>Almost all countries' death sentence approval is above 50%
Should the death sentence approval rate be standard for determining civility of a country?
>Almost all countries' death sentence approval is above 50%
Should the death sentence approval rate be standard for determining civility of a country?
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The only people against it are retards who think the 0.05% outlier where it's misused acxount for 75%+ of the cases. The fact is basic human instinct is survival and people aren't going to risk killing someone if it means they themselves are in turn killed by the state, a being they can't enact any retribution on.
The single most important quality of life indicator is GDP per capita.
I think being painlessly killed is more humanitarian than being jailed for life.
This, except it doesn't have to be painless, for example I think public beatings/physical punishment are also superior to jail time.
"jailed" doesn't mean a 10×4 cell anymore. They get fucking PlayStations, gardens, the only bad part is the other inmates, and even that's only if you committed a crime they personally disagreed with. If you killed a cop you're treat like royalty.
A life sentence gives someone the possibility to become a better person, if you execute them you deny them that possibility.
Being dead is better than being an imprisoned good person.
But if they die in prison then they can't be a good person in the real world. I believe in rehabilitating inmates with temporary sentences but the only reason life sentences exist is because it's not the death penalty.
If you're talking about American prisons then I think I'm legally obligated to ask you if you are under the influence of psychotropic drugs.
deterrence theory is being debunked by all scholars nowadays. If you think this is a sociologist meme of some sort, check recent researches you can easily find on google. I checked out this recently
GDP per capita has significant flaws such as the case with Singapore. Their GDP per capita is extremely high but their inequality rate is simply amazing and most of the "people" lives a extremely shitty life
That is simply your perspective on life. What makes you think being put down is better than living
>being in a jail until you die
>The state should have the power to decide who deserves death
Self-preservation, the same reason it declares wars and levies taxes
Define your life that is valuable than dying then
No, because there's nothing more inherently civil about locking up a man in a metal box for the rest of his life.
>Letting convicted criminals walk off after an arbitrary amount of time
>Letting convicted criminals live a life of leisure on your money
I can't imagine anyone at ADX Florence who wouldn't consider being executed a favor.
>it's more civilized to take tax-paid resources from hospitals and put it into inhumane institutions for criminals
Not to mention the hell in earth that are third world prisons.
It's okay, shit countries are lost cause and none expects them to be civil. That said, no fucks given on whatever they do because whatever they do is wrong. I mean real countries that are not lagging behind the time like that of Norway, France, Sweden and etc.
There's something fundamentally wrong about brutally murdering and raping someone only to go spend 10 years in a Swedish spa "prison" with conditions better than most people who work 40 hours a week for minimum wage get. I don't care what your opinion on the death penalty is.
It's okay for an individual to murder someone in my view. That is because he or she can directly take on the consequence for his/her doing. A state cannot take on that kind of consequence; it is "fundamentally" as you said unfair thing as much as it is impair for someone to take someone else's life. If a state wrongfully executes an individual, what are you going to do to undo that act?