/fg/ - Falcom General #86

Previous thread: >Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1484356232247880393/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Ys Seven is out on PC: store.steampowered.com/app/587100/Ys_SEVEN/

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


Calvard when?



>NIShit in the OP
Fuck off

You're all followers of the great Osborne right?

Of course

>RAAAAWR, I'm angry you posted what I dont like, I'm still going to post in this thread but RAWWWWWR


Arteria when?

So where the hell are all the attachments at? All ive gotten after like 20 hours is some cute pikkard thing.

Wish I knew too.

Laxshitter gets some glasses later.

Rean in super robot wars when?

I just realized that Rean is a bit similar to Shiki from Tsukihime.
Both has these traits
>edgy berserk mode
>scar on chest
>has an imouto

I wonder if one of the writers are a huge fan of Tsukihime or something.
But anyway, based on this, i think the "Rean is from Hamel" theory should be given more credit. Since Shiki got adopted after his village was massacred.

DLC, though I'm not sure they're even going to release it.

(kiseki)Do a man who have memories of 1200+ years ago count as isekai??

That's just sad.

That looks adorable.

Laxia is cute!


Who even needs Crossbell when i have Daddy Osborne


Tokyo Xanadu would have been the greatest Falcom title if it wasn't held back by the hardware.

Hardware or not. It would still be shit.

The hardware is entirely the root of the issue

Thoughts on Ys VIII?

Hardware won't fix the trash gameplay.

The gameplay being trash is entirely caused by it being on hardware slightly better than PS2 hardware

It's NIShit, don't bother. Pirate or buy used for cheap

>Blaming VIta
Ys VIII exist you know.

Pretty fun so far. Nightmare mooks can actually kill you.

The Vita was the lead platform for TX and Falcom also spent extra time on Ys VIII for the PS4 so it's not really the same

This, its made pretty obvious this is the case when you look at the fact the PS4 version of TX didn't come until a full year later.

Ys VIII's vita version is way better than Tokyo Xanadu despite having fps issue.

I like it, the translation is kind rough but the gameplay is a blast.

It's the dungeon aesthethic. Falcom finally cared again like they did with Nayuta.
Celceta's dungeons are mostly boring caves.

I rather liked Celceta

For someone that never played a Ys,should i get Ys VIII's for my vita?

How good the combat is? Story wise since its from falcom i don't fear what i will encounter

Shitty translation aside, it's been pretty good.

wow aerial is really make different exp apparent

really enjoying the game. so far the best ys, only hate the part of Nameless arc in chapter 2. feel really cheap.

Rean being from Hamel wouldn't surprise me, considering the timeline of when he was abandoned and the fact he had the scar around that time. In fact I'd be more surprised if he wasn't from Hamel.


Get it on PS4. The Vita version ain't bad but PS4 is more complete and it has better fps.

Combat is pretty simple, it's like Seiken Densetsu if you've ever played it.

How to air juggle with other characters? With Adol you can just spam tornado.

Never played any Seiken Densetsu Dx

thx for the info,currently i can't buy a ps4 for a few reason but i will have it in mind when i buy one.

never played any falcom games before and just starting CS & finished chapter 1.

is there any reason to spend your bond charge with non-combat characters? i want to spend some time with mini prez but alisa have links.

also can i change the difficulty after the initial settings? combat is too easy on normal especially after knowing how you place your character in combat alone can effectively shut
down enemies

For your first walk,focus in combat characters,ng+ spend them with mini prez

You can't.

Only reason is for subplot and giggles,also beware of chapter 6,the difficulty suddenly spike for the boss battle

>spending time with either of those shitters

Unsurtr is bullshit too. Fast, very high defense, and resists a ton of shit.

>Cs stats higher than the Blademaster.
I call bullshit on this too.

No portrait, huh?

Pre-order her game and give her back her Crossbell.

Only for PlotReason and so you can measure how much damage you need to deal to end him

For Unsurtr it make sense since it's a dark age mob

So was the undead dragon, but he was a god damn joke. Unsurtr is just pure bullshit, even with freeze immunity.

Why are support crafts so useless?

That's true and i agree. I just wanted to reinforce the theory.

Also i forgot some traits
>blacks out when he use his power
>afraid of his power

I like Wazy's AT advance one.

To balance the broken combo crafts.

The attack ones are, the support ones are very good, especially Wazy's. Just turn off the attack ones.

>Doobie's just as bullyable in Ao
Why is she so cute?

She just is. Don't try to understand why, just accept it as given.

Because even when she has the upper hand she still somehow comes across as the loser.

Lol, you learn how to teleport during chapter 5 of Ys8 even though you've been doing it since the very start of the game. Kinda late to introduce a plot reason for that.

It's time, amigos.

Well crap.



Mom is so cool!

overrated bitch


>dubfags getting BTFO in the comment section

Pretty much the same as /fg/. The shitstorm will be glorious when NISA or Aksys announce they got Cold Steel 3.

>Look, Ma! I said it again!

Can't wait to play NISA's Trajectory in the Flash 3.

>Being this delusional after the horrible localization of TX and YS8
You aren't worthy of my (You) you autistic neckbeard.

Trails of Flash does sound much better than Cold Steel. But most likely they will keep CS to not confuse the audience.

>mfw not the only kloefag in /fg/

IT doesn't even sound grammatically corr...oh wait.

I hope you didn't give up.

But everyone loves Her Highness.

Barely hanging in there.

Keep it up. Given her def though it'd be better to also Wazy and go full magic.

They don't actually teleport, they walked off-screen.

I definitely do.

Tio's the best.

True. I just meant 3 mages are better than 2 and technically Wazy's better than Elie. Good-o job though.

Nayuta needs a remake on Vita, its stage design was godly. But you can tell Falcom was holding back due PSP limitations.


Her character design is so good. That delicious side braid.

Great idea now it's held back by the Vita.

Best couple appears.

But all they need to do is improve the character models and add full voice, no rocket science for Vita.

I wonder how Laura would look with a braid.

>final bonding event shit
Worst part of the game is here!

Pretty good, I'd say. I like her ponytail, though.

>part way through Cold Steel FC

I'd be surprised if they do, but I'm kinda hoping that they get deeper into why nobility as it used to exist basically vanished in the west beyond "it's unfair and it's old!"

Once they start having to contend with limited, accountable government, strong individual rights (as compared to group rights, as in one set of laws for nobles and another set for commoners), and an industrialized free market, the days of people being born into the wealth and status that they're going to keep for their entire lives, followed by their children and their children's children and their children's children's children(...), are numbered. Wealth lasts for approximately three generations in a modern free market economy. That's the end of nobility as anything more than a silly title.

The empire could stubbornly sit on top of their stuffy old feudal system, but the surrounding countries would start outperforming them very quickly. The smartest commoners would take off to the surrounding countries where they don't have to deal with being on the lower end of a caste system. Some of the smarter nobles who have something to offer the free market would follow, as thriving in an economic superpower is arguably a better life than clinging to power in a rotting, archaic country.

>I like her ponytail, though.

As you should, because it is amazing.

I get you hate the principle of it and Lloyd's role but the events themselves aren't all bad since you learn more about some characters who wouldn't just talk about their tragic backstory with anyone.

>covering his eyes
They sure tried hard to make it seem like he's not a self-insert, whoa.

It almost looks like he's trying really hard not to laugh


Tio getting ruined by this loser, absolutely haram.