Do Pentecostals represent legit Christian expression or are they heretics, Veeky Forums?
Do Pentecostals represent legit Christian expression or are they heretics, Veeky Forums?
They aren't even Christians so they aren't heretics. They are on the same level as Mormons or Jehovah's witnesses.
To not believe in the Trinity is to not be Christian.
These are the guys that drink snake venom, spin in circles, and speak in tongues right?
>Burger meme "Christian" cults
>not heretics
Come the fuck on Tyrone, even our heretics were based
they are quite literally top of the list heretics, the only contender is death worshiping spics.
>To not believe in the Trinity is to not be Christian.
what pentacostals dont believe in the trinity?
>To not believe in the Trinity is to not be Christian.
They don't reject the Trinity. They're just another Evangelical denomination like Baptists with some goofy shit like speaking in tongues and faith healing.
He's referring to Oneness Pentecostals.
Rejecting the trinity does not not make you not Christian.
Thats absurd
Glossolalia is part of many religions
TV preaching and Jeebus-themed mugs are not.
Thanks for ruining spirituality for all the contemporary Western civilization, Burger-kun.
Them don't partake.
Others actions can never ruin spirituality for yourself, unless you are a bitch of course.
Spirituality is a bullshit crutch for the emotionally weak anyway.
>Jeebus-themed mugs are not.
Just proved my point, senpai. American cultural supremacy contributed to spread heretical merchandising bullshit to their sphere of influence such as Latin America (as we can see here), the Phillipines and S.Korea. Don't think old J would condone the merchants in the temple now if he did not 2000 years ago.
You're on Veeky Forums. We're all at emotionaly weak to some extent here.
This, glossolalia and faith healing aren't really problems.
Of course they are by definition heretics anyway, but neither of those things are intrinsically a problem.
>Don't think old J would condone the merchants in the temple now if he did not 2000 years ago.
Yeah, he would probably support the churches filled with gold and made its wealth by following Simon Magus' example.
No, you keep your speculation to yourself
Being non-religious, calling some one a heretic always struck me as the dumbest fucking thing on the planet.
Why do you think I'm non-religious?
And besides, "heresy" is a common and defined word.
>he's doing the big strong man act on a Sri Lankan daguerreotypes forum
>not emotionaly weak
Its no act
I'm not.
Couldn't be with my upbringing.
I am non-religious you mook.
It may be defined but that does not preclude it from being a stupid concept
Not the point.
What I have a probleme with is not the diffrent churches' wealth but the way they glorify God. There's a major difference between creating breathtaking works of art to glorify Him using the very best of the skills He embeded in us (like all religions in the history of mankind have done) and treating the Lord like freaking Mickey Mouse AND making a profit out of it.
You are not praising Him by putting the sacrament of communion on the same level than the Super Bowl. You are desacrating Him and yourself by doing that.
if christianity could make up its mind who was a christian and who was a heretic, there would be a lot fewer denominations.
Brazilian pentecostals tried to recried the Temple for their curch
To be Christians you need to proclaim the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds, believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (body and blood, soul and divinity), and follow the successor of the Apostles (valid apostolic succession) and their Tradition.
Bumping this, one time a Pentecostal preacher basically begged me to date his daughter. He wasn't outwardly crazy, like no speaking in tongues, but he did ramble a lot.
Sucks though because most Pentecostals i know are pretty non degenerate; a lot of them don't even smoke and make you take a chaperone on dates.
I am confident I am not saved by my actions or even by my faith. I am saved by God's grace. The Bible tells me so.
And you get in His good graces by your actions and faith
bullshit. Arians are christian
Really I'd be all for a flat roof stone structure like the Hellenic era synagogues to change a bit from the usual wood churches with the pointed spire at the top.
The council of nicaea was ecumenical, friend.
The vast majority of Pentecostals are trinitarian, you're thinking of these guys
They are one of the biggest and fastest-growing 'Christian' movements (some cessionists consider them heresy due to their focus on 'spiritual healing' and lack of biblical orientation, e.g. speaking in tongues and ectstatic worship).
Snake handlers are Appalachian cults who read too much into Mark 16:18.
They misinterpret what speaking in tongues refers to
Majority of those preachers were car salsemen before healing people by pushing them over
What denomination is that in your gif?
Burger cults are heretics as fuck user
>council of nicaea
ain't Jesus
if it ain't Christ it ain't Chrst-ian
>There are an estimated 78 million classical Pentecostals, and 510 million assorted Charismatics who share a heritage or common beliefs with the Pentecostal movement. If the Holiness movement and Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians were counted together the total population would be around 600 million.[26]
So Muslims are Christian?
You cant even conceive of other people's opinion can you.
It being ecumenical means nothing the concept of heresy is moronic
Opinion. Theirs differs no one has the high ground in this silly argument
Stop being stupid
>legit Christian expression
That would depend on whether or not they act like Christians.
Do they act like Christians? In fact, do most people who claim to be Christian, actually act like Christians?
No one acts like a Christian. They would be in jail otherwise.
Well there you go. Maybe the culture we live in has made it essentially impossible to grasp the being of Christianity.
Thats for the best