Fighting Games General /fgg/
I finally figured out something important DBZF has over MvC:I
good voice acting. Every VA who worked on MvC should be shot.
Play Ruby!!!
*abcs your path*
does dbzf have auto-combo?
>T7 on sale for $29.99 already
lmao dead game
i think some normals in sfv need more blockstop
That just means Namco loves their audience so much that they want everyone to experience Tekken no matter how poor they are
>only 3 days until morrigan and carol's game
The last weekend is always the longest.
Was playing some friendlies in sfv and I noticed the hitlag on crounching fierce kicks is incredi-biz-ad (bad!). What toon has a more favorable moveset with little to know hitlag
Well that's dumb
Is there anyway to tell the difference between a Light Special, Medium Special, or Heavy Special in SFV? Like I can't tell the difference between Chariots, so I can't properly punish with the best possible move.
all those free content updates and patches too
>busty scientist
Tits guys always win, baby
kind of thinking about joining the smash scene just so I can see retardation like this more often
good post
>when some kid's jargon triggers you this hard
>busty scientist
Should of played a better game
>It’s also been confirmed that Yamcha will be playable.
One step closer to getting my money
We need to come up with some Smash community inspired faggy sounding word for "combo" too.
hit stunnies
>busty scientist with glasses
Wtf I love DBFZ now.
are they using the same VAs?
>New OC
Oh baby I can make a dumb only androids team
there's more start up the heavier the attack. go to training mode and record each tackle strength and you'll see for yourself that it's really not hard to tell them apart. same thing applies to necalli's stomps, alex's elbows, etc.
>Android 21
>busty scientist
yeah i think so
ironman sounds a bit like piccolo
DBFZ did turn out to be a shallow mashing game as i feared. i'm still going to buy it once it goes on sale, but that's really disappointing. Arcsys said they wanted it to compete with other "serious" competitive fighters but the design of the game kind of completely contradicts that.
Android with bigger boobs than morrigan
moobers btfo
Dante is still voiced by Reuben Langdon, but I swear he sounds so bad in MvC:I.
>jewsys resorting to waifushit already
they do compete with serious competitive fighters - with GG and BB.
DBZF is casual to get people into the arcsys infrastructure and encourage them to move to the more serious fighters when they feel ready.
The first suggestion sounds the best (gayest) so far.
Mahvel Infinite turned out to be a low-budget mashfest for babies who can't proper learn combo timings. I'm still going to buy it once it goes on sale, but it's still disappointing. Capcpom said they wanted it to compete with other "serious" competitive fighters but the design of the function kind of completely contradicts that.
Of course ArcSys isn't going to attempt to sincerely outdo their own series with some licensed cashgrab. They'd just be building somebody else's brand for very short term gains at that point. Capcom at least owns half of the characters in the versus games but the same problem still applies and is the reason MvC3 didn't get much official support after the hype cycle was over
The tag system means mvci is extremely technical, nice try though /v/appafriend.
This assume normies give a shit about goobers
they don't LMAO
You are pretty much completely delusional if you think DBFZ casuals are ever going to touch GG or BB
it will probably be hardest marvel to master
>arc sys half asses a game
>it's a shitty kusoge
>GOATCOM "half asses" a game
>it's the highest IQ tag fighter of ALL TIME
Ultron is probably one of the best characters ever put into a Mahvel game. Everything about him looks fun as fuck why can't it be Monday yet
Biscuits vs daiandoh was pretty sick
Also I don't want to hear goobers calling anything else shallow or dash and mash. Dbfz literally has more zoning and neutral
TTT2 was better anyways
>this Ultronbabb
i'm going to enjoy pounding you tier whores into the ground
thanks user, I'll finally do work with Juri
Scrub city. Dont talk to me.
>Game isn't out yet
Why am I surprised?
Technically morriigan has the power of magic. So she can change her body however she wants. So really there's no limit on how big her boobs could be.
Morri wins again.
>a character which every single tourney player who has tried the game instantly flocked to and they all agreed the's insta top tier
>not top tier
nice try.. but just accept that you're a tier whore
play guilty gear
>A thing that hasn't happened
wow you sure showed me user
When they add bridget I will.
is this worth a shit? i don't care too much about the easter eggs just the statues and other stuff. or should i just get the digital version?
Reminder /fgg/s golden boy Chadblade is gonna take top 8 in both blazblue and unist at Ceotaku.
Well the statues are decent I guess
>Combos are "follow-thrus"
>Anti airs are "risers"
>air-to-air are "DashClash"
>parries are "no-u's"
>mirror matches are "selfies"
>stun/dizzy is now "wobblies"
>chip kill is now "breakthru's"
>grab/throw teching is "butterfingers"
>shimmy is "juking"
>juggling is "bouncehouse"
>reads were "fated's", later changed to "faded" for no reason and then finally "fades"
>counterhit is "flinchies"
>perfect is called "ashley's", named after a girl one famous SFer liked and worshipped, used so much it became ingrained in the lexicon much as "johns"
>Dropped combo is now simply referred to as "doodies"
People who pick low-tier intentionally are way worse than people who pick top-tier intentionally, you're being obnoxious. The true patricians are those who pick the characters they'd most like to sniff and play them regardless of tier.
tell redblade if he teabags brick on stream in tournament i will paypal him $50USD
The statues aren't bad but not really worth the 200 dollar price tag.
Just get the digital version desu
if i ever want an X figure i'll just get a higher quality one from another vendor
the lowest form of life
>they'd most like to snif
what about liking their playstyle and their looks?
I'm unironically using that
Sounds faggy but I guess that's cool too.
you'd be paying 200 for happy meal toys and colored eggs
110 for 4 statues is quite good imo.
can't git gud
desu these dbfz matches are boring the fuck out of me. if not even biscuits can make this game look fun..
i'll probably get it some other time when the price drops like the sfv one.
Butter fingers is pretty cool desu
Sound like something yipes might have yelled back in the day
Wait, why is Fantasy Strike on steam now?
I thought the fig thing failed?
I don't give a single fuck if Ultron is high tier he's fucking cool end of story
It did
it's now EA
Why the fuck do I build meter by jumping in?
Déjà vu
Play who you want regardless of tier and gender.
The kickstarter failed, but now they're getting the rest of the money with their early access. Game developement is weird now.
I'm so fucking glad Mahvel is back
Some are, some aren't. Some that changed are great, like Dr Strange being voiced by Liam O'Brien now, but most sound horrible now, and the ones that stayed the same were poorly directed compared to MVC3.
So DBFZ is pretty much confirmed the best fighting game of the year.
But why? If they were gonna put the game out anyway, why bother with a crowdfunding campaign?
Capcom deserves all the criticism they get, but why does MikeZ always come off like an asshole when he complains? It's like bitchy shit talk. What did they do to him?
>Game development is a scam now
bitterness from the failure of skullgirls
Only that and xtag are coming out next yet
Marvel Vs Capcom is the house the X-Men built. Fuck all this MCU bullshit.
How do I turn off autocombo in DBFZ?
He's mad the only reason people care about his kusoge is for the porn
What animefags should I follow for dbfz? That nakkiel guy had good matches