Why are there not significantly more humans around if we were around for 200,000 years?
Why are there not significantly more humans around if we were around for 200,000 years?
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dude there are a lot of humans
Population growth is only exponential with unlimited resources. I would explain why but it requires math.
And there should be a lot more if the theory that we've been around for 200,00 years is true
i want to nibble her glit
Only in the last century have we managed to overcome certain limits on population growth.
That is besides the point: please answer the question at hand
because we've only been around for 6000
i want to make significantly more humans for 200,000 years with her
Homosexuality is a SIN, user.
People like to kill people, like a lot.
Oh, christ, I have a hernia and it hurt so fucking much laughing at this.
by which theory?
The evolutionary theory. This thread is based on his assumptions.
Do you want a knuckle sandwich?Evolution, bruv
show me the paper on evolution theory that states there should be a lot more humans
we've been around for 4.5 billion years mate
That's the thing, it doesn't state that, but logically it should be true. If we've been around for 200,000 years fucking and eating berries, why are there not a shitload of us today?
there's 2 major reasons why human population was so low until the the last 2 centuries
1. Agriculture of the times never yielded a large enough harvest to support immense populations. Modern GMO's and improved farming/harvest methods have improved food harvests 100 fold if not more, but back during the 1700's and earlier, most food that was available for people was mostly grown in a small garden, not the immense fields we see today with what might as well be called Ultra-Corn.
2. Early medicine never had an answer for major diseases until around 1850 and later. outbreaks of Cholera, smallpox, and other major plagues could wipe out 1/5 to 1/3 of a population in one go, and do this on a routine basis every couple generations. It wasn't until humanity left the leeches and herbal leaves era and into the era of vaccines and antibiotics did we have an answer to humanity's major killers.
both together have now set the stage for today's population explosion, where beforehand both factors were effectively keeping the world's population growing at a snails pace for thousands of years.
I do believe I said, "This thread is based on his assumptions", my dude.
Life has, but not humans.
because diseases, draughts
Then there should DEFINITELY be more humans around than right now, bruv
But there are a lot of us today
agriculture is fairly recent, and is the biggest factor
Because we keep fucking
>What is death
It would only take 11,000 years to reach our current population with a 2% birth rate, so why are there not more humans around if we've been on this earth for supposedly 200,000 years? Are you going to tell me it's been a steady number all these years?
Aight, listen here my dawg. There are 7 billion of us roaming this orb, almost 8, and that's a shit ton. We systematically, SYSTEMATICALLY, kill eachother. Unlike animals that kill in defense or need of food, we exterminate entire groups because we don't like the way they think.
Creationist here. Can anyone even show me proof that humans did not coexist with Dinosaurs? serious question here not memeing.
You're making the claim, you have to show the evidence. That's just how it works.
Yeah just ignore wars, plagues, famine and natural disasters. Fucking creationtards.
Show me a human skeleton that died from dinosaur teeth marks
But how much damage could wars and plagues do if we can reach our current population IN ONLY 11,000 YEARS? I'm not saying that plagues, disasters, and wars did not happen, but in a 200,000 year span , they're piss in the wind when it compares to how much we fuck and shit out kids
Because it's a lie, Human have only existed for a little over 5000 years
Correction, just checked my math, it would only take 1,100 YEARS TO REACH A POPULATION OF 7 BILLION PEOPLE WITH A 2% BIRTH RATE
I still don't think you understand the immensity of death. And really we don't have that many children. Somebody died while you read this and somebody else was born. What really makes you think there should be so many people?
agriculture is new, the majority of humanity's time on earth was hunting and gathering, pop doesnt increase when your getting just enough food to survive. So 2% year isn't at all accurate. more like 2% every thousand years until we started farming.
What birthrate are you using? It has increased exponentially in the past century.
What would be the birthdate then be if it would not be 2%? (I never implied that 2% was the actual birth rate way back then, it was just used as an example)
Of what
It's a growth rate
+2% every thousand years. then farming happened, then over the centuries humanity worked it's way up to 2% every ten years. im not doing the math and your on Veeky Forums and this is all coming straight from my bowels. but it should give you an idea of how far humanity has come in the last 10k years
So what was growth like before farming? Do you think it was at a constant rate? Never dropping or raising the population?
You're going to have to help me with more than that, I'm pretty slow right now.
Like, what does it mean to have a 2% birth rate?
I'm not even going to hide that I'm extremely confused and stupid at the moment.
i bet there were dips, it wasn't always growing, i bet entire tribes would be wiped out in harsh winters. I bet tribes fought each other until only one remained. I bet it was over all something stupid slow like 2% every thousand years.
When mommies and daddies love eachother very much, on average, they're going to have two deliveries from the stork
apparently the lowest humanity has ever gotten was something like 2k after some extinction level event. so start from there at +2% every thousand years for 200k years. (citation needed for literally everything i type)
So in a span of 200,000 years humans have had a very small birth rate but still died terribly to disease and tribal warfare but when farming was intoroduced they fucked like crazy?
That's not how percentages work. An average of two children does not equate 2%.
no they stopped starving to death and could feed more babies. i bet they always fucked like crazy its just that 9/10 babies died in harsh winters without enough food. not to mention the mortality rate for mothers.
My bad, I'm pulling most of this out my ass as well ;)
Proofs of the supposed 9/10 dying?
Okay I'm starting to feel like I'm not the one that's wrong. What the fuck is the 2% from. 2% of 7 billion is 140 thousand, and I have no idea where you're getting 1,100 years from.
litterally nothing im an user on the internet. but i've heard stories about families in the old west who lost 8/8 kids due to disease and indian attacks and famine, so if it was anything like that, and i assume it was worse at times, growing pains were killer
Having a child grow old was a bit of a miracle.
>Muh complexity
why should i take the time to refute every point made in that video? Because i have the answers to most questions when they're asked, and if i dont im sure i could look them up.
Hypocrite that you are. The entire video is based on argument from ignorance.
I never asked you to do that friend, that video is just where my beliefs on this subject come from ( I've not done done excessive research hehe 0-0)
Oh ye of little faith
You're literally enforcing my statement. I was talking about how creationists just talk about how complex the universe is, only to show how ignorant they are.
*How complex they see the universe to be*
>I did not watch the video
I'm not even a creationist, lad
well then gnight, our beliefs remain unchanged
I didn't call you a creationist. My argument thusfar has been that the video is full of creationists spouting how complex the universe is and how it has to be from God.
Well where else does it come from? Why does DNA do what it does, why does the heart pump? Why white blood cells protect us?
Okay man, I'm pretty sure you're just baiting me at this point. But let me say, that video is fucking terrible. I mean I'm just watching snippets of it and I'm constantly being amazed at the amount of stupidity pouring from my screen.
show me your math
promise i wont laugh
Because humans die obviously, either from old age or prematurely.
10% of the world population is over the age of 65. This means that 730 million people will presumably die the next 15 years.
Considering we lost the majority of an entire hemisphere just 500-600 years ago I'd say if not for that we would probably have 10-12 billion people today.
>He thinks Jesus was ever on this Earth
Not to mention the Spanish Flu, which killed something like 3-5% of the world population.(Perhaps more than WW2).
>Argues the improbability of a planet being in the goldilocks zone
Dude it was bound to happen at least once
>If the universe started at one point smaller than a pin point its gravity would hold it together
That's not how it works at all
>The universe started as an explosion and came to order, order doesn't come from explosions
Need I point out what's wrong with this?
These were just three random points I looked at in the video and I couldn't handle anymore.
>That's not how it works at all
>Need I point out what's wrong with this?
I'm having fun too, m8. I love these kinds of talks, even if it is on a hook.
•When there is so much matter and energy in one spot it is completely unable to stay together. That's why inflation happened in a fraction of a second, it had to separate.
•The universe didn't explode, it expanded. After a very long time, gravity pulled together some molecules and progressively formed the universe as we know it. There is no such thing as "order".
Because there were significant barriers to human population growth. The carrying capacity for humanity was much lower before we figured out things like how to farm, make cities to house the larger population, and deal with disease.
wow it's almost like two thirds of children died before age 5
the biggest factor in the world's population quadrupling in the twentieth is no doubt the harnessing of fossil fuels. while agricultural developments from harvesters to gene manipulation for higher crop yields were a part of it, they weren't the biggest, because they weren't a shiny new game-changer.
They went extinct for a number of reasons mostly starvation or disease possibly raped out of existence too.
Around 60,000 years ago there were humans that would have became new racial groupings had they made it to our time, only two types of human made it and those were the Caucasoid and the Mongoloid, all humans that live in West Eurasia are Caucasioid, East are Mongoloids.
Something killed 95% 75 000 years ago.
nothing spooky, just the toba supereruption