League of legends general /lolg/

Best murderfu! :3

First for nothing

Diana a shit
post Spooky (also trist



Kled is the cutest yordle and my boyfriend!
Ziggs is the second cutest yordle and Rumble's boyfriend!

I wanna cuddle Jinx

xth for Syndra


zth for assassinbabs are way too strong

>yordlefucker calling someone else's waifu shit

Oh the irony

my phallus belongs to whatever it wants

Is that why you refuse to play veigar?

YES he needs somebody to love and cherish him alongside him

She's a yordelfucker

What skin should I make? I already have skins for Sej, Fiora, Karma and almost every TF skin.

It's okay! Teemo's got him.

How to fix Lol's meta in easy steps.

>Nerf Mana Regen
>Increase costs of Heals and Shields

>Make IE and Essence reaver cost more.
>Make Shiv and Handcannon share uniques.
>Make Mercurial make the target immune to CC for 2 seconds.
>Remove % based defence from Phantom Dancer, give it an immunity like Zhonya's

>Increase the cost of MR and Armor values by about 20%
>Increase the health on items by about 20%

>AP cost value increased by 20%
>MR pen value decreased by 50%
>Flat MR pen also added to Void Staff.

There, now the Hyperdamage nonsense is nerfed, but the defensive abilites of ADC's is increased, and the game right now is slowed down to allower longer early and mid games. Shield stacking is super costly and Mana issues would be a problem for those kind of supports.

Mages can build quick items to try and chunk tanks easier, but pure AP is more expensive.

Tank items nerfed, but Health increased ( though not without the cost of the health on items also going up ) to compensate.

It's easier to chew through 10k health with 100 armor and MR than it is to chew through 5k HP with 200 armor and MR.

Hire me Riot, I fixed your entire meta without even touching champions.

Braum and Brand skins are cool if you like silly skins

Polymorphed way too early, wait until he tries to TD to squirrel him. Everything else was actually good, maybe buy cloth over boots? Idk if enemy jgler was ad or not.

you can be that one meripu. just play him non-stop and you'll get used to him

PP Fiora for delicious mid-riff, Zombie Brand for the shambling walk, El Tigre Braum is a funny skin in general.


I see thru your ruse, AD assassin main.

Get tired of being shit on by squishies because they know how to position themselves correctly?

it was maokai I think
I struggle with hitting people with my mouse in time

heis just so slow

Should I build tanky items like Titanic and Steraks after finishing TF on Irelia or should I just go the damage route and buy shit like Youmuu's and GA?

I did forget the AD assassins din't I?

I was thinking of just flat turning Lethality back into Armor pen and halfing it.

The idea of "Assassin items" makes me vomit. they should build the standard AD items.

Breaking up synergy of items is a must in Lol.


>grag starts gaining popularity
>riot guts him into the ground instantly


Nice kill, you are actually getting better.

he has splash art that shows smoking

Depends on how fed you are and your role in the game. Do you want to duel and have split push pressure? Go damage. Do you need to frontline and be in teamfights? Tanky.


He's been op for months now

Daily reminder that gragas and naut ruind doran ring for everyone

Ihave so many trash webms

thank god

that one was from late june I think
I just tend to post the ones where I mess up moreso than the ones I do not because those are less funny

Strong yeah, but not OP. Those E changes should be reverted and his ult needs a range nerf instead.

GA is great in general on Irel. Sterak's is kind of situational but potentially really strong with good bonus HP items and TF obviously. Titanic could be overkill if you're buying Sterak's as you need resistances to back your HP up. Basically, Sterak's for teamfight hard diving, GA for the same, Titanic for full Trynd-mode splitting.
Practice mouse accuracy with FPS games. I mean FPS with hitscan though, leading shots on Arma/PUBG/Battlefield won't do much for accuracy unless you want to OTP Xerath to help learn movement patterns.

>meanwhile every AD assassin 1 shots you and peaces out with 0 counterplay

We all know riot loves their assassin babs. They gutted QSS just so Zed couldn't be countered by it.

good league of legends coding time

Do you guys think Riot will ban Tyler1 once he reaches challenger?

>only 11pm burger time
>25 posters

What happened to this general?

Get fucked lol

No, he's reformed now.

they took out Veeky Forums chat


xth for best faction

>Melee mana champs can ignore mana costs entirely
Spell casters without mana are pretty fucking useless though. Unless there was a way to earn mana back such as damaging champions it wont work.

I am not sure I could ever get used to a hitscan game
my very short dabbling into osu was a disaster though


>have to queue support simply because duo queuers who go duo bot feed a majority of the time

Best cuddlers, best hugs!

Level 13 MF versus level 10 Nami with no armor. The MF was prob really fed judging from kill count.

Well, you need to improve mouse accuracy somehow. Misclicks with Lulu polymorph can honestly make or break games. Another option if you're not a pussy is the kid's version of Russian Roulette. You'll improve damn quick to not stab yourself.

every fucking loss ive had its because bot lane was retarded


duskblade is a hell of a drug

joining my university lol team boys
finally made it to the big leagues

Duoing bot lane with someone is probably the fastest way to climb to gold. Games are decided on that 90% of them time. Even queuing support boosts the chances of them not feeding but wont entirely stop them being retarded

saddest post in this thread

your lol life and real life should never cross. if they do, you're officially autistic

landing hooks all day


>waahhh Riot made it too hard to hit my E Gragas is useless now!

>have to queue as support just because I want to prevent monkeys from taking the support role
>also want to play top to prevent children from playing it
This choice really rustles my jimmies.

>Gank the shit out of people as WW
>Go 10/0/1
>Only get 54 cs because the enemy finish early

What if the guys on the team are his friends or maybe he's trying to make friends?


Should have use the crayon version though

>caring about score

wtf I LOVE frog now!!!


Gragas is literally the perma Jungler in high ELO play.

i love butts

We know how jinxfags feel about this but what about the ziggsfags?

And I cannot lie

>Kula clones
Is this League or MUGEN?

>billion dollar company

we out here

Irelia butt> Sona butt. I wonder if Riot's gonna buff Frostbutt's butt in her VGU too.


they're just as mad as jinxfags

>jinx has a string of anal beads up her ass
>ziggs starts pulling it
>the beads were actually grenades and ziggs just pulled the cord

Jinx X Ziggs is best ship

is that top frog or nanny frog?

Very few images but i'm sharing what i got

i got my last s playing top frog

i am invincible! i am unstoppable!

>Not posting the girl with the fattest butt

that's my boy, enjoy your new win lane, lose game champ

So is Ornn useful yet?

Or is he just a poor mans poppy?

please user...

Papa Karthus' confession booth is open.
Confess your League sins, /lolg/.

>poor mans
nigga poppy is cheaper you just a dumbfuck if you picked ornn

ziggs wouldn't die to explosions though, he can use his W for mobility while it damages his enemies.

I play Crit mundo and Crit garen in ranked and win

I think Black Cleaver is just awful on Renekton now

This is all I've got. But I'll be back someday, with more...

i post about how much i love kled everyday on here but i haven't been playing him as much recently
i refuse to play anything but yordle boys but i've been playing lots of poppy too

I have a strong desire to dodge when someone else regardless of side plays my main. She's mine and mine alone no one is allowed to play her in my games but me.

>I wonder if Riot's gonna buff Frostbutt's butt in her VGU too.
Probably give her Dawnbringer Riven hips and ass.

If there are any Yorickfags around, what is he supposed to do during teamfights? He has a lot of %hp damage, so is he supposed to focus frontline? And is it best to use W on your own carry to peel for them, or try to trap the enemy carry?


okay fellow Darius main

>what is he supposed to do during teamfights?

Taking inhibitor.

I love playing immobile champs in this game. It doesn't stop me from playing shit with mobility ala trigger nigger, Zed, Hecarim etc. but my fave champs are just immobile by nature.