/pubg/ Player Unkown Battlegrounds General

Dead thread edition

>Detailed map of Erangel with loot highlighted

>Flight path calculator

>Player and weapon stats

>PUBG Wiki

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Pochinky best town

someone play duos with me on oceanic fpp please Im lonely

>he thinks he can still play any server other than asia

guns without fuck ugly rails when other than thompson

Fuck me
New Stalber is pretty funny at the moment though, plane flew right over it and we were easily 10 people scrambling for the little loot there


The range is stupidly wide
I find myself muting the game during red zone, planes and stuff like that, otherwise my ears die and can't hear my buddy over mumb

>hear someone right next to you
>he's 3 floors under

I honestly think they don't care at this point.


tell me about it, getting shot from the left sounds like hes to my right sligh movement one way or the other makes it sound like hes behind me or infront holy fuck

Sounds like you have some setting fucking things up
The game is in stereo, so make sure to disable virtual surround settings in your audio driver of choice

Post your cool keybinds
>firemode to middle mouse button
>lean left and right to thumb mouse buttons
>shift+scrollwheel to zero
>first aid and boost to shift+q and e

>fog map
>sniper parts everywhere
Nice joke fuckfaces

Best Town is the one next to school.

There are sniper attachments all over the place now thanks to the mini

yeah, Radio Stalbar > Radio Gatka for me now. Every game 1-2 easy kills there in this west section, then go on the hunt for the guys that dropped in the ruin parts

Also I like the new town, Kameshki or whatever. It is split in two parts, up and down. Drop in the down part on the first garage building, take out people there, then move up and take out the survivors there

Pretty sure this will fade off though pretty soon when everyone has seen this a couple of times, then I guess it will go to Zharki level

microphone to mouse thumb button

Anyone has massive delay in this game since a couple days ago? Literally getting kills/killed a good 500ms after the fact. It's more obvious when getting hit because you're already under cover and suddenly eat 2-3 bullets that were fired before. It's really weird because I'm under cover, and even the sound comes in delayed. I hear the shots and get hit almost a second after I hid.

There was a time when this game lagged like fucking shit and it took me 5 min to open a door or reload a gun but since that's been fixed I never had an issue like that. Is it something serverside? Do I have an issue with my setup?
Please assist.

Webm related but I've had much worse.

Is there a regular size uzi IRL?

Mac 10

you're playing on an asian server, either by being rooted there regardless of your choice, or because your didnt choose eu/na (it always resets to as since the patch)

Seriously wish suppresors and comps werent so fucking rare

I need a place where I can go and gather up with 4 random guys who can speak English

I'm an antisocial fuck. I don't own a microphone nor do I communicate with people through the chat at all.

is this bannable? I wanna try the game but I hear the devs are autistic about their rules.

post your no.1 triggers when retards talk about pubg

>camping is the best strategy

at best you're gonna be TK'd for not having a mic
even then a lot of people just don't care
go for it

no, you can just play solo's or queue up in a disastrous squad game without communicating

stop dropping in "high loot" areas

I find tons of the stupid things in apartment buildings away from the meta landing spots


Try discord

That's pretty impressive

is there anyone on the discord that is actually gud

>it always resets to as since the patch
What the fuck, that's the stupidest shit I ever heard. Thanks user I would never have thought of that.

So do we know if loot spots vary? Is there better loot in certain areas or buildings than others? I feel like those big apartment buildings have shit loot usually compared to how many possible loot spawns there are, but I'm not sure.

what discord?

i was about to say check op but it's not there

there is/was a discord somewhere

What is that, how do I find it?


Reminder that 85% of people are still playing 3pp mode

just how 'compact' is the mini-14? can one ADS stand noticeably closer to unbroken windows? ive always prefered compact weapons but it sucks either having to rely on a random vector drop or using shitty 9mm all the time

>Boring game
>Boring Thread
>Broken Game
>Low graphics but demanding high spec
>Twitch viewers are also bored

But what is the identity of the many viewers?
Fuck Their company must have hired a vast number of viewbots

While I wouldnt be surprised, source?


Stats in game.

is there any reason we still have to choose the server and game type before clicking match? it seems to be having a couple variables that remember your choices would literally be the easiest feature to implement.

what are you complaining about now, cunt

That's because fpp is for babby fucking plebs that cant get over "hurr everyone has wallhack xD"

so fucking triggered, why is everyone that wants to play fpp coincedentally awful at the game except for big streamers?

you really seem triggered

>2 2nds in solo, back to back
>1 win in duo, and another back to back 2nds
God damnit. Sometimes circles end with ridiculous god tier spots where you are just fucked if your the other guy.

i literally said i was so fucking triggered, ofcourse i am triggered you dip

Thanks. Now how do I find people? Do I just join their group?

There's a lfg channel, go write there I guess

>drop mylta restaurant
>get pic related
>grab dacia star driving to circle
>dacia hits a pebble and front flips
>immediatelly get shot by someone
>a second dude shoots the first one, finish them both
>grab bike
>hit a tree like a retard
>immediately someone shooting me
>get lucky and kill him
>grab UAZ because blue is riding my ass
>drive to middle of circle, park near house
>get out of vehicle, die 4 seconds after


man you're triggered

How many chicken dinners have you guys won without killing the other person? Its happened to me twice so far and am wondering if its common.

Where are my no fog options?
I want to turn off fog and see everything and everyone and kill everyone because I am the best player and only I am allowed to win this game

I have a 1050ti, Ryzen 1600 and 8gb of ram. How badly would the game run?

Had that once.

Is it still worth selling crates?

Also should I sell all my twitch prime gear now or will it go up in price?

4x AK w/ compensator is mai raifu

Watching this MitchJones channel and it's hilarious. It's the definition of the Chad Extravganza
>Runs around with his car honking the horn
>Gets shot from a house, turns around and drives towards the house, kills them
>Throws smokes in his car to "vape"
>Runs into a house, punches out all the windows with his fists instead of looting

This fucking fog though.

I'm pretty sure 50% of the player already found a way to disable fog. I always get shot from unknown locations really fucking far away.

How though?

Probably deleting some internal files
Or just replacing the fog map with the regular one
some sort of trick that the fog dosn't even get loaded

you just need to git gud my man (and relocate once you take shots with a sniper rifle, and smoke people out of camping spots with grenades, etc.)

what mod is that that hides your gear, does it help with fps?


game options, introduced with latest patch


thats a retarded ideea i always play with randoms and plenty of times people dont have mics or dont even speak the same language, dont worry about not having a mic just drop markers if you see enemies

>git gud

Sorry, you wrote it wrong. I think you meant to say
>you just need to install all the cool external programs from www.superPUBGhelp.rus/howToPayWithYourMomsCreditcard

I have a 1050 TI and an i5-7600k and get 60+ fps with medium/high settings

>20 kills
>better luck next time

oh thats great thanks

I actually love the stylized gear menus and I hate it when they render characters like its fucking dressup

This game is 100% luck so no matter your situation or how the game ended, this sentence is relevant.

the game is at the 2nd last circle judging by the minimap, he's alive (but lost?) and there's 40+ people alive

there some shit going on that shouldn't be going on

But why is the camera glitched out like that then?

The tab trick is starting to not work for me anymore when the fuck am I supposed to press it I am sick of dying because "lol you aren't done loading yet so you can't get in a house"


There's some bug where your real character dies and you play a clone
You can see yourself die in the killfeed
Pretty spooky

How are we still being forced to play on chink servers?

Maybe you should listen to your own advice and git gud too.


Oh wow really. My 8gb of ram might fuck me over but it's only $30 on the humble bundle store. I might give it a try

>implying the thompson isn't fuck ugly without it
>have to stare down those hideous iron sights

>I don't own a microphone
Do not purchase multiplayer games you cancerous fuck

oh yeah I was sniping a guy with a AWM and I got the message "you died outside the zone"

pretty spooky

hold the fuck up, are you saying I didnt get my full share of shekels for that 20 kill round?

at least I have the undead rampage screenshot to confuse the shit out of people now

>he doesnt play like a chad

the round before that one I was running over people in a Dacia without any guns while hon

also I chose the nickname trashcanman for a reason

So I've been playing for 150 hours now, but I always have the habit of aiming for an automatic rifle for close/medium and a semi-auto rifle for long range. Is that even a good idea? Is an M16 or SKS really better enough for single-shot firing than simply putting an M4, SCAR, or AK to semi-auto?

>land on that square house with open roof in Pochinki.
>fall literally on top of loot spawn
>no fuckyou have luck getting spawned three meters westward

I love the m16, but the other rifles are very competent at long ranges too. They have less precision in extreme ranges like 500 meters, but you shouldn't be shotting at 500 meters with an assault rifle in the first place. The only assault rifle that feel different is the AKM because it has more damage but slower bullet speed because different caliber.

webm or bullshit

Do you think I'd be better off just rolling with an automatic and maybe an S12k or something for raiding houses? Probably a matter of preference I guess. I'll always grab a Kar though, the one-hit shots on lower helmets are too valuable.

It just personal preference really. The assault rifle I like most is m16 just because of its sights and burst fire shoots at close range but I can't stand the AK ugly iron sights so i don't even pick it even if it's a pretty good weapon. Also consider using the SCAR or the m416 if you like to pimp your gun with lots of attachments like tacticool grips or stocks, I think the m416 is the weapon with more attachment slots.

Running over.

>doesnt scale down resolution

Nice slideshow