/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general


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Invasion schedule:


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Reminder that melee is cancer

>misbuy item
>it these

I still miss you...

>keep getting notifications of person logging off in guild but not logging on

can people hide their online status from guildmates?
why even be in a guild if you're going to sit in offline mode?

I am having a stroke at this very moment

I am dead fucking serious

I would go get a phone, but i'm having a stroke and can't move my legs

This will be the last thing I will ever type in my life

goodbye /wowg/

>ask a gm for 1 day on my wod account to raf with myself
>he gives me 1 day, should have asked for 2
>log in and multibox
>go to sleep for 14 hours
>4hours left ro raf

holy fuck dude thanks for reminding me

post goats

@Draenor(EU)-Horde is looking for players to fill raid spots.

We're originally a /wpsg/ guild comprised of competent players, some of us already raiding mythic ToS with other guilds. Current roster has 7 actively playing members, currently only farming mythic+ and pugging weekly 9/9 ToS hc. Therein our current list of priorities can be summarized as such;
1. recruiting enough people to establish a core of at least 25 strong players,
2. running weekly ToS hc guild runs, not only to gear up people but also to obtain a general assessment of the raiders' quality and how comfortable they are with ToS boss mechanics,
3. eventually forming a group capable of progressing into at least 4/9M.
In virtue of the still embryonic stage the guild is currently in, raid schedule has still not been decided.

We're accepting basically anyone for now, but we're hoping for players willing to take PvE seriously and having some patience while the guild is still forming its ranks.

For more information feel free to add pontos#21107(EU bnet) or pontos#8492(discord).


So /wowg/, do you like fempandas?

tfw no fallaa gf.....

t. fallaa

ur irrelevant LOL

>originally a /wpsg/ guild

dropped like a stone

fuck off slav scum

is the only EU wowg guild


>Tfw absolutely all goldmaking routes, farm spots, etc. are all over Youtube
>Market for everything is saturated
>Feel so fucking discouraged from trying to make money because everyone is fighting to sell their shit

I hate this feeling.

>invasion point bosses have mechanics
>nobody does them cause they don't really matter

wow it's really like diablo 3 now
just mindless fucking grinding
no wonder people are ass in actual raids

are warriors the biggest cucks? Every class can spend resources instantly but warriors need rage lmao

its a fucking world boss what do you expect

there's always going to be competition in fucking any market dude
you either have to just put the work in for farming shit or be one of the lucky ones to find something that people haven't tapped into yet

>its too far away
>im out of range

No, I get that, but I guess it's moreso just the fact that eeeevery fucking farming spot is crowded. Like, they're ALL up on Youtube for everyone to just look up now. So I have to fight over a million people for shit I'm trying to farm, then go compete with others on my server's AH. I can take the AH competition, but it's just the fact that I just FEEL like farming is so inefficient because of how crowded everything is now, when farming is the only moneymaking route I've enjoyed. Can't stand playing the AH, it just kills me inside.

>tfw rushing a world argus quest that rewards BoA rep items on 7 alts just to send them over to my main

what am i doing with my life? when was the last time you questioned your existance?

>when was the last time you questioned your existance?
Everytime I play this game

>sending boa items from your alts to your main
your main needs gearing up?

Leveling a hunter right now, mm is pretty enjoyable, but I haven't tried the other specs. How's BM? Don't care too much about surv since its a meme

for it to be a boss not just a mob with 200million hp

EUfriends join us tonight for a pirate themed mog-off for pirates' day in Booty Bay starting @ 20:00 today and the contest itself @ 20:45. There will be a xreal group set up for anyone who would like to join (wowg only ofcourse).
There is a 100k in cash prizes to be earned with 70k going to first place, 20k to second and 10k to third. A small reminder that we will only be able to trade it after the contest with an alliance character on AD. 2 judges will discuss every mog one by one and give it a score hidden to the other.
At the end all scores will be revealed creating an average for every player. You will be judged for originality and cohesiveness.

/wowg/, tell me your:

>favourite race(s)
>least favourite race(s)
>favourite class(es)
>least favourite class(es)

Rep items, user. For earning reputation

yeah you're expecting a bit much for zerg rushable content.

its literally impossible to tune a world boss right, so they're all pinatas.

>when was the last time you questioned your existance?

When I realized the thing I looked forward to most in life was VR advancing enough so I could just live in Azeroth with dwarf butts.


>alleria is a filthy race mixer
Sylvanas must be pissed

>favourite race(s)
caucasian, east asian
>least favourite race(s)
niggers, pakis
>favourite class(es)
maths, physics
>least favourite class(es)
biology, chemistry, phys ed

She is a racermixer too, so is Vereesa.


what the fuck is wrong with this family holy shit

all 3 Windrunners are stonequarriers

Windrunners are sluts. What else is new?

>decide to farm fire Mage hidden artifact
>drops of first mob

thank you

>tfw I didn't read boa on the rep token

Elves love big human cock.

the jew and his lies


i'm too lazy to check is it actual maintenance or just a restart this week

I finally got around to finishing the Insurrection chain in Suramar. I didn't realize I also needed to kill Guldan to get my mount. Damn it.

>>favourite race(s)
Dwarves, I also like the Draenai but wish the female models were a bit more "alien". Orcs are pretty neat, too/
>>least favourite race(s)
I've never played a Goblin.
>>favourite class(es)
I'm enjoying levelling my Paladin
>>least favourite class(es)
I don't enjoy Shaman all that much

How are ele shammys doing?

>q for lfr guldan
>afk for 5 minutes
wow so hard

It's going down for one hour.

I was surprised myself, normally I don't have this kind of luck.


Remnants of the core from one of the last good /wpsg/ guilds, not as bad as it sounds.

So I just got enough to buy another nethershard item, but I already got two trinkets, what else should I get?

t. 850 ilvl

>favourite race(s)
Female Pandaren, Female Night Elves, Female Tauren, Female Orcs
>least favourite race(s)
Worgen until they get a model update and become furry-friendly, Gnomes, Draenei without horsecocks, Blood Elves, Dwarves
>favourite class(es)
Warrior, Mage, Monk
>least favourite class(es)
Rogue, Death Knight, Warlock, Demon Hunter

I'm not renewing my sub when it runs out
7.3 may be the worst patch I've ever seen
farewell, /wowg/

relinquished item***

wait do u want to erp before u quit

>favourite race(s)
tie between night elves and blood elves
>least favourite race(s)
>favourite class(es)
priest, mage
>least favourite class(es)
druid, shaman

Let me save everyone some time.

>start to get a few members
>start doing hc, core group thats playing for years together suddenly has to allow an influx of 20 members into their clique and hates playing with the new players except the few that are better then them and hold their own even without the guild.
>after some struggling with KJ hc, they get KJ down after 1 or 2 weeks and a few people get curve
>constant shitposting and backstabbing in the thread at this point makes everyone feel insecure an the people not in the top 3 unwanted and exhausted.People that call out their bullshit itt get forcefully shitposted away with several (you)'s to show that "they have the upper side".
>they clear the first few bosses with relative ease when they finally start a mythic on the second raid day, using the first to farm, with most of the core and the new players assimilated, bringing along a few of the social players in the guild
>guild jokes about people with low performance since channers and especially the wow private server ones have no tact whatsoever with no intent to help or correct those that need it.
>This along with a weird ass autistic 2009 TBC era lootcouncil "that just works" favoring officers aka core clique above others.
>guild gets 3/9 but starts to slowly leak members because theres a new private server coming up or a random game or people just lose interest because of a short lived attention span and the thrill of losing your mythic virginity is lost.
>core clique thought it'd be easier because we wuz classic raiders for 14 years
>that one guy constantly shitposting is now also avatarfagging for the guild for some negative publicity as they desperately hold on.
>hit the mistress brick wall even with poverty 950 ilvl and crucible and they cant brute force it with the few socials in the raid that actually dont really like this whiping
>loot drama over the 3 bosses they have farm because muh mythic gear
>guild implodes overnight

Chest, Head and legs have more stats per level. Whichever of those is higher ilvl gainz.

you forgot about the tranny drama

Also go to Argus and get the item tokens there. Do this now if you can, skip broken shore. You get item tokens for ilvl 910 and several tokens worth just from the main quest line.

>several tokens worth just from the main quest line

literally just enough to buy 1

All 3 of the Windrunner sisters are into the BIG human diplomacy. Sylvanas even gave Blightcaller a new body.

Favorite races: Tauren, Trolls, Dwarves, Gnomes, Gobbos
Least fav: Blood elves, humans
Favorite classes: Priest, Death Knight, Warlock, Druid
Least fav: Warrior, Rogue

it's 650 an item

and you get about 800 from doing all quests

What is your bag add-on

Servers went down right as I got to that step tho

not gonna make it bros

Why do all human mages suck dick?

59 lvl holy priest here. is binding heal the main healing spell for holy priests? also what is the diffrerence between heal and flash heal when raiding.

but all the best human mages were male

Can confirm.

well i'm not him but you can get like 4 items worth a day probably from doing world quests, rares, and treasure chests around the map
and idk how many more from invasion points

I don't get it, what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this post? Yes, guilds from Veeky Forums are tendentially short-lived and full of drama, everyone knows that already, but does that mean one is not allowed to try and create something new based on past experiences? As things are right now your post is absolutely nothing but a shitload of standardized projections in an attempt to scare away anyone from joining. Why? Why would you want that?

There are a lot of people in theses threads who simply don't want to play with normies. Let them have their fun and figure out by themselves if the guild is worth their time or not, there's absolutely no need for you to be preaching your negative fatalism every time you see the guild recruitment post.

but that requires you to actually play on Argus and that is not fun

druid in any of his stances


>based on past experiences
if you werent a fucking newfag you would know this has been tried countless times and never worked
end your life

Why even bother, you will have plenty of time to max the reps until the next expansion

will it be a year of the last patch again?

Is RIP in peace the only successful wowg guild?

what do you mean?
ripip has been going strong since cata!

Long-standing that doesn't recruit out of trade chat? Yes.

So you've entirely given up on having a /wowg/ guild simply because it's been done before already and failed?

If everyone thought as you do we'd all still be sitting in caverns

but why would anyone join a wpsg guild
wpsg is even worse than wowg

why so mad LW?

i want to be on the left

This is something entirely different though. This is a guild that has actually downed relevant content before, with proven good players and management.

What exactly do you know about /wpsg/ (and this guild in particular) to arrive to that conclusion?

Because I played with wpsg on Valk, Emerald dream, nost and Gaymer District

>This is something entirely different though. This is a guild that has actually downed relevant content before, with proven good players and management.
ripip was 8th on sarg in mop during SoO

>sucks a dragon dildo covered in his own cum on video
>attention whores on Veeky Forums
what a /wpsg/ regular!

both of these images are poorly photoshopped
what does this prove?

source on the video

dont ever respond to me again dumb panda poster

Who is the guy on the right? Is it the one in the wheelchair? That'd be hilarious if it was