Monster Hunter General - /mhg/


>Monster Hunter World
-MH:Worlds is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One January 26th, 2018, and eventually PC.
↳Trailer 8/18:
↳Demo Gameplay 8/22:

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. out now, region free.
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App:
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4:
-Monster Hunter Stories released!

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorlds, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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GOTY Q1 2018

Someone send some help for these poor translators

>Worst Flagship
>Forgetting FUKKIN BUBBLES Dragon

First for ugly flagship.


Who cares? It's not the PC release.

Digital deluxe edition has exclusive content
Preorder exclusive armor
New PS4 model

Don't forget to preorder, /mhg/!

Its not their fault translating japanese to english in realtime is actually retarded.

preorders where

What was the flagship's name again? something gigante?
Trailer 3


Literally the Dark Souls of Monster Hunter.

I want to fuck puffy bubble dragon!

>exclusive content

That flagship looks like a Final Fantasy boss, what the fuck

>Sony talking about revitalizing the Japanese console market
top jej

preorder armor/digital deluxe armor has me worried, but it seems like they're marketing it kinda like cosmetics. Maybe armor skills don't matter as much this time around

Main monster design is fucking Frontier tier. What are they thinking. No one is buying the game with that abomination in the cover.

this Japanese to English is really hard in real time because you often have to wait for the end of the sentence since that's usually where the verb is

Also male and female sets looks the same

>all those wasted resources on story shit
4 maps and 20 monsters confirmed


I'm not too worried because we don't know what those "special features" they promised are. It could just be particle effects or something.

Armor skills don't matter anymore, no negative stats anymore.

Considering all the spikes it seems perfectly at place with Gen 1 MH though.

so we got a cool teaser, MonHun release date and a bunch of already announced stuff

I simply cannot believe I missed my daughter's first day of primary school and got into a huge fight with the wife just so I could stay and watch this shit...

It's probably just early game shit

She's my bubble dragon! but good taste

The problem is that it makes it even more likely that they will be doing piad dlc for it.

but people scientifically proved that World only had 12 monsters TOPS

I'm ok with that, small rosters are nice.

It looks like early game/cosmetic shenanigans to me. Not "real" content luckily.

>Having a Family
>Plays Monster Hunter
Nigga you're playing the 2nd biggest non MMO timesink after Disgaea

The release date for PC is all I wanted, god damn you Capcom.
What are the chances of a worldwide simultaneous release?

fluffy bat is super cute!!!

>fashion isnt real content


As long as paid DLC comes in the form of cosmetics then I don't mind.

Worldwide simultaneous release is confirmed
PC is coming in February


I definitely hope it's the equivalent of the Auto-Guard charm or the Gathering+10 charm. I wonder if the OG set/samurai set will be attainable by normal means or only available as DLC

gimme the new folder

Awesome on both counts. God bless you Capcom.

[citation needed]

>cenataur shogun
More like bab dalamadur.

So cool.

>PC is coming in February
Sure user, sure

They didn't completely remove skills from armor so nothing is going to just be "cosmetic' unless they have something like transmog/fashion slots.

I said soon.

I am very intimidated by the new monsters already.

Story mode will be a 3/10 experience knowing Capcom but the rest of the game might top out at 6 or 7/10 if they have more maps and monsters than the last few games.

Take my FUCKING money.

More like late march PC


Is that a fucking snakeman

They weren't even translating in real time, you can hear them turning some pages.

And now what do I do with my boner?

literally dalamadur

Those eyes are hideous, holy shit. And what a shame since the rest of the monster is amazing

I could be wrong on this one actually

I'm hoping that the skills amount to like, a good early game set for gathering and shit. I find it hard to believe they'll put any top tier armors or charms behind a paywall.

This guy better be fun to fight

>new flash raptor
>Chameleon thing
>the giant cinematic cutscene boss

So another so about 5-6 monsters left?

Yes it's not new, it's Shagaru, the wings are white/yellow.



oops, I listed Anjanath twice

tickle a Tigrex!

Just remember all the previous DLC content. Those weapons and armor were all LR/HR shit not worth using over decent mixed sets.

Why do you people keep buying into the "MHW will only have 20 monsters" meme?

Its that red flying monster from avatar

There's also

Is there info about perfomance on regular ps4 ?

that looks like a wyvern though, where are the two front leg/arm/appendages?

Wasn't the Arm Cannon amazing in Gen/XX

I'm guessing 1080p 60fps and 1800p 60fps on Pro
Its MT Framework which runs on fucking everything so it should be fine.

I think I'm more concerned that they're giving it to you as opposed to making you do a quest to obtain a ticket to craft it. I feel like it's going to set a bad precedent if you can just "buy" armor

Fuck off. We are talking about a real Monster Hunter game here.

Because it will. You're an idiot if you believe otherwise.

Negative armor skills or at least meaningful ones haven't been relevant for a while now. Subtracted points only really get in the way of gemming in something

Don't try to explain anything, I'm irrational, it's Shagaru because I said so, the blue armor is Ceanataur and the Flagship is Zinogre skeleton.

Lets recap
0:55 Nigger camp leader
1:17 Not flagship, some sort of big monster will probably be a shit fight like most giant monsters
1:21 Cool looking flying squirrel snake dragon fox.
1:28 Puffy air bubble flying bat thing. God bless HBGs.
1:33 Chameleos looking dude
1:37 Poison Drome/Jagras that flashes you like Gypceros
1:45 Black Diablos with hands flagship

Plus more Anja, Jagras, Rathalos and that rock Kut-Ku thing


That's not Shagaru

You seem to be very bright, maybe you should look up "sarcasm"

Dromes get uglier every gen holy shit

mate you have 0 evidence one way or the other, why are you so obnoxious about it?

>Zinogre skeleton
Finally we'd have another Fanged Wyvern

It was a fun meme at worst. Problem is that you'll run out of Dazzling on longer hunts, but with groups you still at least get Demon/Armor shots which can actually buff the team damage output quite a bit.

because developing high res/better animated/better textured monsters will probably require a huge amount of work and is probably very expensive. Since this is monhun's debut into "AAA" gaming, you can bet your ass that they didn't have unlimited resources to just make up a gorillion new monsters. 20-30 monsters sounds likely to me, they can just save the rest of the roster for dlc/g-rank version.

you mean that game that's more casualized that mhx/xx?

Not my style butt it's better than otber pro bundles so far.

I'm worried about getting this though because I'll either have to wait for the delivery or the shop to open opposed to playing midnight release.

>20-30 monsters sounds likely to m
This number keeps growign every time one of you idiots mentions this shit. Protip, every other monhun has only had about 20 large mosnters before gen. Also

I want to be put in coma until 2018.

>Hurr let's make the flagship a doomguard

How bad you expect the shit in the deluxe edition is going to look?

I think it's 1080p 30fps for PS4 and 1440p 30fps for pro