Can we just change this board to /shitcoin/ and make a coin free biz board?

Can we just change this board to /shitcoin/ and make a coin free biz board?
I mean let's be honest.

good fucking god it looks like someone needs a new sphincter

Yes please


been saying that for fucking months user...

>he doesn't know that this board was literally created as a shitcoin containment board.

No. Count the number of non-coin posts on this board. There isn't enough interest.

If you do make one the traders will want a different board from the real estate people who'll want a different board from the business owners.

none of which has enough interest on their own to warrant a board for them. Even all together they have less posts than coins do alone.

I hope so. All the stupid fucking coin shilling threads are ridiculous. I'm an actual business man, not some man child buying living in their mother's basement day trading cryptocoins and shilling them on Veeky Forums. It's pathetic.

>make a coin free biz board?
Veeky Forums was created to take coin threads out of /g/

so, no luck 4 U


And I swear to God the Coiners are an Indian click bait farm just scamming retards. Anyone who mentions ETH should get a PermaBan. I came here to talk about side jobs, real investment, and resumes, not this shit

I do that size on the regular

Before i forget, buy dopecoin

Buy some bitcoin and join in the madness

I'd rather work for my money.

Yes please. Fuck this shit.

Voice your support:

Imagine how good it must have felt after unloading this gargantuan monster

>chinks now so upset altcoins destroying BTC they want Veeky Forums to shut it down

That beast has to be at least 7 courics!

buy eth

Nothing against coiners, but they need a containment board.

Veeky Forums was already a containment board from /g/ but a new board needs to be created for coiners specifically

This board still has value for research purposes, even with all the coin shills



Lets do it