I've had enough guys, I want to make it work but I cant. I managed to make $500 holding ETH only to lose most ($300) of that profit trading shitcoins. Whenever I buy something it crashes immediately. I wait for it to recover and it drops more, so I sell. Then to my frustration a few days later it will recover and go past the point I bought it. I'm a shitty emotional trader and i'm tired. Is there any reason to continue?
I'm done
Stop being a shitty emotional trader. You see what you're doing wrong. Just hold when you would sell.
Experience will only make you better. Stop being a faggot ffs
dude just buy eth and hold.
If you're that attached to the money you put in, then you're putting in too much.
Only put in money you don't care about.
>literally mixing emotions and trading
>not getting good entry
Get your shit together user
You're trading like a woman, learn to trade without emotions user.
>Only put in money you don't care about.
but If I don't care about the money I put in I wont care about the money I get out either. If I put $50 in and it went up to $300 that's still boring.
>I wait for it to recover and it drops more, so I sell.
do people actually do this shit?
stop trading like a bitch, you can recover lol... its a few hundred dollars. buy some pivx, it just dipped hard and you can see easy returns probably
yeah like honestly just listen to how retarded it sounds and you can tell that its a bad play
OP if you want get into XMG. It's a good entry point and can only go up from here.
>Only put in money you don't care about.
You have to mentally prepare yourself to lose every dollar you put in.
What do you shitcoiners even base your forecasts on? "ETH sounds cool"?
i use to be like you
now i'm less naive
listen to us here in Veeky Forums and call out the shitcoin shills (dope, lepen, milo)
oh and buy XMG you poorfag
Only buy coins you believe will increase over six months. (Ethereum, Ark, Golem, BitBay, Pivx). Avoid shitcoins like dope/milo/magi.
This. Stop trading the shit that only a handful of people are shilling on here. They're trying to scam everyone, just ignore it. It's not worth the risk. If you want to trade crypto, you're best off sticking it in eth and leaving it. You need more experience before you involve yourself in these pump and dump scams.
Also don't listen to these two XMG is another steaming pile of shit that you shouldn't get involved in. Buy back into eth and hold, IF you want to trade crypto. Otherwise, put it in stock.
>Implying its going anywhere since the P&D is over
The solution is to increase your income right now. Increase your hours or get a second job.
Or you could just grow a pair.
Just read up on the coin first, if the tech is good then buy and hold. Think longterm, not next week.
Or just do it simple and buy as much ETH as you can and put it on a ledger.
Some people say that exchanges actually pump and dump altcoins themselves. They don't have to worry about the transaction fee so they do tons of little transactions with themselves to raise a coins price. Once an actual person buys at the inflated price, they drive the price back down with more fake transactions with themselves until that guy sells and then they repeat the process.
you obivously havent done researched you eth shill. but it's ok. If this thread is still available in a few days I'll post pics of my profit. Eth is over priced.
If that was the case they would then also see the stops (especially if there is a bulk of them at some specific price level) of the clients and clip them easily.
Banks used to do this big time.
>or get a second job
I've already done this.
>Eth is over priced
yeah, well, its still going up so I don't care. All my money is back on ETH for the moment.
>Whenever I buy something it crashes immediately.
That's the idea.
Every shitcoin on here is being shilled so people can rob you of money.
The truth is that none of them are good investments. Regular old Bitcoin is the only coin that is popular enough that you might make money with it if you hold it for months before selling.
I'm in a similar boat, except I haven't lost any value, I've just missed out on taking profit in VIDZ, BELA, BAY, XRP.
I have spent way too much time looking at charts at this point, and I found I/O Digital as a pretty safe investment.
I'm up 25% for the month, and it has a consistent uptrend and legit devs who are in a beta testnet for their HTML5 wallet.
Just neck yourself. You're deluded beyond belief if you seriously believe this random new shitcoin is going to be worth ANYTHING. Nothing makes it unique. It's no better than PIVX, Ark, Draco, Bitbay, Milocoin, lepencoin. Who the fuck in the real world is going to start using this trash? You think JP Morgan is going to buy up a couple billion Draco? Fuck jesus you're retarded.
Save your money now you dense cunt.
You sound frustrated
>day trading
there is your problem.
>they are evading this simple question
shitcoins = ponzi scheme