What are the psychological roots of antisemitism?

What are the psychological roots of antisemitism?

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jews always rich smart closeknit and ethnocentric people no likey

European relations with jews consisted of using them as personal income for the monarchies of England and Frace

Medieval Rus' prinicipates were a clusterfuck that developed into gunpowder Russia having local regiments periodically burn jewish (and cossack) villages for no reason

Jews were happy merchants (capitalists) and usurers (bankers).

The thing is, the white man knew these things were bad, but coveted them instead of getting rid of them. So instead of blaming capitalism, they made it a racial issue blamed it on their Jewishness, hoping they could replace the Jews in their positions of privilege.


Jews practiced lending at interest when most of the civilized world (Romans, Greeks, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, early Christians, Persians etc.) saw it as an abhorrent practice.

>Jews were happy merchants (capitalists) and usurers (bankers).
The thing is, the white man knew these things were bad, but coveted them instead of getting rid of them

Many Christians did moneylending, interest and trading companies, while not as common as gunpowder Europe It'd be denying a major reality to say the tens of thousands of clergy and royalty didn't engage in complicated finance


T. (((JIDF)))

>having relative calm thread

>posts this

At least wait, everyone's being civilized for now

Why do all leftypol SJWs have this in common?


>Christianity and Judaism generally ban usury, but allow usury towards heretics. Thus Christians could lend to Jews and vice versa. The only real necessity for a young man who desired a future in the financial world of the Middle Ages was the ability to read and write; the methods used for bookkeeping were carefully kept within families and slowly spread along trade routes. Therefore, this knowledge was available most readily to Jesuits and Jews, who consequently played a major role in European finance. Generally the Jesuits took the role of go-between with heads of state, while the Jews manned the low-end pawnshops.

Let me rephrase the question:

Why are antisemites so passionate in their hatred?

They hoard money, have Semitic features and more than likely spoke a different language. In almost every country in Europe they were the only people who could be considered "outsiders".

The psychological roots of antisemitism is the Semitic psyche.

Anti-Semitism is a perfectly rational response to pathological Jewish hatred of gentiles.

SJWs hate /leftypol/

>jews are evil because look at these things some literally whos said

Jew are rich, powerul and influent in any field that matter.
Besides that they resent the West and think they are god chosen people.
One can only wonder why they are despised..

>literally whos

No, almost all of them!

As a former /pol/tard who has renounced his racist ways (or at least makes an effort to be less racist) I still retain my prejudices towards Jews
We see them as vile people use manipulate whatever country they are in
I don't really want to get into it but I think the evidence is out there
That being said I know not all of them are bad bla bla bla whatever

>What are the psychological roots of antisemitism?
"white man syndrome", as in feeling inferior towards the chosen children of avraham avinu so out of jealousy they do what any primitive species does when not understanding or thinking irrational.

Knowledge of their History and writings mostly.

A few reasons.

a) Jewry is inherently contrary to Christendom.
b) Only Christians could become Lords in Europe, which caused Jews to attempt to get power in other ways, usually as bankers and merchants.
c) As feudalism fell, Capitalism rose and those with the most money had power. Some Jews who did (b) were more wealthy than the former lords (and in some cases were more wealthy than the lords during feudal times). This made Christians pissed because some non-Christians were now in power.
d) Some jews who didn't do (b) were attracted to communism
e) Communism as existed during that time is inherently contrary to Western culture.

Probably missing some stuff.

Actual experience with Jews

SJWs are leftypol

So would it be safe to look at it as the NSDAP did, a nation within a nation? Basically a separate group of people that either had power or wanted to dismantle power within nation, thous undermining it.

Jews created communism, capitalism and feminism

I recall a prominent Jewish thinker saying something about how Jews shouldn't save Gentiles if they're drowning
can't recall who said it though, some rabbi from around the 13th century I think

has to be a reason they've been almost universally 'despised' through history

I have never heard the term "nation within a nation." With that said, Christians obviously have some good reasons to be salty towards Jews. But the way Hitler handled the situation was pretty retarded and cowardly. So I don't think it would be "safe" to have the same outlook as the Nazi party.


Also, Engels wasn't a Jew and he probably had more to do with the creation of Communism than Marx (he not only co-authored but also funded all of Marx's work).

And feminism is not even an ideology, just an umbrella term.

Wow I'm so shocked that the thread became a pure /pol/ thread.

>why do I notice that normal people use the most popular products in their field
Is this the worst ad hominem ever?

I don't mean to have the exact same outlook as them to the extact point, I meant as in looking at them as a foreign nation having their own interest, rather it be for better or wose of the host country. Mein Kampf had mentioned it, I believe, but I first read it in 100 Questions for Fascist were Mosley qouted Goebbels as saying it.

no actual source for him saying that

someone said that SOMEONE SAID he said that

Such is life in Poltardistan

>jews made capitalism

I mean... if you're retarded and only know history through pol jpgs maybe that makes sense

Xenophobia and the truth behind christianity and islam. People fear their culture is being threatened.

I don't think the points I brought up can answer this question. I would suggest trying to understand the Jewish perspective before trying to reach an answer. It very well may be the case that Jews thought of themselves as Germans before Jews.

>and the truth behind christianity and islam.

Any recommendations on understanding the Jewish prospective? I only wouldn't know where to start.

Jewish conservatives (aka most jews in Deutschereich and Osterreich) circa 1920-

No idea. This is no doubt a very hefty thing to do; you're only going to succeed if you're immensely interested in the subject and willing to devote a lot of time to reading. My plan of attack would be to check out an institution's Jewish Studies program, whether that means taking a class or getting a reading list. From there you'll likely know enough to know where to go.

The answer is in the psyche of the Jew.

Will do - thanks.

Cheers. Also talk to a professor if you can.

You want reason and evidence? You must be a (((Juden)))

Jews are lying thieving animals and have been forever. They are almost as bad as cumskins.

Fear of otherness, it's as simple as that.

Jews are historically so spread out that they always end up the "other", eventually the label follows them.

>almost all of them!

Mostly heresy on the churches part, not believing Christ was the son of god, etc.


Pick one, /pol/yp

>Jews created capitalism
>this is what /pol/ believes

>jews created feminism

Mary Wollstonecraft was not a jew, Maud Pember Reeves was not a jew, and Emmeline Pankhurst was not a Jew.

But then again, I bet you've never even heard of them.

>muh infographs

Jesus christ, you stormfags are fucking retarded

Non-meme answer:

They dressed differently, they kept to themselves, they didn't mingle with the others, they had different language and religion. Tl;dr they didn't assimilate into the majority, so that made them hated.

For me it is multiple things.

1. Jewish involvement in US politics which has led to numerous wars in the Middle East and hundreds billions sent to Israel to prop up their military
2. Jewish involvement in Communism and Civil Rights in America which was done in a volatile manner which has only caused strife and exacerbated racial tensions
3. Jewish involvement in banking institutions which have preyed on America and as they were proved in 2008 are "too big to fail".

I hate to sound /pol/, but this is a repetitive theme throughout history

Anti semitism is a natural rational response to jewish behavour.

>U r just jealous because jews are rich ooga booga

Other successful minorities have not been persecuted with such force throughout history. Indian Americans are the richest ethnic group in but there are not "conspiracy theories" about them. People dislike them because they are smelly and steal good jobs from White people but nobody is accusing them of anything neferious.

Lefty/pol/ cucks love George Soros because he fights against "islamophobia" and helps the "refugees".


xenophobia is basically omnipresent nigga

Inferiority complex over middleman minorities and hopping from ice flow to ice flow

>they keep to themselves
>they integrate too well

The only instrument than can integrate these two mutually exclusive ideas is a gun.


>posting a pick of war cucks

Jews are very anti-majority since as minorities themselves pluralism is self-serving and flaunt the fact through not assimilating. This complex creates disdain among those who invited them.

It's more accurate to speak of multiple antisemitisms, each with different causes and manifestations.

There's religious antisemitism, based on the religious differences between Jews and the societies in which they live. In this system, the ultimate goal is the conversion of Jews to the mainstream religion, and most discrimination ends upon this taking place. Some independent cultural traditions may remain, but these will eventually be abandoned along with the religion.

There is cultural antisemitism, which is based on cultural differences between Jews and the mainstream population. It takes on a similar form to most anti-immigrant persecution, and is focused around ensuring Jews become part of the majority culture (talking, dressing, and acting like members of the majority). Conversion to the mainstream religion is not necessarily required; however, the differences in habit that are required to join mainstream culture typically result in non-compliance with some, if not most, aspects of Jewish law. This form of discrimination was what Reform Judaism was intended to combat.

Finally, there is racial antisemitism. This is hatred of Jews based on supposed racial inferiority. Conversion to the mainstream religion or culture is not an option - this form demands that Jews be either expelled or murdered en masse.

These forms of discrimination can exist independently of each other, but they generally coexist.

Contributing factors to these forms of antisemitism include the tight-knit and insular nature of Jewish communities, the idea that Jews have a pathological hatred of other religions/cultures/races, and the fact that Jews always seem to outperform other ethnic groups in most white-collar professions, even if severe legal restrictions exist for the purpose of preventing it.


Jews have been persecuted like no other group of people that's true, but the only common denominator for anti-Semitism I can ever encounter are jews themselves, they have been expelled/prosecuted from Alexandria to, Naples Bavaria, France, Russia, etc. From thousands of years through, many kinds of people and believe systems, and all came to the same conclusion, persecute jews.

Which made me remember that old saying, if you encounter one or two assholes in a day, it just means you encountered two assholes, but if everyone you ever meet is an asshole, maybe the asshole is someone else...

You mean all those people in the post above yours? Oh, no, right, you mean literally whos that only other basement fascists can identify.

You're telling me that a group of outsiders with a different religion, culture, and race than the mainstream population is persecuted? Color me shocked.

In all seriousness, Europeans actually did the most to promote the aspects of Jewish culture that they hate the most (insularity and suspicion of outsiders) because they did nothing but shit on them for 2000 years straight and the Jews elected to band together to survive. Even the Jews that attempted to integrate generally got shit on anyway because more than one anti-Semitic framework was operating at once (see: new Christians in Spain). It's simply unfair to blame Jews in this case.

Tell me more. This should be hilarious.

>how do I find out what most Jews think?

>go look at the writing of a few of the most conservative ones from Germany in the 1920s.
This answer given without irony.

>I hate to sound /pol/

Wow so convincing.

The crimes committed against the American and Middle Eastern peoples will berepaid

Jews are not the only population to be alien to the native population though, massive emigration between nations and civilizations have occurred throughout history between all races and believes. Yet none has ever been persecuted like jews. And I think you got something right, jews are to hermetic and secluded as in a group of people or religion, that's a big reason why jews get alienated, because they never integrate into a society, they just make their own group for people like them.

As it stands and we have seen in history in every nation that jews have been welcomed with open arms after a few generations is when anti-Semitism appears.

Cause and effect.

>meanwhile the jains were literally happy merchants with a healthy dose of autism that engaged in moneylending and were well integrated in india.

Mostly the fact that they support any political or ideological grouping that harms the main, often native, grouping in a country where they reside because they ultimately view themselves as permanent outsiders.

How dare you say jews are the problem you fucking Nazis, obviously everyone but the jews are evil.

Leftypol BTFO

> What are the psychological roots of antisemitism?

Genius, intelligence, and critical thinking to name a few.

I swear these useful idiots. Soros is a native Esperanto speaker, as was his father. The name Soros is Esperanto. His whole family ascribes to the Tikkun Olam philosophy which finds all distinctiveness, culture, and self-enterprise of the nations offensive and seeks their destruction, much akin to Communism. The more you learn about Jewish history and philosophy the more you see the repetitive themes.