/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2127


>Recent News
New EX Class: Dancer (Clear Chapter 63 and Job Quest on Chapter 25)
New Characters: SSR Anne, SR Owen
RoB:Virgin Soul BD Cross-Promo Character: SSR Nina Drango (gbf.wiki/Nina_Drango)
New Side Story: Defender's Oath

>Current Events
17M Player Celebration (gbf.wiki/17_Million_Players_Celebration)
Touken Ranbu Collab (gbf.wiki/Katsugeki_Touken_Ranbu:_Fate_Horizon)

>Future Updates/Changes
5* Lennah and 4* Sethlans(Summon)
Main Quest chapters 94-97 being added
Lyria stamps will be next for voices

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - It will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/8 - Lonesome Dragoness
9/9 - 9/14 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 1
9/14 - 9/21 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 2
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War (Wind Favored)
9/30 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Which overlooked SSR/SR is going to be core this GW, or will they pull another halle



i love muscles

>warrior class Djeeta using Katana mainhand


Post 5* never

My wife.

Post your magfest results so far, user.

>have enough crystals to spark
>don't know who to get

God this freaking sucks, who should I get? literally my only good earth char is Herja and I've got no SSR or Titan, should I get chicken?

Wait till water dog comes out and see if you like him/her kit or design


That's still like, 4 more months though
I can just save up for another spark and get the char next year

Do NOT lewd Sara beyond this post.

I've been slacking off.


anyone got the chad titan pic?

It actually exist! I was afraid I would have to grind all 40 relic shards.

2 baal axes and a baal gun so far
I'll have the renown for a third axe right after the reset, I'm at 9450 and fully capped
I've been lazily farming, though

Albert a shit a SHIT

When will someone TL their doujin goddamn

Fuck off, I'll stab you.

Which one? I might if it isn't too difficult.


Botnetcord is DOWN

Don't worry, his SR will get a 5* next year and it will make his SSR obsolete.

It's futa but it'll have to do exhentai.org/g/913262/410ae37b19/

>She doesn't have the self-hosted version of raiders

Albert is a discount out of date Lucio.

And then I just realized I linked the shitty chinese one instead. The digital one is up there too if you don't mind looking for it


>entered 2 Baha raids from the ingame raidfinder
wtf is going on?!



It's fine user, I found it.

He is almost better tho
And Seruel 5* is better than Lucio too

At the anons who joined, you have my gratitude

>ex and 90 fastest teams
siete corn yui
siete lecia helnar
siete nio lecia/siegfried/gawain

there, these will be the optimal teams for earth gw
there will be anti korwa mechanics that don't impede with skorwa and lennah *5 will be useless

dude seriously, im looking for an updated version of this chart.
i'm not stopping til I get it :gun:

>lennah *5
Irrelevant because it'll happen after GW


Birdman and Carm's spears are safe to break since they've got 4* and are still bad, right
Need the spear stones for my earth Romulus Spear


I have it but I'm posting the older one instead

How much attack power do I need for this to hit 30



>best element in the game
>scales to late
Truly strange times

04116F54 bakamut please help!

>that small text on bear

Get in here guys

>Fire still the worst element even a year ago
Honestly, how do you save this shitty element? Xenos and Shiva did jackshit it seems

Vampy is core

Give sticks big backwater and Colo a 4*

Remove it

Power is a fucky metric anyways because you can inflate it with maxed out items with no actual skill bonuses for your team.

Host more guys, I need horn.

Th-thanks for nothing

Does that mean I should disregard it?

Wait a little bit

It slightly means something when you have no pools.

solo co-op doko


Normal baka, get in here guys

Cowfags is recruiting! We are looking for 2 cuties to fill the crew before the GW~

All we ask is that you're:
- Rank 101+ (or close)
- Active in-game and in our discord
- Can handle banter and being bullied
- Must be a fag that loves cows. However, a regular fag is fine too.

Apply now! or not.. : game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/841064

>twitch memes on Veeky Forums

re-evaluate your life decisions. but seriously, why are you so adamant on getting an updated version or not? either

a. You want to do more damage or ticket for performance ala "esports", in which case you should already have enough knowledge to make your own decision or reading comprehensive guides

b. you dont care about performance, and just want cute. In which you dont need a fucking visual guide.

no matter how you look at it, there is no need to follow some stupid picture posted here, new or old.

58C9C0D6 (Lvl 120 Nezha)
Anybody up for a wind urn?

SSR Jin when?

How hard is Nezha HL? My fire grid is pretty shit.

After we get SR Jin for every element.

Just go as HS/Sparta and phalanx at 50%. It's nothing for the rest of the fight.

Easiest 6-man after Apollo.

Thanks, Ruby

I can host 2 more if you want

I would appreciate it. Still need that horn.

It's easier than its normal version.

Wait, I'm in a raid


Anyone actually buy Ultima Cores from the prestige shop?

And no...I won't be killing Ubaha HL anytime soon, I'm pretty new to HL. But they seem like a good investment over the magna weapons.

Unless you're a complete retard like me and get Djeeta killed before that.

yeah, one core every 2 months is a good investment
just buy your XD or auberons with hl points, you don't have to worry about joining ubahahl until 150-180 when you have enough hp to actually survive aoe phase

>they seem like a good investment over the magna weapons
Hell no. You need to wait for an year to make an Ultima weapon purely with prestige points. It's not worth it.

Unless you have a carry for ubakahl then you might as well buy them

JK 467EDD82
bring yourself

Shut the fuck up

Fucking retards

Carry me please, by the way I don't have Thor.

>might as well spend 6 weeks of HL prestige to get 1/12 of what you need
The time you use to buy the chips enough to make a baha + cap up skill is more than enough to get to 155 + farm an HP pool

Are you still there? I can host now

just slimeblast to 200 and get carried by some whales


How do I unlock the blue star uncap for Lecia?

user... I have bad news for you.

Not worth it desu. Just invest on light or any hp oriented setup if you want to try the raid on a later date.

Give her a +

join (You), they claim to carry people in ubaha HL

Speaking of Prestige Pendants. Which one should I buy first or prioritize among the SSR weapons?

Not that user but host it.

Which other crews can do their private UBHL trains? That actually sounds like a decent selling point

ubaha hl is a meme if you aren't getting a red chest