>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
Previous Thread:
>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
Previous Thread:
Cute toddler
Just for Chain Killer and ailment infliction?
Because the only skill that can activate an elemental Chain is Scythe of Cold Ash. Everthing else is cut damage.
can I get every possible drop from a take/chop/mine or do I absolutely the specific skill to get the rarer materials?
Well yeah that's a good setup.
>tfw when your only source of stab damage is your botanist with a bow and you want a conditional drop
How on earth do I kill the elder dragon while he is completly bound?
do you have a masurao? the armor pierce move is a stab if you do
It only gets worse from here, user.
>Kill with curse damage
Killed the frost dragon, now I game level to 99
fucking rip Wealh I guess. What a moron
posted this on the previous thread because it didn't load that it died
I feel like my party isn't strong enough but it might just be that I'm building things wrong how does this sound
Masurao / Dragoon / Pugilist
Botanist / / Warlock
eov monster data.
Your party looks alright user, what's wrong?
thats a basic cookie cutter party, you should be fine with it
I bet you put passives on your madurao
>Has the most powerful guild ready to help you slay a fucking dragon
>Decide to instead go in yourself and send they away
>5 characters pet names
Fuck you
masurao keeps dying, dragoon isn't tanking enough
might be because I decided to get almost everything before focusing on one thing to build and now everyone is versatile but pretty weak at lvl 9
this is my first time playing an EO seriously
I did
Hey man that's potentially 10 syllables in Japanese :^)
Rest yourself my man
Looks fine though playing it safe with both a tank and a healer is gonna cost you some offensive presence in exchange for survivability.
I'm personally going Masurao/Fencer + Rover/Warlock/Shaman with shaman buffing defensively and rover for healing and it's working great. Lots of chain activations since every member can reliably proc chains and a bunch of buffs/debuffs to boot. Maybe look into High Ground on the masurao and perhaps swap the botanist out for a Rover. They'll deal good damage whilst being able to heal single targets just fine. Line/Party Heals and Revives are a no but you've got a Dragoon so shouldn't be a big deal.
Are you summoning enough bunkers? Summon one for random encounters and as many as you can for FOEs.
Masurao shouldn't die unless they're equipped with shit gear. They'll start dying if you go 4kat at level 20 though.
Also yeah get 1 in peerless and 3 in duel if you're using swallow but no more is needed. If you're not using that skill, disregard passives for now. The ATK buff isn't bad.
Fug posted in old thread
You guys need to stop this Chains are weak meme. They power up significantly once you get your second name. This is a fifth stratum FOE at half HP after just a single round of chained basic attacks plus Magic Weapon from the Warlock with the first turn spent buffing and debuffing. He would be a red FOE if I wasnt killing them so damn quickly. Don't underestimate just using enchanted basic attacks to proc chains.
>b-but it's a waste to just attack with basic attacks instead of skills
There was another party I made that oneshot the 5th stratum FOEs except they still took 3 turns minimum with setup. The point being that the kill speed is roughly the same.
The strength of a chain fencing team is you can have characters that do no damage do a lot of damage without needing skills that multihit. So your botanist will be great if enchanted while a medic wouldn't be able to link well if you didn't sub a sniper or something silly.
The anti nene squad likes to give misinformation. They also whine about having a team built around them even though they reslly only need a shaman.
Deleted image cause forgot spoiler
thanks user
As if it's even a surprise.
Got the demo. Want to use busty Necromancer. Since the cap is level 10 till release, can I do anything cool with Necromancer with low skill points? Don't know what my party will be either, but I know want to use Necromancer.
Necros work with most parties
It's not so much that chains are weak but that you have to make a party revolve around the fencer.
In a party where you could have 5 members doing interesting and unique things, you instead have to make it entirely about chains. Even bind/ailment parties aren't that restricted.
It's just not as fun. At least in EO4 you had the fuckton of hits making it an entertaining clusterfuck, in EO5 it's just double attacks in most cases.
fire AOE
>implying you need a whole party to make it work
but they wont even be using their own skills, just their normal attack to proc the chains. its not literally building a team around the fencer but it might as well be since they are just supporting the fencer
you need at least 3 party members on top of your fencer. Having just two + fencer is worse than having any combination of 3 pug and masurao.
Eh not really. Classes like the warlock and rover don't need to do anything different in order to feed chains and if you have a shaman/botanist you'll have periods where you aren't healing/buffing so can just use bow normal attacks for chains. I have a masurao that likes to start off with armour stab and if I go 1kat there's thunderslash or whatever as well so I can even get chains out of em as well occasionally.
Now crossing the sanzu memes is something that needs a dedicated party.
>Read that as panties
Holy fuck, I need some sleep. However, this fuels my head canon.
Thanks. Maybe I'll do healer cuz busty mage using dark arts to heal sounds like a character one of my buddies used in a D&D one-shot.
>Can edit color of hair, eyes, and skin
>Can't edit color of clothing
This fucks with me so much as some hair colors don't really work with the attire of the classes.
replying with one word and not explaining how others are wrong doesn't hep your case. if anything, it hurts it because you come off as an incompetent idiot
That was the party I was using before switching to something I'm having more fun with. I kinda want to come back to fencer to finally make a working dodge tank.
What skills should I focus on for my War Magus if he's my main healer?
Dodge tanking is something for late game.
>enjoy the color of the clothes
>hate the skin and hair colors
Advance wars was a mistake
>tfw no friends to play D&D
>tfw don't know how to play D&D
I can't get any crooked tree from the 3F chopping points. I'm just unlucky, right?
No more gays
wait a minute, are you saying Fencer is gonna tank for us... in the nuuude?
Whay is this "tank" business?
There's a player's handbook free to download on the official D&D site if you at least want to learn so that the next time you find some people who are looking to play a campaign, you'll be ready.
Sorry user. Roleplaying (and the occasional min-maxing) is really fun when you're around like-minded people and I hope you find a group to play with.
After some testing I finally managed to undub the EO5 demo.
It uses Luma's game patcher and was tested on Luma 7.0.5 A9LH and Luma 8.11 B9S.
Doing the same for the full game shouldn't pose any problem now. It will also work on physical copies.
I haven't experienced any crashes so far but if something does happen please quote this post and tell me where exactly the game crashed.
That's all. Enjoy.
Doing god's work.
Has Atlus USA put out the DLC schedule yet? There are classes I want to use but the portraits for them are shit, I want to use DLC portraits instead.
I have no idea what are you talking about, but thanks anyway.
You're a fucking god.
Reposting from >Bunkers aren't guaranteed to draw aggro
>They break in like two hits
>Dragoons do jack all damage
Literally what is the purpose of this class?
Please explain to me why I wouldn't just use Binds / Statuses to mitigate damage and then bring a character that isn't a literal hunk of trash?
I want this class to not suck, but it looks like it sucks.
bunkers suck, dragoon do better damage with a second name
is this for the demo or full game?
Jesus Christ what am I suppose to do with the elder dragon? I can take his attacks and deal solid damage but supernove literally is a party wipe
Cheers m8
Bind its head
Demo, but I'm looking for information that applies to the full game.
Looking at the stats of Bunkers, I'm anticipating that by level 40 they'll get one shot by FOEs.
Does it have increasing bind resistance like everything else?
You're supposed to put 2-3 bunkers at least.
I'm using a dragoon right now and my party literally never gets hit once there are at least two. They're also quite durable, i'm not seeing the two-hit thing yet. The owls do like 2-3 damage maximum. I'm still using 3tp bunkers so they shouldn't be very sturdy.
If you're going drop hunting can't you just put on some pierce skills, pierce weapons and grind it out?
>Having voices turned on at all
Congrats on doing something useless?
Congrats on having shit taste.
The Luma patching does not seem to be working, though I am likely doing something wrong.
I'm thinkin about this party
I pretty much want to point the pugilist at shit and make it go Hokuto no Ken, but I'm concerned I'll explode in turn if I fight a FOE, or that any extended exploring is completely for naught. I thiiink I could swap the rover out for somebody, but I dunno what.
the doggo's heals are based on the doggo's WIS stat, not rover's right? I'm wondering if I should give those wis gloves to my rover.
I can't really imagine it not working.
Which version of Luma are you running and are you certain that you enable it in the options?
Will you undub the full game too?
Don't install this, it bricks your 3DS.
The dogs heal is based off the dog but the therapy is based off the user. However it's so weak you won't notice a difference
cool, thanks. I guess I'll focus on damage/def then.
How do you usually pick a party?
Do you just have 5 good individuals that happen to work well with each other, or do you pick a central gimmick (like sanzu, ecstasy, links, etc) and then add from there?
I've always done the former, to try to cover as many bases as possible, but now I feel like making a Chain Fencer party.
Make one character for every class and rotate until I find something fun
I just updated Luma to be sure, and yes, it's enabled in options.
I pick portraits that look cute and classes that sound fun.
Honestly, no idea then.
>2-3 bunkers
I'm using Rover, maybe that's the issue?
>Owls do 2-3 maximum
Owls are doing 6ish to mine. Are you maxing bunkers/playing on basic?
How many weapons in V have stab damage skills?
The demo is installed to my Sysnand, could that be the issue?
Anybody have a clean .cia for the demo? Found one on 3dsiso but it's not dumped correctly.
... you're still using Emunand?
That's standard now. I highly doubt anyone has emuNAND still.
That's definitely not the reason. The only other thing is if you actually copied the files wrongly to the SD card which I also highly doubt.
Dunno, really.
I don't think so?
I'm not very good at this sort of thing.
EOV will be my first etrian game I've played - pick my 5 characters/classes/positions and I'll roll with the post that ends in 15, 30, or 69.
Fencer using swords with rapier mastery and bows are the only stab attacks I think
However Masurao can stab with armor piercer and Dragoons can stab with counter guard
There's unique weapons that have their own skills.
In the full game there was a katana that had a paralyze skill that did stab damage
5 necro