/lolg/ - League of Legends General

old eyosongive.us

this fucking rat edition

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im going to shitpost

>be midlaner
>cant climb
>play bot
fuck this game man


>"Wtf Rakan I'm getting poked here do something"


I'm not fucking controlling where you click, nigga. It's not my fault you're eating shit.

>"J-Just shield me!"

Yeah lemme just dash into those AoEs you shouldn't be getting hit by in the first place real quick so you can bitch at me for taking so much damage and not playing aggressive.

>Stands still to type
>Blames me for it
>Gets mad when I go mid afterwards since that death cost us the tower

I will never understand the mindset of Plat players. Nothing is their fault.

brand is bae

xth for Syndra

league of legends is a fun game!

>Play ezreal jungle
>Can just fuck around ganking people instead of farming
>Not useless as shit doing so

How long till they nerf this

>/lolg/ suddenly hates otp
what happened

This is my husband, Kled the cantankerous cavalier.
Say something nice about him or your waifu will die tonight in her sleep.

Brand is the kind of mage other midlaners should aspire to be.

>Clear things to play around
>Doesn't have unlimited waveclear

It's really fucking annoying

>clear jg
>walk into whatever lane
>poke them forever so they are forced to go back
>go to next lane

I would say "oh just wait until midgame and then you can teamfight" but it's so easy for him to just walk up to you and literally AA you out of the lane and then just dip.

>one person speaks for us all
Sure user we hate them

>Rumble getting spitroasted by futa Soraka and futa Sejuani
Have some fucking mercy user.

I love Camille

Jinxfags deserved this.

>played more often as a support than mid laner
idk mang

>w+e bye wave
what did they mean by this?

true here have a tiki

>Do this two times

Meanwhile Cass just spams Q and E and never runs out of mana.

Best couple!
No contest

xth for breast metal waifu

>he ruined borderlands
>now he's in the process of ruining league

Ziggsfags didn't deserve this.

New Bloodlord splash when

Go back to bot, slut

Left or Right?


>W + E

Doesn't do anything.

Q the cannon, E it to spread the flames, W the whole wave (which is fucking harder than it sounds)

He's fun to play, I guess. Love the voice.

>ignoring how the comic shits on Ziggs' character
>ignoring how the comic takes a massive shit on Heim's character
>Jinx is just more 'XD RANDOM' shit
I get that you don't like Jinx user but there is more fucked us shit going on atm.

I'm downloading this POS once again. FUGG

Will Sion kill J4?

few people give a shit about otp and the "tier list" retard deserves zero (You)s, but you keep feeding him attention so he keeps going, you colossal retards.

Just kill yourself you fucking furry faggot
he is damn fun to play and he is strong, but any other kind of gay faggotry shit is prohibited around Kled

late night oce is just gooks inting every single game, disgusting server


Thats pokemon S/R/E right?


All fags deserve their champs to be in shitty pairings.


They'll retcon Sion killing any of the Jarvans and instead have them fight over Lux.

>Sion and Lux

I distinctly remember a fapfic involving this...

Who do you go for in this situation as sejuani?

If you go for jinx, teemo is guaranteed to escape, but soraka is guaranteed to live
If you go for teemo, both him & jinx are guaranteed to die, however soraka might die

everyone else in the game is alive and teammates are currently sieging bot

Is it necrophilia?

>enemy adc gets a mallet as last item
>nobody can catch him
>he even lives through assassins because of 3 billion shields and the added 700 hp
so this
is the power
of mallet

You kill Jinx and push an objective or kill both if baron is up

>has sion
no shit

you kill jinx and then you peace the fuck out because who gives a fuck about teemo

Go away sisterfucker

Jinx, pretty much instant reaction.

The real question is who do you go for if you're ziggs?

Lot of changes this time around folks. Added some new in-between tiers
NOTE: Changing your name to reflect your 1 trick and not being humble about it (IE Chase the Cl0wn) or some cringy shit like that drops you down 2 tiers.

>Anivia, Cass, Xerath, Kalista, Ryze, Kassadin

>Gangplank, Zed, Orianna, Vel'Koz (mid), Lee Sin, Blitzcrank, Corki, Rengar, Master Yi, Rumble

>Anything not listed below

>Aatrox, Garen, Gnar, Karthus, Jinx, Poppy, Diana, Camille, Caitlyn, Dr. Mundo, Ashe, Ivern, Graves, Zac, Brand (mid), Heimerdinger, Maokai, Evelynn, Kindred, Vi, Sejuani, Rammus, Swain, Xin Zhao, Yorick, Ziggs, Tahm Kench, Skarner, Sion

>Ahri, Ekko, Riven, Vayne, Draven, Yasuo, Teemo

>Renekton, Jayce, Pantheon, Irelia, Tryndamere, Cho'Gath, Jax, Trundle, Kennen, Fiora, Olaf, Darius, Kayle, Nasus, Vladimir, Akali, Annie, Twitch, Tristana, Talon, Katarina, Wukong, Malzahar, Aurelion Sol, Kog'Maw, Nunu, Kha'Zix, Hecarim, Kayn, Nocturne, Quinn, Shyvana, Volibear, Morgana, Miss Fortune

>Alistar, Bard, Braum, Soraka, Thresh, Rakan, Nami, Sona, Alistar, Leona, Brand (support), Vel'Koz (support), Karma ,Zyra, Lulu

>Shaco, Singed, Udyr, Fizz, Janna

I don't have a waifu... But I don't want my favorite female champion to become Tiny Tina so Go away sisterfucker.

>Have a champion's name in my ign
>Hovering a different champion
>My teammates ban BOTH of them instead of anything else
>Not even a "oops sry wasn't looking" (even though it says right on the champion square if someone is hovering it
What the actual fuck why? Are you fucking kidding me? How do they fucking expect me to react to that shit? I should just fucking int this bullshit.

>jinx want to kill people
>ziggs just want to destroy building and refuse to kill people
>somehow they team up and become best buddies
>also heimer went from a famous professor from a great univercity to some hobo who owns a shitty shop
i'm honestly so mad about this shit, lots of people are

but user! kled is gay and he's riding dicks right now as we speak

really? I assumed the chance for a 2-0 offset the scales in favor of going for teemo, soraka very barely died because my freeze stacks on jinx ran out right before I applied the fourth which would have let soraka live

then got flamed for it

both at the same time

zeal item
zeal item
last whisper

so you be sayin' ad doesn't build GA anymore?

so im cool right?

very important? what champions was it?

I pull it when mid hovers zed, yasuo, jung hovers lee or shaco or shit like that

>They'll retcon Sion killing any of the Jarvans
>ywn hear "HOW MANY JARVANS MUST I KILL" again

Make sense.

>get unlucky placements
>get placed into silver for the first time in my life
>obliterating kids with brand support
>73% winrate
>adc in my first promo game lobby starts whining about brand support
>tell him he has a 3 in 4 chance of winning with me playing this, or he can dodge
>he dodges
>he adds me
>tells me he was in his promos too
Some people belong in silver.

>having universities or any high culture

>Have a champion's name in my ign
You brought this upon yourself faggot. They're giving you proper punishment for it.
The only way you can stop this is to rename. While you're at it get rid of champion club tags if you have any.

what's inside anons?

>not impressive
kill yourself mid lane babby

you don't even play the actual hard mid lane champions

> janna not girl tier
get the fuck out of here with that shit my dude

2 key fragments and an ashe shard

>Master Yi

List disgarded

guy went ie double zeal item bork and mallet
didnt even penetration because the tanks just couldnt reach him
and the enemy adc just couldnt outduel him either because of tabi

Girls don't one-trick, retard. They play the entire star guardian line-up.

a-are you an aatrox mid main?

I used to main aatrox jung but this new thornmail makes him unplayable because it combines three aspects to counter him, two of which are in a 900g item

I love when people tilt themselves at champ select. Even if you meme picked I'd rather have you play your meme you most likely know how to play than some other "proper" champ you're probably shit with. Brand support isn't even bad.

You're lucky he dodged, he was probably a huge retard that was looking for a babysitter.


>Almost respectable


>Don't say a single thing all game
>Get reported for going 0-5

Going Lee top was a mistake

ionian girls are the best

No, but given that bramble vest exists any aatrox main above d5 is fucking impressive, and they do exist.


>nunu and 2 key fragments
there's is no God

Wrong. The korean challenger girl is an A-sol one trick


Aww yeah! Nailed it.

Even more wrong.
Shes an Anivia main, who also play ASol a lot

The fuck is wrong with people in bot games? I just want to level quick. We also lost


they're bots
or new players

You should be able to 1v5 that easily, they don't have anyone that can instagib you

they're bots

you're playing with leveling bots

They might be video game journalists. Give them a break.

they're playing vs bots because they're either new or REALLY bad

>can't 1v5 bots

I am bored
post your main, and ill tell you what they drive


Well lolg?

If you had to win a tournament with one of these comps which one would you pick?



b-but why tho

t. triggered talentless support main

why can't you just accept the fact you get carried every single game and just be happy you don't have to work hard for your elo

whats this supposed to mean