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Reminder that free 5*s were a mistake.



Dori is a-dori-ble!

Draconic Aura or Luna or Moonbow for Elincia?

Of course I post it right at the end of a dead thread...


kill all tripfaggots

Shut up bitch


oh dear... oh no.... mamma mila... Silque has collapsed... she has been looking quite faint recently.... I fear she may be on her last legs.... please... give her peace and quiet or she might not make it, /feg/

Pump and dump both!

Don't be sad Thotja, at least you can actually marry the object of your obsession.

ayo hol up

you be sayin

that bonus characters are being used more than others on arena defense?

Anyone wants a cute bunny?


>mamma mila

Djute is cute and has a little tooth that gets in the way when she's trying to doot with the skelly that toots while guarding the sluice.

Goddammit whales! Two weeks ago it wasn't that hard

Seriously, man. Don't do this to yourself.

People don't hate Lucina, she's a completely inoffensive character. People hate how forced she was being pushed until recently and "Lucinafags" (aka falseflaggers) who constantly shitpost her actual Lucinafags are ok

she is pure

get more Nino, farm

>merged bike
the only stupid person here is you

Lucina is fine. I don't have any strong thoughts about her one way or the other. I hate Chrom though, he's the worst lord IMO

+spd -def or -hp Nino?

I feel guilty because I didn't do sports when I was young.

There are plenty of falseflaggers lately, but actual Lucinafags are still shit, don't lie

Is this your RoRo ?

Pent/Louise grand hero battle/banner when?

No one is pure in Kiran's Askr.
I wonder how soon until the population demands he dies like with Rasputin given the huge influence he has over their royalty and the large number of women he beds.


You have so many strategic options, overpowered items, and the ability to hand-pick hardcounters for every map. It is probably the gamemode that measures actual skill the best. I'm quite convinced that anyone who hates AA is a shitter.

Forgot the bunny.

>no more bonus maps

>Missed out on x4 Legion meme team
a travesty

I hope that you at least can throw a baseball/football. Men who have poor throwing motions are really embarrassing.

About that, user...

>those units and merges
>that low score
It's your own fault.

Green gives me Berukas or reposition and these banners aren't good for rolling green
If that's a melon crusher... I guess

I like to imagine Robin's head is buried between Lyn's legs.

Nope I can't. I'm really clumsy.

Is it worth to sacrifice my shitty +Res-Spd Cordelia to give Galeforce to my non-shitty-kinda-neutral +Hp-Res Elincia?

>Mae and Boey get demoted to 4*
>Katarina doesn't
Guess i'm never getting Rauðrowl

>Blood of Grima and the blood of Naga in one vessel

How fucked is the world would Morgan ever go mad?

I think Lucina would have been better if she had been the only child unit. Having 500 random kids pop through portals really makes none of them stand out.

Chrom is pretty much just a retard who gets benched by Robin the second he hands the entire army over to him the second they meet.

Robin is the real problem.

About what?
She can still marry the guy, it's not like Lyn who cannot even support her's.

7 decides who I 5 star



you can always get a sex change




The blood of Grima is already basically the blood of Naga already, it's fine.

Jesus christ


Reminder that Elincia swallows


No but maybe you should. You seem quite knowledgeable about it.

not an argument

>tossed all my Oboros so now I can't give Def/Res to Cordelia

Tell me what A-C skills to put on my queen and I might give you an bit of my luck rolling banner units





nice, I like my women feisty

Νοt an argument, sweetie

jajajajaja I laught evrey time esé

I accept your concession

Huh? Oboro and her skills are shit


How can I make neutral BIke better? he BTFO out of some units but gets BTFO himself more than I expected

I will consider it. But it sounds like it could be hilarious if it ever pays off

I didn't think it was possible to fuck up BCordelia

Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:24:29 No.189572676
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:24:30 No.189572679No but maybe you should. You seem quite knowledgeable about it.
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:24:45 No.189572698 (You) (You)
not an argument
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:24:48 No.189572705>tossed all my Oboros so now I can't give Def/Res to Cordelia
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:09 No.189572731041hanrqzcmz.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334) google yandex iqdb wait
1.56 MB
Tell me what A-C skills to put on my queen and I might give you an bit of my luck rolling banner units
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:13 No.189572735
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:23 No.189572748
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:25 No.189572749
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:44 No.189572773
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:47 No.189572780
nice, I like my women feisty
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:47 No.189572783
Νοt an argument, sweetie
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:25:56 No.189572795
jajajajaja I laught evrey time esé
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:26:01 No.189572804
I accept your concession
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:26:03 No.189572810
Huh? Oboro and her skills are shit
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:26:04 No.189572813
Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)11:26:22 No.189572835

Only her husband is gettin fucked. And fucked hard.
Dolhr is getting repopulated.

Is the Black Knight Ike's father? Kind of like Darth Vader?


am i safe or not? should go for a higher score?

No but I want Zelgius to be me daddy~

Notice me /feg/ senpai!!!

Def/Res is high arena score and I'm sacking a Roderick, but can't get it since all the people with either Def or Res are shit.

>That poor bloke in the image compilation who fell for the sex-change meme and regrets his decision every day of his life
Genuinely felt bad for that guy. I wonder if he's killed himself.

>pity rate broken by Karel

Welp, there goes my TT bonus unit.

What a good girl!

Delete this



>Dori fag is a bot
makes sense


The BK loved to penetrate Ike's Father, so he's sort of the step daddy.

Yes. And Sephiran is his mom.

>close counter with low def/res
fucking whales man


this guy comes up to you in the club and whispers something inaudible in your ear

what do you do

> (You)
> (You) (You)
>cuckdelia fags are the shitposters

Looks like a Verlisify build

>Enough team arena
Wordcloud, 1v1 arena would be shit, go home.

Look if you really want, you can be in a relationship with me. I hope you enjoy taking it up the ass.