Were the Nazis right about the 'Stab-in-the-back' theory? Were Jewish people behind the revolutions in Germany during 1918-1920's? I'm not arguing pro / anti Jew, I'm just curious if this so called myth had an actual merit to it.
Were the Nazis right about the 'Stab-in-the-back' theory...
Yes and no. On the one hand, it's exceptionally unlikely that there was some sinister society of schlomos scheming to bring about the downfall of Germany but on the other hand there were many, many Jews in finance and most prominent communists were also Jewish.
>Were the Nazis right about the 'Stab-in-the-back' theory?
No. Their military had been crushed and was about to collapse by the time the peace treaty was signed.
>Germany went to war against the whole world and lost, surely this is the Jewish people's fault.
>Were the Nazis right about the 'Stab-in-the-back' theory?
No. Not only were the German public starving, the British and French had managed to push the Germans back behind the Hindenburg Line without any American aid. The planned 1919 Summer Offensives would have been made with fresh American troops in force, to say nothing of Italian troops coming through Austria. Germany was going to lose the war. There was nothing they could do about it save for pressing for peace before the same devastation could be visited to German lands.
>without any American aid
>It's a "Europeans-Deny-That-America-Won-Both-World-Wars" Episode.
The stab in the back myth hasn't been a thing since 1930, even then it was easy to tell it was blatant cognitive dissonance and scapegoating for getting BTFO by the allies
Also hard to take anything the idiots said when they started banning books and music because their composers had "jewish wives" or some real asinine shit
>it's exceptionally unlikely that there was some sinister society of schlomos scheming to bring about the downfall of Germany but on the other hand there were many, many Jews in finance and most prominent communists were also Jewish.
What about the following revolution by Marxists in Germany? Many of its leaders were Jewish.
No, I'm being serious. The AEF was not present in large numbers until late in the year. When they planned to go on the offensive, they were going to have as many troops as the French did.
Germany couldn't stop the Entente in 1918. There was no way they could in 1919.
>most prominent communists were also Jewish.
>for a 20 year period
>from 1900-1920
>and never again
>surely the jews are at fault for everything
No, they were not.
Jews are thieving parasites but they did nothing to white people. Fat neo nazis just make up that shit to look like the victim.
The real crime Jewish KHAZARS commited was covering up the fact that the original Israelites were black, not Khazar like modern Jewish rats.
JEws wer't behind the collapse of the German Army and the push for peace.
Jews were behind the Communist Revolutions and the transformation of Wiemar into pure degeneracy.
the 1918 revolution was started by the military, and carried out by the new Weimar president
The few jewish communists protested and yelled, killed no one, and got killed by far right parties and the Weimar center (catholic party)
Rosa Luxemberg died in a fucking month after the revolution started yet she's touted as some evil master jewish conspirator
Tribal cooperation and agreement isn't necessarily a "conspiracy".
Considering the genetic basis for a lot of political opinions, maybe a group of smart people who specialized in areas of the economy with disproportionate influence reached a consensus without any mandatory meeting.
And from the other side that looks like high verbal IQ, with below average mechanical understanding, fucking them over.
And because they are human, they wanted to dominate reality using their strengths. So the polemics and texts telling them about the true forces of the world and their strength would appeal to them, even if they didn't bother doing the mechanical work of seeing how such and such new world order would be implemented.
Yes, they were, communism is a jewish plot
The Spartacist uprising was a tiny part of the German Revolution.
>America was relevant in ww1
>America was relevant in ww2
When will this meme die?
Communism is not a Jewish plot. It is a sickly Albino leftist plot.
the problem is Germans surrendered early, as soon as they had realised they couldnt win the war. When enemy troops had not entered German territory and they still occupied French territory.
Because of that, many Germans didnt feel like they really lost the war, they didnt see French soldiers marching through Berlin, it was easy to make the Germans masses believe they hadnt really lost, that it was all a conspiracy.
It would have been better for Germany to not surrender, and get crushed by the armies of France-America-UK, then there would have been no stabbed-in-the-back legend.
>it's another /pol/ doesn't understand what the German revolution was episode
America was very relevant in both wars. Particularly the African American regiments that get hardly any recognition due to cumskin delusions.
>Melanin Warrior
Oh fuck, it's a genuine shitskin! Do you guys have internet in Africa now or are you an American living off of white inventions?
>ludendorff purposefully spreads the leninist cancer to russia
>the cancer succeeds in taking russia out of the war
>the cancer starts spreading to the german military and civil society
>it must be the jews fault!
I'm an African American.
Also the poverty in Africa is due to Albino colonialism/oppression. The telephone and computer were invented by a black man IIRC.
Wait - so basically the Spartacist uprising split from the SDP for not being Leftist enough?
Okay - so let me get this straight.
SDP lead the revolution, Spartacist split from SDP because they were not Leftist enough, Nationalist groups come and put down the Communist for obvious reasons. But the Spartacist membership did have a good demographic of Jews - so Jews left the left wing party to make a farther left wing party and try to take power, no?
Yeah, thought so. America's a bit mish-mash with it's demographics these days. So what, does the internet come with welfare?
pretty sure melaninwarrior is just trolling /pol/
I'd read an asterix-like comic with this premise.
Let's be honest, he's probably a genuine cuck.
I find it strange no one mentions the fact that the weimar was mainly headed and developed by jews and that jew treaty signers cucked germany way more than they should've been after ww1
Yes, but the Spartacists were a VERY small minority that got put down with ease. They were put down in like February 1919 by the SDP-backed Weimar government. /pol/ tries to pretend that they were the driving force of the 1918 Revolution instead of the Kaiserlichmarine, not a minority workers uprising that didn't spread beyond Berlin and didn't last longer than two weeks.
I'm a university student you ignorant ass white fuck. Typical arrogant ass Albino thinking every black person is poor.
I agree with them ideologically but fat white nerds make a joke out of fascism. Also Albinos are the true subhumans.
They split before, in 1914, and mainly due to their opposition to war:
>Luxemburg and Liebknecht—the son of SPD founder Wilhelm Liebknecht—became prominent members of the left-wing faction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). They moved to found an independent organization after the SPD supported Imperial Germany's declaration of war on the Russian Empire in 1914 at the start of World War I. Besides their opposition to what they saw as an imperialist war, Luxemburg and Liebknecht maintained the need for revolutionary methods, in contrast to the leadership of the SPD, who participated in the parliamentary process. The two were imprisoned from 1916 until 1918 for their roles in helping to organize a public demonstration in Berlin against German involvement in the war.
A university student, holy shit! You guys really are catching up with the first world. Just think, in a few years you might even have your first job. Proud of you bro. Guess some guys do make it out of the hood.
So basically the Communist tried to pull a November Revolution by letting the sides battle it out and then swoop in to take power, expect this time the Nationalist actually put them down, correct?
...it's because of them having to surrender early like that, with the press in Germany calling for surrender and the war to end thus lowering morale, when the press was owned in large part by Jewish people is why this myth came about
That is big reason why Hitler justified taking over all press and why Nazis would not allow anything less than fanaticism at end of WWII when they were beyond fucked
Let me make clear, I hate Nazis very much and think they are vile scume, but you are somewhat misrepresenting how myth came about
>Considering the genetic basis for a lot of political opinions
The Entante should not have accepted German surrender, but instead occupied all of Germany and split it up into protectorates.
>/pol/ writes that it was all Jews in a stupid, brief, meme image, then months later after that some underage newfriend or troll posts it on here
>butthurt Veeky Forumstrionics attack him for saying it was all Jews and take everything at face value
I remember that thread, the guy is one hundred percent right, but very snippy in his presentation and sounded a bit butthurt. That thread was probably bait and all the idiots in that thread willingly fell for it.
All of Veeky Forums has always been bait. Veeky Forums has so much bait. This thread is probably bait too.
Kinda, some of them were reformists.
What? It was the Kaiser propaganda that convinced the Germans that they were winning, nobody was starving and everything was cool
Wait - so is that why the NSDAP hated Jews? A civil war breaks out were Germans fight each other; only in the end of the blood shed, Communist, who are quite demographicly Jewish, try to do a small communist take over which would desolve germanys borders, which was what parties were trying to prevent in the wrapping up of the Great War. Correct, no?
Not correct at all. The SDP was lead by Jews too.
It's a bit more complex than that. At first Hitler didn't even hate Jews that much. His main enemy were "the Marxists" (every left wing party - from social democrats to communists). Only later he started to identify Marxism with Jews.
>take over which would desolve germanys borders
They were trying to liberate the German people. Labor laws during the imperial era were terrible. German workers of all backgrounds were being exploited by the empire and the bourgeoisie who ran it. They wanted a free and fair society where all people could live fulfilling and prosperous lives, not just the wealthy.
>Yes and no. On the one hand,
I remember Mosley had stated Hitler's hate for Jews was them being "a nation within a nation," but could you elaborate to what lead them to hate the Jews? It can not be as simple as 'they needed a scapegoat,' or 'because they were just naturally racist,' because the Marxist themselves would have been a big enough reason to go to war and they could have recruited Jews to be artillery bait.
Catholics supported the revolution that overthrew the Kaiser and established the Weimar Republic and it was a catholic politician who signed the armistice for Germany. The majority of the Reichstag during the Weimar period was non-jewish as well. Stop pulling facts of your ass.
>They were trying to liberate the German people.
Like they "liberated" Hungary under Kohn and Rakosi, murdering natives whenever it benefited their own?
>what lead them to hate the Jews?
For Hitler it was probably the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
Who's second in command was a German Catholic.
What about for the German people?
>the actions of jew X gives us information about the intentions of completely unrelated jew Y
Good to see the /pol/tard theory of the Single Consciousness of the jews is still strong.
Are you illiterate?
The german people voted the communists/socialists over the nazis in every free election, even though they were part of a jewish plot according to the nazis.
>you can't draw parallels between contemporary Central European Jewish Communists who both revolted around the same time and used the same rethoric, that's conspiratorial thinking!
Most of them didn't care. They disliked the Jews (like almost everyone else) but they didn't want to exterminate them.
Source? I thought the NSDAP came to power democratically because they failed a takeover in the Beerhall.
SPD - 29,8%
KPD - 10,6%
NSDAP - 2,6%
I already disproved this in another thread, hows South Africa right now?
>I disproved this!
>t-take my word for it, SJWs! You lost!
They hated Jews because Jews are smarter and white people couldn't handle it. They claimed the Jews were genociding them when the JEws were really genociding blacks.
Typical white kid persecution complex. They genocide and entire race and fabricate the history of the world then cry oppression.
Nice cherrypicking there. You're just a nice little Jew lie machine
So, it would be safe to say they disliked the Jews for 1. leading prominent Marxist revolutions/uprisings in Europe (i.g. Spartacists, November and October Revolutions) which would lead to a supposed German identity lose and 2. being "a nation within a nation," as they said?
Yes, drawing parallels between communists that critiqued lenin for being too authoritarian and a fanatical stalinist is retarded, and them being jewish and central europeans is completely irrelevant. And yes, it is conspirational thinking, a rational counterargument would be to provide evidence that the kpd had the intentions you ascribe them at the time, for example by quoting their works or proving contradicting actions. A counterargument based on future events breaks causality, and an argument based on their origin is just collectivist irrationality.
>march 1933 elections
Germany lost the war by itself, but many Jews did attempt to take advantage of it in order to establish a Bolshevik revolutionary regime over the German people.
They did the same in Hungary, where many of the followers of communist revolutionary Bela Kun, as Bela Kun himself, were Jewish.
>They're only free when the people I like win
Spoken like a true Jewish Bolshevik.
>muh jooish bogeyman
You know you folks are a living caricature right?
Not free elections and it was after 1929. Without the Great Depression there would be no Nazi Germany. 1928 election proves that most Germans didn't care about their crazy anti-semitic ideology.
>being "a nation within a nation," as they said?
A lot of German Jews were actually assimilated.
Because the image has only 2 points- 1. It states that the image isn't on the wiki. The funny thing is it was at one time- until someone edited it.
2. That image doesn't even argue against the Jews being prominent, it only states that Zeitkin wasn't Jewish and then asks why some of the German leadership wasn't included. It uses a bunch of red lines for no reason around the names or origins as if it is debunking something, so the anyone at a glance would think it debunks the image when in fact it does nothing. It's sly and disingenuous and exactly the kind of cherrypicking a revisionism I would expect.
No, they're free when they are free.
>The election took place after the Nazi seizure of power of 30 January, when President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor. The latter immediately urged the dissolution of the Reichstag and the calling of new elections. In early February, the Nazis "unleashed a campaign of violence and terror that dwarfed anything seen so far." Storm troopers began attacking trade union and Communist Party (KPD) offices and the homes of left-wingers.
>In the second half of February, the violence was extended to the Social Democrats, with gangs of brownshirts breaking up Social Democrat meetings and beating up their speakers and audiences. Issues of Social Democratic newspapers were banned. Twenty newspapers of the Centre Party, a party of Catholic Germans, were banned in mid-February for criticizing the new government. Government officials known to be Centre Party supporters were dismissed from their offices, and stormtroopers violently attacked party meetings in Westphalia. Only the Nazis and DNVP were allowed to campaign unmolested.
>Six days before the scheduled election date, the German parliament building was set alight in the Reichstag fire, allegedly by the Dutch Communist Marinus van der Lubbe. This event reduced the popularity of the KPD, and enabled Hitler to persuade President Hindenburg to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree as an emergency decree according to Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. This emergency law removed many civil liberties and allowed the arrest of Ernst Thälmann and 4,000 leaders and members of the KPD shortly before the election, suppressing the Communist vote and consolidating the position of the Nazis.
>many Jews
Communists. They did this because they were communists, not because they were Jews.
Go back to JIDF.org
>/pol/ writes stupid shit about MA JUUUUUUICE, outright lying to support their "point
>gets proven wrong and subsequently BTFO
>"h-he" was merely pretending to be retarded, why are you bothering to disprove "him" ?
Without Jews there would be no communism.
The National Socialists were a reactionary party to the communist threat, not the economic depression. By 1929 Germany's economy was recovering at a faster rate than Great Britain or America. Anti-Semitism isn't crazy either, it recognizes Jewish motivation that runs contra to the nation and it's interests, much like the Jewish push for emigration toward western countries we see today. The pattern from decade to decade is easily recognizable. ,And regarding claims of assimilation- adoption of the language and some cultural aspects isn't considered assimilation. Assimilation requires intermarriage, which even secular Jews were not doing.
[X] Blindly pro-Nazi
[X] Accuses someone of being Jewish
[X] Makes reference to JIDF
Wanna fill any other stereotypes of idiocy?
Nice try JIDF. How about you use facts instead of outright lying?
So why did Germany hate the Jews then? It can't be as simple 'only Hitler hated the Jews and the rest of Germany said 'meh, whatever floats ya boat, Uncle Adolf.' If they were assimilated, why did the Germans sperge out on them?
Yes, you look like you need a shower.
Just like Jewish communists in South Africa targeted Boer civilians because they were the real oppressors unlike the Oppenheimers with their blood diamonds, amirite?
There was no Communist threat in Germany after the Freikorps and the initial revolutions of 1918-1920. The Nazis were literally a populist opportunistic party who flip flopped so many times on ideological standpoints it's hard to say they had any ideas other than grabbing absolute power.
Ha. Once a Jew gets called out for being a JIDF rat they always act like this. They know they've been found out.
Go back to defending Israel on the internet, Chaim. Maybe Goldstein will pay you a few extra shekels this week.
>Without Jews there would be no communism.
It's been said a million times: communism predates marxism, and marx can't be considered a jew in any way except genetically. Doubly wrong.
Countries don't hate people. If you mean, why did the majority of them hate jews, i'll repeat that most of them voted for socialists and communists over nazis during free elections, despite the nazi propaganda.
You folks literally have no arguments and just accuse people of being Jewish, fuck off back to your containment board.
>most Germans didn't care about their crazy anti-semitic ideology.
Little Jew boy mad? lmao. This is how every JIDF shill acts when they get called out.
Go back to JIDF.org kiddo.
You people will twist history in any way to maintain your perspectives and narratives, it's disgusting
>Jewishness isn't genetic, it's a religion!
>Most people voted communist
Keep living the lie.
You basically just described /pol/. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
Shhhh, let them pretend that their religious fervency toward a Jewish created system is anything but. I'm sure it's all either a coincidence or the Jews were oppressed or some other weak talking point.
>democratically elected
Ebin meme
So is your lack of self realization.
>By 1929 Germany's economy was recovering at a faster rate than Great Britain or America
>The National Socialists were a reactionary party to the communist threat, not the economic depression.
You are completely wrong. Why are you lying?
Jealously. Some Jews were very successful and educated. For example a lot of students in fields like medicine and law were Jewish.There were also some prominent Jewish industrialists and artists. Christians didn't like it.
Anti-semitism was common in many countries, but only the Nazis were crazy enough to oppress Jews to this extent.
Just compare the Third Reich with Poland.
So Mao and Che are Jews then?