Why and when did Irish become a minority language in Ireland? Why can't they revive it like the jews did with hebrew?
Why and when did Irish become a minority language in Ireland? Why can't they revive it like the jews did with hebrew?
Too drunk
I've seen an user mention that modern hebrew is actually quite different from biblical hebrew grammatically, so it's not exactly revived so much as invented
What would be the point? English is the Uber language
English is a superior language, why go back to Irish? And I say that as an Irishman myself.
inb4 cuck
>England builds a perfectly good city for them
>blow it up
Probably not enough political will to do so. Someone would have to modernise it and then a politician would have to force the language on the populace. If the populace dont care enough it could be a very hard thing to do in a democracy.
That used to be a statue of a man.
Good metaphor for the progression of western architecture isn't it?
Once a monument honoring the heroism and bravery of a great man replaced by a meaningless triangle.
Being a country of English speakers is an economic boon for Ireland.
After Brexit, it will be even better for them.
Economics made it irrelevant, now there's no real point in reviving it, doubly so since America speaks English and since the Irish have made significant contributions to English literature.
Same with the Scots. A bunch of cucks.
English is an ugly hack of a language, and the only reason to use it is because it's popular.
that's just your opinion, man
It's popular because it's the most efficient language ever created and yet it also has an immense amount of expression and word choice.
It's popular solely because the British Empire happened to be at the top of the pack during a crucial period.
you have no idea what you're talking about
It's popular simply because the USA is the most influential country right now, you idiot.
Actually no, by the time the British empire was relevant, French was the lingua franka.
It's a dead language that is hard to learn and hard to speak
English is a much more useful language
>dead language
140 000 native speakers, according to wikipedia. It's certainly not a POPULAR language, but it's far from being dead.
because most of them spoke English anyway and there wasnt a good enough reason to force them all to learn Irish. The reason Hebrew caught on in Israel is because the Jews who moved there all spoke different languages
How many of them use it every day or have it as a first language? I'll give you a clue, it's a few thousand. That's as dead as a language gets.
>How many of them use it every day or have it as a first language? I'll give you a clue, it's a few thousand. That's as dead as a language gets.
Protip: You need to look up what "native speaker" means.
That's a good thing, we should have a one-world language.
Or more appropriately re-invented.
>why and when did irish become a minority language in ireland
The Irish Famine was the main cause for the death of the Irish language as it was the staunchly Irish speaking communities that were hit hardest. Afterwards, English became seen as a language of education and hope for a better life.
>why can't they revive it like the jews did with hebrew
Cosgrave and de Valera didn't give a damn about the Irish language (Collins on the other hand supported a revival according to his book 'The Path to Freedom') and right now there's no political will to change things as the Irish government and media has been infiltrated by anglophiles, and English is admittedly a far more useful langauge seeing as it is the lingua franca right now.
A survey found that most people in Ireland do support the language, however it's a hard language to learn and a lot of people are too lazy to learn it when they don't have much to gain from doing so.
culture of slave
While a one world language is useful, english would need some changes for it to fit the role.
Only in name
>we should have a one-world language.
People need to be at least bilingual.
It's minor brain damage to speak only 1 language properly.
it's hard to get a nation to learn a language out of nothing but nationalism with no benefits of self evident in the short run
maybe it'll revive when English starts to become less relevant h-heh
Irish is still alive, it doesn't need revived or modernised.
We just can't be assed to learn it.