League of Legends general /lolg/

Only trueborn patrician Noxians allowed


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Does this game have any Berserk references?

>tfw no qt petite gf

I don't watch weebshit but I heard darius' single white lock is the same as the mc.

>still no barbarian berserker champion whose undying rage allows him to cheat death

Your most mastered champion and you are having a drink! They are a little under the weather, and start making moves on you!

Who is it and what happens?

Give him another drink then take him home for cuddling!

As for myself I'm waiting for a barechested King with a huge sword who also won't fucking die.


It's one of the absolute masteripieces of fantasy and you should be ashamed of not having seen/read it

I die but its awesome

what are some good streamers i can watch to learn kassadin? i tried dopa but i picked up absolutely nothing from him past the laning phase.

I love Riven!! My cute and perfect wife!!!!!!

This is a new level of autism, vladfag

Probably politely turn her down because I'm not attracted to metal legs


But it is true to the last detail.

what changed that made ez a jungler?

Keep buffing him without fixing the problems that made him bad as an adc


but why did that push him into the jungle instead of either mid or adc?

no good mana items for him in either of those roles

turns out having a ranged champion in the jungle that can jump on to you and shit out damage while being safe is pretty good

This isn't the first time ez jungle has happened, it's just that he usually can't survive it. But when he can he shows his head from time to time.

Tilt is fucking nonsense I swear to god.

Every single time I have ever had someone in a game say they were "tilting," they played trash from the very fucking beginning.
They didn't get worse as they did badly, they were just awful and tried to blame it on "tilt."

I just had a game where the enemy jungler ganked me 6 times in 15 minutes, four of which were while I was under my own turret, and I didn't "tilt."
I played the fucking video game and turned my score around.

Meanwhile the jungler mutes everyone and plays like shit because "you guys are tilting me by telling me I'm making bad plays."

Fuck these stupid goddamn retards.

>Be Silver
>Want to play some normals
>Get matched against a Plat
>He bootyblasts me so hard I can't even farm under tower
t-thanks riot

i still don't really get it, its not like the runeglaive ez days. i guess he just has an easier time clearing jungle now?

Better not.

Yeah, the buffs improve his jungle clear. But more importantly they upped his AD ratios. adc ez can't take advantage of this because he has to build tear, while jungle ez puts a minimal amount of gold into mana regen and can spend a lot more on damage.

you deserve it for playing riven

Daruis' hairstyle
Thats about it
theres no one that plays like guts or grifith
honeslty there no one that plays like a knight
>but leona
She barely qualifies as riot ruined any sort of solo laning she could have and boiled her down to "a shield for your carry"
>Doesnt have the base damages to compete with bruisers
>isnt tanky enough to compete with most tanks
>has shit ap ratios on all her abilities
>cant proc her passive

jungle item lets him not have to build a shit mana item, so he hits a powerspike ealier & easier. Since the meta is dominated by tanks and hypercarries he couldn't afford to build tea since hes useless in comparison

>gets shit on
>still thinks its a good idea to keep building damage

Should've rushed DD you f*ckin dumbo.

>not wanting Vel'koz to get frisky with his tentacles

Where are my fellow pirates?

This stupidity had to be attempted once again, huh? Be satisfied and never do it again, though, I knew I should've made the OP to prevent this nonsense.

xth for Syndra

t. some squatter under a bridge in the Noxian province

i want to breed annie

did we discuss this yet?

are you just chilling pcgames or something?
everybody uses ff@20 for this type of stuff

I want to _be_ Annie

>Check twitch randomly
>Remi is live
>Check his stream
>Literally just a feelsbad stream about being a loser

Source on this animation? Good stuff, I probably never would've thought of this. Yasuo could make a fortune off of teaching people a non-combative version of this if he'd dare.

>Your most mastered champion
>It's STILL Nami
I decided to finally learn more than one champion for the other roles, so I'm not locking down any single one too hard. I also have a natural talent with her kit compared to other champs, so I got MS with her easily all that time ago.

>what happens?
She probably shows me the air-bladder trick and at most pushes me to deflate them back to normal size and that's when she really realizes what this all looks like.

What other animes do you consider masterpieces?
Not a big anime fan but berserk and bepop we're so good, not sure what to watch next

Hmm it's like a Snowbunny skin, but using her Redeemed self. I like it.

Who is your itemfu /lolg/?
Mine is devourer. It reminds me of better times (for junglers)
Plus it had a cute wolfie

tell me about yours, did riot kill her?

Honestly Berserk is one of a kind and a cultural phenomenon that defined its genre. You don't find this that often.

The original Ghost in the Shell is quite nice and similarly acclaimed so go for that.

Not that guy but Attack on Titan had some fantastic art and action sequences. Most people find it boring though because it's not your typical anime.

xth for the overshadowed yet OP support. start learning this champ after janna gets nerfed boys

>implying an ex janna main will ever hit a q or ultimate

>qt earns so much money
>still wakes up to stream at fucking 7am

because then he makes more money

Thanks anons

:))))))) gl in ur q's

None of the supports except thresh require high mechanical skill. They are more about game sense like playing tanks.

Q isnt that hard when Bards fuckin autoattack is a superior aoe Janna W.

Ulting is a bit more tricky, but i found that ideally its best to use from like a screen away. going for long range ults are much tougher to land.

Soraka is the best Star Guardian.

Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.

lulu is the most bestest

Riot Shekelberg's latest market research has shown waifufags are cancer.

You are tasked with rewriting the lore of every waifu so that their most obsessed autistic fanbase stops liking them.

What do you do?

Easy. Turn them into used goods.

easy, genderswap them all

>janna gets nerfed
I really do wonder what the changes that go live + new runes system will do to her. And is Bard truly overshadowed by her when he's picked far more often for pro play?

>watching the protracker stream
>every solo queue game whoever gets Trist wins

gee how exciting

All of your main's AD ratios are now AP ratios and their AP ratios are now AD ratios

How fucked are they?

Friendly reminder if you main one of these champions there is 95% propability that you are a shitter.

kinda dumb, going from ap to AD is always favorable, cant say the same about the reverse


Pro play needs cc machines (called "playmakers") as supports because many meta junglers and and toplaners have little to no cc.

this. Making a canon relationship or even hinting at one will make waifufags fuck off. Except maybe Xayahfags

Clearly define them. If you make them coherently complex (or even simple) characters, people will have more than just the most basic reasons for liking them. It'll cut down on the autists, but as long as a character so much as looks nice it'll be possible for some people to like them for superficial reasons and ignore any flaws or better points.

Literally impossible, they need their looks to be changed, nobody cares about lore
I mean people did draw and commission porn of taliyah in spite of DZK's efforts to make her as bland as possible and even going on twitter to remind people she's supposed to not look good because she's a teen

i got a 14 day ban, do i lose the end of season rewards, even if im a good boy for the rest of the season?

i dont understand how he isnt fired yet, his autistic rage posts give riot a bad name, shouldve been fired long ago

would that chance veigars passive to give AD instead of AP too?
would be hilariosly op if that happened

with gnar i dont know, building tanky AD would make his W passive do shit ton of damage and ult would have little scaling but would be pretty bad.
but going ap he would just do little more damage
would likely start building hybrid with little hp to not die instantly (gunblade, lichbane, frozen mallet)


That's a fair analysis. I definitely think that toning down the shielding machines will make it so that there's greater champion variety (other roles need to have more generally viable picks too).
Janna is definitely going to become more challenging to play, but also be able to kite better. Not sure if anyone's going to give into that bonus MS = more damage mechanic. Could happen since some of the new runes will allow even non-shielders to do some protection, so ones that can won't have to focus as hard on protective items if they use those.
All just speculation in the end, for now, sadly. As someone who always enjoyed playing her I welcome change.

thats fuckin gay, oh well. is it possible to drop punishment tiers?

>play a game of adc on smurf
>get lane countered and get my ass handed to me
>tell team to relax and just let me get 3 items
>team nonstop flames
>land a triple crit ricochet onto enemy backline and solo win baron fight while my team ambles around
>they still flame me
never change league of legos

Their lore barely affects how waifufags treat them, its in the looks.
Frigid elderich body stealing ice witch? Waifu.
Canonically in a relationship and also a racist bitch? Waifu.
Butchered innocents in an unjustified war and deserted? Waifu.
Literally turns into a fucking spider and feeds you to a bigger spider? Waifu.
6 year old girl that can't even say the word animal correctly? Waifu.
Epic im so crazy tryhard hot topic girl? Waifu.

It's not the lore, it never has been the lore, it's the looks. Wanna know why nobody gives a shit about Sivir, Caitlyn, and Quinn? Because they just look normal girls in stupid outfits. The main draw of these girls is their designs, nobody cares what kind of people they are. Sivir isn't a body snatcher that's going to feed you to a spider god, but who gives a fuck? She looks boring so nobody cares. Waifufags are absolutely notorious for erasing all of their waifus shit traits or horrible life choices. It's pathetic.

>chinks shitting up OCE again
ffs lads

I want to always win top lane 1 v 1
whats that champion?
it used to be old urgot


Unless it's trynamere



I want to be sexually bullied by LeBlanc

Any good supports that can be a backup carry in case the other lanes are shit?

>get 3 towers top and 2 towers mid all by myself as trundle
>0 honors

Then why did changing Vayne's lore to something other than an ultimately noble and honourable person instantly cause her to lose 50% of her waifufagbase?


Is it true that Jhin is the fastest or is Yi the fastest at their Peak?

>wants honors
>plays toplane

It didn't, there aren't a lot of Vaynefags in general but I can assure you not a single one of them dropped her cause of that change

Want to watch me stream league as Singed and get demoted to Rank 4 Bronze?

idk senpai reddit whined to the skies when her new lore came out and as a Vaynefag I can confirm her fanart counts halved ;(

What was your KDA tho

are we all ready for Ez jungle to be meta at worlds then be nerfed by 7.19 on soloq and shitters still play it?


>76 wins
>101 loses

Deathfire Grasp was fun albeit too strong. But fuck it, I need the amplified damage to burn through the shield and healsluts


Playing a normal Mid lane mage as support would work probably.

AP Skarner, your E heals you for hundreds each time you use it

A likely story