Why is digital piracy generally accepted by society or at least tolerated when it is literally no different than walking into a grocery store and stealing whatever you want without paying? What's with the double standards?
Why is digital piracy generally accepted by society or at least tolerated when it is literally no different than...
the proles are waking up
we techno communist robo utopia soon
>is literally no different than walking into a grocery store and stealing whatever you want
this is wrong
(s)he knows that.
Look at the shit eating smirk on the OP pic. reminds you of another familiar grin?
Because digital piracy is almost never punished, so most people consider it about as serious an offence as jaywalking.
i know but this is a topic id like to argue about at Veeky Forums
its usually on /g/ but shitposting there is way too much
Proles support communism in private.
That wouldn't be the case if murder was rarely punished, I honestly think that we're understating just how reprehensible digital piracy is on the morality scale, people who do this are actively destroying the industry responsible for the products they enjoy
What is there to argue?
Yes it is not the same as stealing.
Yes it does harm creators when their hard work isn't rewarded.
Yes I've done it, cause I'm a cheap fuck.
Post Scarcity
Well Id argue that creators shouldnt be creating with the purpose of making money
>Yes I've done it, cause I'm a cheap fuck.
How does it feel being a criminal, Mr. Criminal?
If there is a law out there, I will break it.
digital goods are infinite. you're not taking something that can't then be sold
>people who do this are actively destroying the industry responsible for the products they enjoy
>Oy vey the goyim are pirating our films, we can't make $200 million in returns encouraging race mixing and drug use in the pictures industry its annuda shoah
And if someone spends a whole lot of their life developing a certain skills, why should they give it to you for free? Are you willing to also provide them with shelter and food for free?
Are you proposing communism??? GASP!
skills like painting or singing are a luxury, those are not skills you develop when you lack shelter and food
if im asking you to develop those skills or use those skills for me, then id pay you to do so
but if youre creating something because you like creating, then dont expect me to pay for it
id propose communism too but not right now
alternatively, isnt piracy the capitalist thing to do? why should i pay for something if i can get it for free? because governmet puts arbitary restrictions on free market?
Most proles hardly use the internet outside social media. Piracy is primarily done by bourgeois kids.
>proles means poor dumb people
Tough shit. Life isn't a liberal arts class.
When I walk into a store and take something, I'm not taking it from an infinite supply of identical products.
Digital piracy doesn't take existing property away from the seller while physical theft does
I don't pirate stuff anymore, but digital piracy and theft are two different things.
why shouldn't I rape your mother/daughter/sister if I can get away with it and it pleases me?
Because sometimes when you can choose otherwise, you don't. It's called honor.
Remember that if your ancestors didn't aspouse what you reject, we would be like snakes and lions, egotistical consciousnesses in a mechanistic universe.
Files are non-rivalrous
If stirner lived in today's age and saw his theories in practice in one of our myriad computer simulations, such as Day-Z, I think he would reconsider
& humanities was a mistake
How does it feel parroting what others have said and keep saying to gain approval in an anonymous forum you infidel?
If you don't like it go register in a more serious one. But you do like it... despite what you say. You like saying that you don't like it as part of the dynamic too, I'm willing to bet. Cause if you didn't, you'd be there instead of here
history already has a board, it's called /pol/, humanities doesn't
So where did you get that picture OP? Did you just google "Smug chimp" and just copy some picture on to your computer that might've been copyrighted?
That's right. You didn't even reflect that it might be wrong. And yet you did it.
youre saying rape is equal with copyright infrindgement?
that's an orangutan
no. and you know that.
Of course not, copyright infringement is arguably worse because it generally harms more people directly and indirectly.
i honestly dont and i also dont think honor is a valid justification of doing or not doing something
honor is a set of unwritten laws used to govern old societies
applying honor to modern concepts like copyright is in my opinion no different than saying "piracy is a sin"
Of course it does, if they were educated they couldn't be duped by Marxists.
living life in the fast lane eh cuz
>"A high level of discourse is expected"
Yeah you are, the Earth is kind and abundant - that store product can be produced ad infinitum
You can't just make copies of edible tomatoes in a few seconds, OP.