/dg/ - Destiny General


I want to fuck Failsafe!!!!

So why did the traveler stop at earth?

Reminder that Synthoceps are absolutely tasty.

Rasputin fucked it up

>ywn have a New York Rican Jewess slobber over your BBC before carrying you in trials


I'm at 274 and I can't seem to go higher.

All blues and purples drop at 267. What can I do to get drops at a higher power level?

I've been stuck here for 2 days.




>PS4 users

>Xbone Users

>that dialogue with calus
does he want to be our friend or something?

wtf i hate new monarchy now

guys,,,im desperate, i cant find a single decent team to get ONE WIN in the Trials.. halp?

How good is the trails gear? I left my other clan in the middle of last week,
so i havent had the chance to get the engram.
Are they worth using over the Marathon guns?

I think he's kinda grateful we offed Ghaul?

And this fake raid thing was like a gauntlet / test for us to prove ourselves to him, and he rewarded us with the gear

But I honestly don't know. I'm confused too

MIDAs are ruoning Trials desu.

What do you honestly think? Give us your impressions and we'll tell you if you are wrong or not.

>new monarchy fags confirmed furries

The Cabal, Fallen, Humans and Vex will all team up to fight the Hive, Taken and Darkness.

me too
let's be play together
no homo

drink bleach and yiff in hell you fucking disgusting degenerate faggots

>tfw Scathelock with cerulean divide shader

This is the most operator AR I've ever seen

my impression was that he wanted to be friends

>Get three exotic engrams
>All three are Skyburner's Oath


Oh, look! It's the best planet!

I'm actually a ps4 user sorry

>implying gods can have friends

you werent paying attention

He wants the BGC
(Big guardian cock)

Please respond

your mother is the best planet

glitched to shit
i was in some groups earlier where no mobs would spawn in the throne room until we wiped

REMOVE TIMBY remove timby

>reverse image search
>all of the results are from /dg/

No, that's the best location. But it's on the second best planet.

not really no i was just glad to be done with that shit

you can complete the raid/strike like this?

I can believe the Fallen joining, they more or less did nothing wrong and are just trying to get the Traveler to protect them again. With Ghaul dead, the Cabal could go either way. I feel like the Speaker was so close to making Ghaul realize the error of his ways before he goes through with his plan and becomes a Super Saiyan anyway. The Vex don't seem like they can be reasoned with at all, I find that unlikely. Unless they really are ascended human consciousness from an alternate future/universe come to change history.

You should have saved your exotic questlines (blue crown quests) for this point and be doing those to break past. Also, should have been saving legendaries with +5 mods in them to manipulate character light higher. Nightfall, raid, trials, etc. Good luck

I've never touched mods cause I was afraid I'd fuck something up. Idk how they work.

you could complete the fight that way
we got him down to half his last bar and then someone got fucked by the scions inside spooky land
not sure why it happens

these look like Mass Effect screenies

The Vex will do whatever they need to do to survive.

>Oh, look! It's the best planet!
Its a moon you retarded fuck.

>pick mod you think would work nice for your play style
>slot it
>free 5 light

>get to end of the mission where you steal the cpu
>see a nice forest and a lake in the background
I wanna go there. They could have made titan bigger with that big city dome thing.

meant for

Is ghaul not allied with the cabal emperor?

neat, thanks for the info user

>Dude why is Luke Skywalker fighting the empire

Ghaul's a traitorous shitbag.

I did desperately try to hit the abort post button when I noticed my mistake, but I was a moment too late.
It's 2:30 am and I'm tired.

I thought Ghaul was the Emperor?

Agreed. Such a waste.

He's just the leader of the red legion

Ghaul is the Dominus of the Red Legion. He's a usurper.

How long is the raid? How tough is it compared to Oryx?

Why are my teammates fucking retarded in the Crucible

They follow your lead

because i'm one of them


I'm throwing on purpose because it makes you mad, fuck you

But it's quickplay

I can't remember if this was explained in the story or if you would have to have read the special edition letter thing from Calus to know this.

I want to see some proper hive architecture again

The bottom pic is more recent. Did bungie downgrade the lighting or something?

post exo

jokes on you fag i'm only here for the milestone

Anyone wanna do some shit on Xbone?
Nightfall, PvP, I'm easy

The game thought your second exo was shit and tuned the graphics down

Put Tarnished Copper on mine. Something about it just works really well imo

forgot pic

that's a clever way to avoid telling me that you like my first exo

fastest way to lvl 20 if I don't feel like finishing the campaign?

Time of day? That looks in-engine so

Your going to have to do weekly night fall and crucible quest. You can raid too. Welcome to end game content.

Cool GT

Patrols and Public Events

Silly Biscit

Time of day changes in cutscenes? I figured it would just be set, the scene made a lot more sense in blue light.

Ghauls a military leader that some shithead scholar raised to usurp the monarchy and siez control of the empire. They exiled Callus instead of killing him because he's a cool guy. Not all Cabal are behind the coup either. All the Legions we fight in D1 on Mars and the Dreadnaught are #notmyemperor and are resisting the Red Legion atm.

Top scene = Night
Bottom scene = Day

Outside of like two cinematic scenes, everything else is done in-engine. As long as its in-engine its real time and it uses current world data.

dont you need the campaign to unlock shit like crucible and strikes and also get away from the farm

You're fucking yourself over by not finishing it, it locks you out of some things until you beat it.

The cabal on mars are against the emperor so does that mean there was a different leader before they were sent to mars? Amd didn't they call the emperor for help?

No, those are loyalist forces fighting against the Red Legion.


Is this game worth buying if I dont have friends to play with.

You have us

If you are willing to make some friends to play it, sure.
You can solo most of the content, but it's really better to play with some chill duderinios.

I see. thought I could skip it on my 2nd character

Play with /dg/

Anybody down for a comfy trials run? Will go ahead and try hard later

If you're willing and able to play with a bunch of strangers from these threads to do the raid, trials, and nightfalls then yes. Or if you don't care about any of that and just like regular Crucible and solo missions then also maybe yes. But the game is definitely built around playing with others for the most part so if you don't feel comfortable making new friends, you may not be sticking with it for long.

Thanks for the honesty, this game probably isnt for me. I do like playing with Veeky Forums, I just don't feel like that type of game currently.

You'll need a team to do a lot of the endgame content.

There are (beta) systems in place to provide matchmaking for things like Raids and Nightfalls but I can't see those things working too well. Raids require a lot of communication and you're just not going to get that with random people.

There are loads of relatively chill people here that you can play with though, teams get formed for shit constantly.

The Red Legion takeover was recently. Callus is their true emperor.

>tfw you're afraid to play with /dg/

do you ever get to actually see your exo's mouth light color outside of the character creator?

crucible is trash and gives you the same rewards for a loss as a win, and nearly everything else can be done with retards. Aside from the raid, you can be pretty incompetent and noone will care.

Is collectors or pass version worth it? Also why is it called pre-purchase, you can already play can't you?