League of legends general /lolg/


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>tfw no Nocturne gf

xth for Syndra

I wanna cuddle Jinx

>LeBlanc will never magically block you from cumming, chain you to the bed, and reverse spitroast you with her clone
why live


>aim for good kda
>aim to do as much damage as i can
i wanna get good enough at the game where i can do both

Chicken tendies

>ywn be azirs son destined to ascend and rule shurima


come up with a different term than reverse spitroast. call it camel ride or something since they sit on you with a space in between.


Engrenagem master race

Pretty nice concept art. Did he do any others for the Star Guardian skin line?


I want to go shopping and wear very gay matching tee shirts with Kled!

>tfw the concept art is 10x better than the splash art

Why does the splash art for all the new SG skins suck so badly?

It's for a Brazil-only event to reduce toxicity.

That's what people know it as, I'm not fond of it either but if nobody knows what I'm saying then what's the point

He did the original Ahri one

I'd give hundreds for the MF concept though. His Arcade MF was so fucking hnnng

Ahri's is good. So is Soraka's. MF is meh. Ez is decent. Syndra is the only shitty one.

The the splashes for the second-gen skin line look pretty good though.

It's the first-gen ones that look like shit.

Probably has to deal with Riot trying to retain art style/splash art consistency so that it doesn't look too anime and therefore feel out of place with all of the other newer splashes they've done.

>I missed Riddler streaming for a bit tonight
gonna kms, bye guys

jaja event in attempt to combat "toxicity"

she slender af tho

>tfw no Xerath gf

>want to do the onslaught achievements
>almost all of them need a premade of 5
>have no friends who actually play

You can get 4 tokens by yourself.

Just do onslaught each time as one of the 3 roles and get an A or S.

That's it since you have to finish a normal one to get the first token anyway.

>she will never ult you when you get home

>tfw no Ahri bf
>tfw no LeBlanc bf

i took kazakus in arena while i have dupe steamsurgers

how badly am i going to regret this brothers

>no one talks in champ select
>we get stomped
Every fucking time. Remember to always dodge if no one is communicating in champ select in any way.

>lelanc feeds a fizz 10 kills

oh theres an S one after the A? I guess I need to do that, then

deserved for using xd
even ironically, fuckoff underage

Midlane feeders are very common because most midlaners can kill the other one level 3,such is life when both characters are glass canons,so usually the player that makes it is the one that can avoid the most damage while also managing to deal some

It feels really bad, user.

xth for playing kayn and literally only Kayn

>ywn kill every heterosexuals and waifufags

what are the most meta mid laners?

What did they do?

Do onslaught once
Befriend everyone.
Make premade.
Rinse and repeat a few times.
Boom, now you have a friendlist just for onslaught grinding.

How did their cum taste?

xth for finally diamond

What do the chinese letters say?

just get a rune scimi and lobbys my dude

>favorite Morde skin but stopped playing Morde entirely after his rework
>love playing Teemo but Omega Squad costs 1520
>don't have any Mundo Skins, love playing Mundo, but don't know how I feel about this skin vs his base skin
>don't play Thresh but it's legacy

What do? Save up for Teemo and disenchant the rest? Hold reroll Thresh/Mundo/Morde?

lolg club where?

Did they leak the new champ?
Shes cute but I dont want a third blue haired girl with no tits

>new skins are released
>faggots pick things like ezreal jungle or ahri bot lane just to use the skins
>they feed out their ass


would you imply that the homosexuals are better than?

forgot pic

Riot should make gender bend skins already

literally just looks the exact same as the basic but with new VO and Model

there you fucking go

Are you out of silver yet?

Probably a lot since kazakus can win you the game on his own if you didnt fuck up your draft

Which league girl would make you cum the fastest?

>when low elo no names from lolg think their opinion matters


>tfw braum one trick
>tfw this meta makes him fucking shit

I've literally had to play Top and Mid to stop losing. This hurts.

Brand is my favorite champion and midlaner

Can anyone identify wtf this sound is? My guess is something related to rockets or jets


what did the enemy team mean by allowing this?

yes, there are shitty fags here, but at least they aren't the lulufags, syndrafags or lissfag.

>Camille vs Fiora

What a train wreck, holy shit.


Post both then.

Pretty impressive desu. Do you have a good kayn name for your otp account?

>Blitzcrank that never uses his hook

What the fuck are you doing then

Pay attention tot he minimap, dumbass. His team was stopping them from backing.

wat should i name my new acc?


mf letality runes, how does it feel? i know u wont have the best CS but dat damage on champs

Reading from top left to right

Expressionless, Smiling, Angry, Sad
Crying, Blushing, Flustered, Surprised
Submissive, Dominant, With Someone She Likes, With Someone She Dislikes

Xerath in the "Crying" panel is saying she won't cry in front of someone pathetic like (You). Calls (You) a pervert in the "Submissive" panel.

Noct in the "Flustered" panel is being questioned about the Dragon respawn timer but can't remember it. She says something is "Bronze V sized" in the "Surprised panel". Also asks 'What are (You) lookin' at?" in the "With Someone She Dislikes" panel.

>this mad

they're actually not hitting on each other in this picture

lb is saying "can you get those gross tails away from me" and ahri is saying "the ladies seem to like em"

and lb is calling ahri a homo fox in his head

i run it, its really good csing isnt that bad with w up but it does take a couple of games to get used to the new CSing


yes we already know that garbage is broken
how is tank meta bad for braum?

Since they're not hitting on each other, I wish they'd hit on me!

Get the Teemo skin, it's easily one of the top 20 in the game right now.

Its not the tanks, its ardent thats bad for braum. Though if you really want to you can build ardent on braum and run stoneborn pact to proc it

Alva, I recognize that edit, the filename too, people dont actually hate you, you just left before anyone could even tell you this...

they probably would if they saw a cutie like you

my fucking sides

kled can milk dicks better than any girls
yordles are always tight and never get loose

hey lolbabs,

im silver 4 and i was hoping i could find someone to duo with to get back to gold again, i haven't done much ranked this season,
i play top and jungle religiously

ign: sex king shaco

does Anthony Burch get paid to do nothing all day except write comics while we still have a shit ton of champs that with their lore still talking about summoners? What the fuck riot

>You can have whatever headcanon you want, but I specifically asked for girls.

shieet nigga, im tempted to run this,

the dragon mutt is cute

ill add you

and i answered because it was a terrible question that didn't deserve any serious answer, if you get triggered to the point of giving me (You)s, that's not my problem.

keep in mind that you are slightly weaker pre levle 9 compared to AD runes, I personally think it isnt that much of a drawback, considering how strong mf is earlygame anyways

after level 9 you are always stronger with lethality runes compared to AD

do u go thunderlord or dtf? i think thunder is better for lane phase, dat 6 letality tho

Unrelated but why the fuck is there so much kled porn for you to crop? I'm disturbed.

I run full Lethality runes on Jhin. Laning phase feels a bit weak until you can get some AD, but once you have it you can fucking explode squishies. I like to run these with my 100% crit build. It's probably not optimal, but it's fun as fuck to be super fast and weave back and forth popping people with 800-1.2k damage autos.

never thunderlords, that shits awful on adcs these days
DFT 100%

why would she be weaker? letality allows u to deal much more damage than 10-15 ad



ok :(

friendly reminder

mind be quite disturbing for you if you're a hetero not into furry stuff, but there's actually quite a good community of furries who really love yordles, most of them have daddy issues too, so they love Kled.
league is like, gay furries' favorite game.