but at spawn

If you kill Mercy and then she blindly flies in to rez, she has to be within 5m now. So if you're Widow you can then shoot her too. Then they're down to 4 guys and fucked hard. Smart Mercys will have to actually use "decisionmaking" and simply let some people die. Plus now rez is stopped by barriers, so Winston slaps his shit down and suddenly she can't just mindlessly pop rez off. She's no longer invulnerable, so she can't save herself with rez. This is a good change.

because shipping from china costs TOO FUCKING MUCH

I thought widow has light freckles but it was just pixels, saddening really.


Genji mains are life unworthy of life. There's no need to elaborate any further.

is the only thing Pharah can say before she gets shot down. Sometimes she doesn't even get to finish the word.

Are NA servers down or something? I can't get in.

HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? , I HAVE 160+ hours plus on reinhardt, just make one DAMNIT

>>Increase respawn times by several seconds across the board

So, let's say under your shitty suggestion it takes 12 seconds to respawn normally instead of 8. Okay, so you're completely out of action sitting bored out of your mind for 12 seconds. You finally respawn, and now you have to take the slow, excruciating walk back from spawn to the point, which takes another 15 seconds if you have no speedboost and no mobility abilities. That's 27 seconds without any fighting and therefore 27 seconds without any fun just to make your waifu viable.

Fuck off.

hold up

>Wanting Stallerwatch



Mercy's rework doesn't seem too bad but I wish they kept SOME of the damage on her pistol and left the speed on her flight alone.

D.Va just sounds like she's going to be a bit of a mess right now. Guess I'll need to wait for a new HP sustain patch for her like Roadhog. These updates just keep fucking things up.

On the other hand, If she says that while standing on top of you, ready to unleash the content of her big brown girl bladder on your face, nobody will be able to stop her.


>My waifu
Literally my least played character, and I want her to be completely remove from the game. That's never gonna happen, though, so I want her to at least be less bullshit.

>Made Res instantly bring you back, but at spawn

>Remove Gengu so shitters will stop bitching about him and so a good one won't take over every game
>Remove Hanzo so people stop picking him in comp
Bam, Overwatch is saved.

You can taste my apricot


So now that r76 is officially canon, who will the next gay hero be?

Literally shit that makes you even more vulnerable to hitscans. Still useful in the fact that it removes all air control and keeps you facing forward, but still.

And somehow you're worse than they are.

if you cancel dooms fist by jumping you should be able to damage people by body slamming them

Shimada was a mistake.

because he was a mistake

>in queue.
>get booted out of queue

What the fuck.

I hope its Rein

No, the Mercy rework was fucking retarded. Seriously, if you didn't think "they're fucking stupid" the second you saw this, you're as clueless as Blizzard.
Giving her the best mobility in the game, for 20 seconds, on top of massive regen, was stupid. If they wanted her to move like that, the ult needs to be much shorter and she shouldn't regenerate all the while, because it makes it incredibly difficult to kill an ulting Mercy even for literal pro players.
The gun damage buff was fine, but then they also gave her infinite ammo and doubled fire rate? Does that make any sense whatsoever? They basically made her the most mobile character in the game, with the highest DPS, and constant regen. They should have given her only the boosted damage or fire rate.

At this point I'm just glad the bitch is being dumpstered.


No. It would be way to easy to jump into the air and then instagib people by punching them into the ground. At least right now with the way it is you have to position yourself somewhat so that they hit a wall when you punch them.

They kept the infinite ammo. They did it because it'll get people to heal rather than attack.

I am not. I'm merely stating facts.

I think he should be able to slightly move up/down though. Like a 20 degree angle, maybe. It does feel weird.

god dammit ever time I see her I just cant help
but imagine all the cruel things she would do to me please step on me

Her ult charge has been slowed down some as well.

But it's so cool. I'd even keep the current, shit hitbox for it.

what the fucking shit