Did native Americans ride horses before white people came?
Did native Americans ride horses before white people came?
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before meeting white traders, maybe. not before europeans reached the americas
horses were not native. they had very few beasts of burden.
No idea OP, but she can ride me all she'd like
Horses aren't native to America, so no.
No, horses are not native to America. So there weren't any until Europeans arrived.
That's not true though.
More of this girl OP.
Also no, although horses did exist here they died off before they could be domesticated.
No they rode Bison and Meese before the White man killed them all.
The Coronado expedition into the Great Plains in the 1500s was the start of the current horse population there (horses escaping from the party, etc.). There were horses in prehistoric times but they had died out long before Euros came. Basically, horses native to the US can only trace back their North American ancestry to about 500 years ago.
That obviously means MODERN horses, you pedantic fuck.
According to The Book of Mormon yes.
Horses actually are originally from America but crossed into Eurasia via the same land bridge that brought the feather niggers in question to America. After horses were in Eurasia the ones in North America suffered from several extinctions.
An ice age will do that to a species or two
I thought the human population contributed rather largely to the extinction by running herds off cliffs to farm them for ez xp
The used a type of dog/wolf as a beast of burden
They refer to it as the dog days
When they were introduced to horses they referred to it as a dog/elk combo in there language
I read this at Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump
Make of that what you will
No, all of the naive horses in North America had gone extinct.
>naive horses
I guess that's why they are all dead
They rode giant ravens into battle, but the white man used his devil magic to banish them to the spirit realm.
Oh white people came allright
Nah, it could have contributed but so far everything points out to humans being to blame. Just look at human's first arrival at certain regions and the megafauna extinctions.
Though Ice Age can certainly be devestating. Europe had many kinds of trees (and other plants, but which I don't know that well about) that China and North-America still have.
>naive horses
I have heard that they were so unused to Human contact that they were easily hunted to extinction, so yes, naive horses is actually sort of right.
It wasn't so much american extincion of horses, but an european shelter for horses. Even if left to their own devices and not hunted at all, the american horses would probably have gone extinct.
>Though Ice Age can certainly be devestating. Europe had many kinds of trees (and other plants, but which I don't know that well about) that China and North-America still have.
Cool! Le'ts re-plant them! :3
>Cool! Le'ts re-plant them! :3
Well, that would be highly controversial as species introduced to new regions can cause problems. Ideally, one would need the insects that feed on these trees too - or they have little ecological value. And it are not the exact same trees either, just of the same genus.
Interestingly, there have been calls from the so-called Pleistocene rewilding movement to reintroduce certain megafauna (like African lions to North-America as the role of the American lion), but I never heard of doing it with plants.
Though it didn't stop some plants, even some trees, to naturalize into certain regions.
Nope, the Mustangs/American horses are mostly the descendants from the Iberian horses and later anglos-ones run wild. The native americans didn't even know how to breed them sucessfully apart of the Comanches (than preferd spotted horses and breeded them for that purpose) than were the only good and proper riders of the great plains. The rest didn't even know how to fight in horse back and tended to dismount (like the Apache than were the first to ride) for war.
i read somewhere they had beasts of burden but ... guess what: ATE EM ALL. idk if horsies were in that mix
No. There used to be a wild form of horse in the Americas, but they died off before the Indians got to them. They didn't return until the White people came.
She seems black not native american but I'll still beg for a sauce please man.
Modern horses, not proto-horses you fucking cuck
There were no horses in the Americas before Columbus came.
>More of this girl OP.
It's Dolly Castro
According to legend:
They went extinct because of the great war between the two civilizations of the ancient Nephites and Lamenites.
Even the ancient Mammoths were put to work serving the Nephite war machine.
Alas twas not enough, and the Nephites were destroyed horses, chariots, elephants, empire and all.
nice book of mormon meme. to bad that shits been debunked.
In areas under European colonial control Native Americans were not allowed to ride or own horses. In Spanish America a Euro landowner had to get permission from the Crown to have a Native American even work with horses.
It was easier to get permission to allow Natives to handle guns than horses. Hardest permission to get was reading and writing.
Elohim will reward you child
Horses escaped Americas, during ice age approx. 12 000 BC
yes, they rode them on the central asian turkic steppe homeland before they moved to north america and left horses, behind.
No but they still had a respectable amount of domestic animals considering what they had to work with.
It's a shame we'll never see all the breeds of dog, coydog and domestic fox that disappeared with them