So their Human Geo series was taken down for taking liberties with some facts and presenting opinions as factual while dismissing entire concepts.
Why is Crash Course overall so terrible?
So their Human Geo series was taken down for taking liberties with some facts and presenting opinions as factual while dismissing entire concepts.
Why is Crash Course overall so terrible?
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He has a pretty big agenda he tries to get across. The good thing is that it's really obvious so you only take certain things seriously. I've used his videos once in a while to teach certain things but I usually get my students to spot his bias and supplement the opposing arguments myself.
I'm teaching freshmen in high school for the first time (APWH), and I've been showing them this on the rec of the dept chair, and I've had to pause many times to clarify flat out inaccuracies. It's really bad.
Yeah but kids love visuals and they love to think they're smarter than others so when they correct him they get hyped.
Is there a reupload anywhere? I found a Sargon of Akkad video about it but i dont want to sit through his commentary.
money is more important than truth, and sob stories get views
>watch the first human geography video
>actually argues that environmental determinism is racist
>lumps Jared Diamond, sworn enemy of /pol/, in with it
This wasn't even agenda-pushing, it was so dumb it's actually impressive.
My gen-ed English professor (or maybe just lecturer, I don't know how it works) showed segments of a couple Crash Course history videos to the class, and even she thought it was obnoxious.
>this machine kills fascists
lol what a faggot
Environmental determinism is racist tho. The environment is where racists have always said races come from. Blood and Soil. It's evolution, baby. (((Retard Diamond))) just stops short of saying that the environment actually has any kind of influence on genes.
His Alexander the Great video was execrable. That was all I needed to see, frankly.
The common interpretation of environmental determinism is that, given equal intelligence, sociability, time preference, etc., the environment determines how advanced a society can become; the argument of GG&S is basically that Africa is backwards not because lol niggers but because Europe better facilitated human development. It is the exact argument you would use to explain racial and regional disparities without biology, and that Crash Course failed to see this is astounding.
That environment determines race makes sense, of course, but if you're gonna argue a view for political reasons do it right.
Does it really matter why niggers are dumb? It's not changing any time soon regardless.
But putting that statement on an Apple laptop?
That Apple laptop was designed by anti-fascist hipster fighters just like our friend JG and made by proletarian minorities in Indonesia, it's anti-fascist as fuck.
They are prevented from presenting wide swaths of their subject matter, on account of their main priority being indoctrination and perspective enforcement (think of the prisoners in the cave). Of course such a worldview would be skewed, they would prefer children think a certain shallow way about history than actually teach them more of the subject.
Which is the most blatant video?
le mongols
I don't even show the Gov series to my seniors because the not-John Green guy is really irritating. It's not so much an agenda issue as much as it's an issue of it being obnoxious and almost condescending. I can tell my seniors weren't digging it so I stopped after week two.
Anyone got a link to this video? I wanna see how bad it is for myself.
I actually thought it wasn't as bad as the history series.
two words
American education
>just checked
>they actually took down their human geo series
Thank God I was thinking they wouldnt, and would just carry on like it never happened. That video was horrible.
Personally I love crash course.
It been taken down, however, the best i can do is link you a video of sargon going bit by bit destroying it.
The problem was that it was horribly biased. At least the history series wasnt biased towards something (that i could tell of)
They had no standing ground to refute Environmental Determinism and just ran with "Its racist, le nazi's, my friend hank green said a think onces tahts unrelated, its eurocentric"
and the best part is that it was none of those thinks YAY
I personally disliked him from the second he got the facts on the French Revolution wrong.
Even my history teacher, "yeah nah, that's a load of shit" and would then pause the video and give us the run down.... God I miss him so much
Jared Diamond is pretty much a racist though? He's written racial screeds in favor of both Polynese islanders and Jews before in Nature.
Either the Haitian Revolution (no mention of the genocide, trying to claim it was more important/influential than the American Revolution) or the Dark Ages (Europeans were retards, not like the glorious muslims).
There's also the Alexander the Great one where he just keeps talking about Kim Kardashian and about how "the Great" is sexist because "it's never used for women".
>be in lecture
>1st day of school
>teacher decides to show us videos that have to do with history
>he closes the video 6 minutes in and says the guy doesnt know what hes talking about
>watch The odyssey(1997) instead
Good times
He even brought up Catherine the Great in the video and said she "didn't count" without explaining why. I legitimately don't understand why people take him seriously at all.
He got btfo for that video, anyone got the pastebin?
>Alexander the Great
>Catherine the Great
How many other "the Greats" are there in common knowledge? I know there are a lot of them in history, but it genuinely seems like they're the only two they get consistently addressed as such.
I mean, there's Fredrick the Great and Alfred the Great, but they're really only known about in their home countries.
Peter the Great
>spends more time arguing he's not great and apologises to women for not being recognized (despite Catherine the Great)
I agree
>Romans killed Jesus and the Jews are completely innocent
The Christianity CC
It depends on where you grow up. In England they learn about Alfred the Great but most Americans don't know who he is. I'd wager most European former-kingdoms probably have at least one monarch they refer to as "the Great" that nobody else does.
There are similar monikers, such as Sun King and Lawgiver, which I think should be counted.
Black iq in america has only increased if you cherry pick data.
Immigrants in britain are necessarily cherry picked.
African iq of course is going to go up but not that much.
Pompey the Great even if it was supposed to be a joke
Charlemagne is so great it became part of his name and people don't know he's the Great.
In a nutshell
>geographic determinism is shit, culture is where it's at
>despite culture itself being influenced by geography
>geographic determinism is racist
>despite that her statements are racist to all races, because they imply that everyone is inferior to whites, and that whites are evil.
Not sure if she's one of them meme genders, but she's pretty ugly. Anyway.
How high is she on radical progressivism? Notice i don't say marxism, because she's clearly one of those hippie capitalists.
now I want to see it even more. Is there really no source except some youtube re: ranting?
>2. I think people aren’t used to seeing young women as credible sources of information, even when they are.
Fuck off. This is the most bullshit thing I've ever heard. If Skrillex had made a good argument, less people would have disagreed. But she didn't. She glossed over opposing arguments, if she didn't ignore them entirely. Her argument against Geographical Determinism was
"It's RAYCISS!!"
That's a cop-out answer and just as full of crap as the rest of Crash Course.
>This machine kills facists
I never get this, out of all the political idealogies it's one of the least subcribed to today. Theres nothing left to kill.
Can someone explain geographical determinism to me and why it MIGHT be considered racist.
No meme answers pls
>seeing young women as credible sources of information
Or you know, using these sources in manipulative and wrong manner might have something to do with it.
Basically, the environment in which a society develops determines their levels of success. Diamond basically argues that because Europe was fertile, geographically diverse and just hard enough to live in that it encouraged development.
Because of these factors Europeans quickly developed technology and society when other cultures didn't. There are faults in the argument, but none that Skrillex brought up.
People call is racist because the argument boils do to: Europeans are best because they had the best environment, not because there's anything inherently better about Europeans and any culture placed in that same environment would excel too.
You might notice that's actually pretty anti-racist because it's saying Africans would have been on top if Africa was more like Europe. Skrillex calls it racist because the people who adopted this argument were all white Europeans and therefore automatically racist. You can see the broken logic already.
Oh ok. That's what struck me as odd mainly, I thought it meant that the environment heavily influences a civilisation's direction, but as you said, that seems to lead to anti-racist conclusion.
It's a guitar meme
He wishes his computer was cool like a guitar
>This machine argues with people on the internet I have decided to call fascists.
CC humanities are all awful except maybe goverment as Wheezy was pretty unbiased and Philosophy which is run by hank who is at equally liberal as john has never let that slip when educating
CC Sciences on the other hand is pretty great resource for students and will curious kids to expand their knowledge.
anywhere where I can find those original episodes that were released? please?
Would it be a good idea to limit the study of history and humanities to men since women are such cunts?
Also Akbar the great, or in other words "The Great The Great"
Sargon of Akkad (the YouTube channel) made a response to episode 1 where the entire episode is played
>giving sargon views
>Sargon of Akkad (the YouTube channel)
Geo is retarded but Akkad is fedora wearing, mountain dewritos vaping mouth breather.
you asked me where you could view the episode and I answered
if you had all these extra qualifications that my answer needed to meet, then you should state them up front, you retarded faggot
using 9gag meme arrows after I answered is such a bitchy and snarky way to communicate, you absolute autist
Wasn't even the guy asking.
Good to know I enraged another one of sargon's autistic fans though!
This was the first video of his I've seen but I've got the same impression. Is he any notorious around here?
he compares himself to Socrates for daring to oppose SJWs and Leftists
he also quotes Orwell and uses a Semitic conqueror as an avatar, while being a soft, chubby Anglo, complaining about things online
>The good thing is that it's really obvious
It's only obvious to the redpilled
i was reading the comments in the sargon of akkad response video and most of the comments were "boy I'm glad they removed this video, their videos are always great but this one was really bad, thank you for pointing it out sargon of akkad, now please let me suck you off"
why not that much?
>Liberals think being Eurocentric is a bad thing
>Even though essentially everything after the dark ages was determined by European powers
It's not racism, it's history. Anything happening at other parts of the world at that time are interesting side facts, they are not important. The Chinese may have had coal pipelines way back when, but the Euros invented the steam engine. The Indians invented numbers, but the Euros invented calculus.
If John Green wants to rewrite history to make it seem like Europe wasn't demonstrably the only important thing up until the 1800s, that's his own white guilt complex problem, not anyone elses
I hear a lot of people hate on the philosophy ones, I get that they don't really go in-depth and gloss over shit but could someone less pleb than me explain why they're dumb?
It's very hard to succinctly sum up or explain most philosophical ideas and concepts to the extent that you can make a crash course video on it, it suffers from the same issue as the school of life's quick philosophy vids in that it sacrifices depth and accuracy for simplicity
Fair enough, I just vaguely got the impression it had some equivalent of "Alexander the Great is sexist."
All Persian kings have themselves the epithet "the Great," which is why Alexander took it himself when he conquered the Achaemenids, to legitimize himself as a Persian emperor.
A huge problem with Eurocentricism is that it creates people who analyse places outside of Europe (and places before the concept of Europe existed) with the same mindset as the one they were using to analyse Europe.
There's nothing wrong with having a preference for a certain time or place of history, or making a justified and well-reasoned argument for it being more important, but Eurocentricism is something to keep in mind when looking at other regions.
I think it's worth mentioning though that the middle east and Asia were extremely important in history. You can write off pre-'dark age' stuff all you want, but historians hold the ancient and medieval periods in high esteem.
Calling geographical determinism eurocentric because it explains why Europeans were dominant is absolutely retarded but so was your comment.
Plenty of events in other parts of the world happened independent of European influence despite occurring during times of European dominance. If that's what you're studying they're hardly "side facts".
Wait what? Wasn't Pilate going to let Jesus live until the Jews started going "OY GEVALT YA BETTA BE A GOOD GOY OTHAWISE THEAH'S GONNA BE TROUBLE"? Given the history Jewish revolt and terrorism in Roman-controlled Judea I can see why that'd be a pretty convincing argument.
>love woodie guthries music
>turns out he was a hardcore gommie
Feels bad man
So Veeky Forums is on Jared's side after all
>GGS ftw!
Diamond's thesis of Geographical Determinism is so broken and illogical that most historians don't even take it serious
Why is everyone so fucking obsessed with pushing a narrative? What the fuck happened to just making history interesting?
Because the Romans were known for caving to bullying.
Cyrus the Great
the goodest goy
Everyone that's actually interested in making a good and fair history webseries is wasting their time shitposting instead
>Fredrick the Great
>Peter the Great
>Cyrus the Great for those normies that know about BC history
I'd say 1/6th is a pretty good representation tbqh. It's not like EVERY good male ruler gets called "the Great". There hasn't been an English king who got called "the Great" since the 800s.