Market crash next monday

Now that Trump's free market privitized healthcare plan has fallen apart, im guessing short healthcare stocks?

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What's the point of shilling on Veeky Forums?

Im not shilling shitcoins you dumb brainlet.

>nufag doesn't understand words

lurk moar

trump is shit. bring back obama

>short healthcare stocks?
If you believe Obamacare was bad for insurance companies or health care providers go ahead. Enough other investors may agree with you to actually drive down prices for a while.

however insurance companies and health care providers are both happy with the ACA, so any loss isn't going to last. Groups that were actually harmed by the failure are pharma and devices, both of which are heavily taxed under the ACA. Insurance companies are also taxed heavily, but they gained 20 million new customers under Obamacare and that more than offsets their higher taxes. So your strategy might work short term but it should correct really quickly. Because ignoring politics, insurers and health care just got a major financial win.

How are you able to come to that informed conclusion? I'm interested to know what type of news, books or blogs you read.

I just spent 2 hours reading about the GOP fail on a handful of sites including MSN, CNN, FOX, USA today, and a couple I didn't bother reading the publisher's name.

>free market privatized healthcare plan
It's fucking unbelievable leftists are lying THIS hard.

Just kill yourself. How many times does your system have to fail for you to admit you were wrong?


Leftists that lie about things like this need to have their throats slit.

Kill every single one of them.

The main reason america's healthcare system is so fucked up is because it's NOT free market.

The reason the repeal failed is because Obamacare is working much better than conservatives pretend.

we've got 24,000,000 more people covered, Federal health spending is down, and insurance prices are stable across the board no matter what your age or disability.

denying these facts doesn't work. The GOP knows this. They aren't going to repeal, they want to improve. Which for over 3/4ths of them means expand coverage, not reduce it.

Oh, so you're now saying Trump did NOT want to implement a free market privatized healthcare plan?

If you Drumpftards are going to backpedal atleast try to be logically consistent

>Obamacare is working much better than conservatives pretend.
Why are you delusional people still on this board?

Healthcare is far more expensive than it ever was.
You would know that if you actually learned history and read the image I posted.

Do you enjoy high healthcare prices and a severe lack of medical innovation?
Do you enjoy dying early?

Kill yourself luddite.

>we've got 24,000,000 more people covered
Because you forced them to? Most of them didn't even need the coverage.
Also if we had a free market health insurance would be a small part of the market and people would purchase inexpensive healthcare out of pocket.

We should at least go to rand paul's HSA system. We would be like Singapore where virtually everyone can afford inexpensive healthcare.

>Because you forced them to?
Most of them got free coverage under the Medicaid expansion.

The problem is a lot of those people vote conservative. And they're not going to once they lose their insurance. And politicians know this.

so your personal feelings aside, and your views of how things should work- the reality is the GOP isn't going to do what conservatives ask them to because conservatives will fire them for it.

>We should at least go to rand paul's HSA system. We would be like Singapore where virtually everyone can afford inexpensive healthcare.

I'm guessing you've never actually been to or lived in Singapore?

Singapore is a nanny state socialist country run by a benevolent dictator where even farting can land you a $1000 fine. Their government spends way more than the US does on healthcare and education. The only reason they're rich is because Singapore gets a ton of foreign investment thanks to their low corporate taxes.

If you're going to argue, atleast get your facts right, drumpfling.

>its the free market until it fails then its not the free market

Kill yourself swine.

big pharma benefits from Obamacare, ya dingus. Buy GILD while its 50% below its target, ya dingus.

>"For helping pass the law, the drug companies get price controls."

You're shit, dude.

not that guy, but you first, commie.

>The problem is a lot of those people vote conservative. And they're not going to once they lose their insurance. And politicians know this.
It's always funny when the typical hard leftist tries to understand conservative motivations. MSNBC and the NYT, where you read the lines that you're now parroting, tend to be wrong about this kind of stuff.

>not having excellent free healthcare from birth til death
stay shit murrica, stay shit

I'm torn on this.

I work for government. People think I get awesome health care for free. They're fucking wrong.

My first pay stub, 10 years ago, shows $500/month and I didn't pay a dime. No copays and I don't think deductibles were worth mentioning. This was the middle plan...not the cheap one, not the expensive one.

My last pay stub? $1250 per month out of which I pay $325. Copays just doubled over last year, deductibles are high, and there are all sorts of limits to everything. I can't even have my own doctor do a blood test. And this is the cheapest plan, after the "discount" for doing a blood test that I had avoided because I hate blood tests. otherwise my bill would be DOUBLE ($600).

Now, I had a brief stint in the private sector in 2014 (long story). The cheapest insurance plan I could find, and I didn't qualify for any help, was $400 per month, all on me, with similar limitations as my current plan.

So the thing is, while cuckservatives cried about union cadillac plans (I'm not union so don't even go there), those plans were SUBSIDIZING everybody else. And even while insurers sucked employers like GM and state/federal government dry, they still jacked rates like crazy.

At the same time, anybody who believed loosening any imaginary restrictions on insurance companies or coddling them with more certainty/handouts was going to lower prices or improve care has a fucking hole in their head.

Like Trump, I really hate the media. The local papers and their websites are full of angry cuckservatives who want government employees, from file clerks and janitors to IT and lawyers, to make minimum wage. This is because their small minds think "government" is a single job like bank teller or roofer.

They're massively butthurt about pensions and how pensions are the only cause for deficits. The reality is, in my state, none of the state's money was paid into pensions for over a decade. Yet, somehow, there were still deficits. So these people who think paying nothing is such a burden also think paying nothing will relieve the burden of paying nothing. Math is clearly not their strong suit.

Every time I write in to explain the math of pensions or insurance, it never gets published. I can't be the only one who has tried. Yet they'll print bible verses, contorted to support anything from Trump as the anti-christ to how gay chefs destroyed the space program, every single week. It's a retarded circus.

Trump will crash this economy. Master plan goes like this... when debt limit comes again this year, limit wont go up until obama care is discarded. All that Trump has to do is to tweet and wait. Genius!

>free healthcare
How do the employees in your healthcare system survive on a salary of $0? That's awfully good of them to donate all of their time for nothing in return. Who's donating all the free medical supplies and equipment? That'd be kick ass if we could get something like that going on over here.

Well, they tend to survive on appropriate salaries. Decent doctors receive as much as decent engineers with some career, nurses receive around the same as teachers, and janitors/desk workers receive the same as janitors/desk workers around other state ruled entities, like schools. I wouldn't call it 0$, or a bad deal either.
Then again, donations are for charity, and charity doesn't rule a country. The government does. So, the government pays for it all. And we pay the government. I always thought that the state's main principle regarding people was "the best for the most", and as long as that is indeed your driving force, it works.

This isn't the glorious motherland, and it also isn't the UAE. Yet it works.

Anyways, have we transcended into /pol/ yet?

Dont be a pedant. Free healthcare is like free energy, almost everyone understands what it actually means, but not the asshole who thinks hes smart and bitches about thermodynamics.

Okay, that's what i thought. Somebody's paying for it. Thanks but I'd rather not be responsible for the health and well being of some morbidly obese shithead who can't be bothered to properly care for him/herself.

I am sorry for misinterpretating your rant. Went into full defensive cuck mode for a second there

>They aren't going to repeal, they want to improve.
repeal and replace, improve. tomato, potato.

Except they have one of the absolute highest levels of economic freedom in the world, far higher than the US.

>even farting can land you a $1000 fine
Being authoritarian doesn't make it a socialist country. Economic freedom doesn't imply freedom in general.

You already pay. Medicare, medicaid, they exist.

The argument is to lower health care costs overall which would, among other things, reduce the amount of money you have to pay for other people.

But i don't want to pay for healthcare, though. It was cheaper for me to pay to take the tax deduction than it was to buy insurance I didn't need.

Fucking kek, that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read.
> "Hurry nurses unions and the FDA are why MRIs cost 18k"
Kys retard

> Didn't want coverage

>Oh, so you're now saying Trump did NOT want to implement a free market privatized healthcare plan?
Of course he didn't.

Why do you people CONTINUE to lie?

>anyone who disagrees with me supports trump

are you gay?

Their healthcare system is mostly privatized.
So is switzerland's.

Kill yourself.

It LITERALLY never was the free market.
lmao why do you losers never have any arguments?

If you honestly believe the USA has a "free market" in healthcare, then you must be too stupid to breathe.

Also what the fuck are you doing on a business and economics board?

It's one of the reasons they do.

Why has the price of all other technology gone down dramatically why healthcare tech has only gone up?

Kill yourself, delusional leftist.


The markets did amazing under Obama

this is extremely fucking interesting and upon doing my research its fucking true

basically we used to have lodges where you could get healthcare for 2 dollars a year

then the medical jews got together and banned it

fucking epic and nice

>this is extremely fucking interesting and upon doing my research its fucking true
>basically we used to have lodges where you could get healthcare for 2 dollars a year
>then the medical jews got together and banned it
>fucking epic and nice

I know,

The most horrifing thing about this is that people are brainwashed and think we currently have free market healthcare when in reality we don't.

You need either real free market healthcare or single payer single voucher system based on income or some shit that's truly fully socialist because half assing in either direction doesn't work.

Nigga health insurance ALREADY EXISTS, it doesn't need the government to do shit.

If Trump's health care plan was going to be free market the entire plan would only have to say "health insurance is a legal business"

>20 million new customers

Do you understand how the insurance market works? Obamacare requires insurers to cover more things than they would've and these customers have been a huge net drag on these companies. Take, for instance, UnitedHealth (UNH).

UNH got 1 million customers through Obamacare whose premiums contribute $4 billion in revenue. But the higher costs of providing care to these people caused them to lose hundreds of millions on this plan and spurred them to exit the insurance exchanges except in a small number of states where they could turn a profit.

Minimum care requirements also eat into their operating margin. At 4.9% (currently), that $4 billion should've given them $196 million in operating earnings.

UNH pays $1.8 billion in the health insurance tax (of the $11.3 billion total) and has an effective corporate income tax of 40.3%.

The only sections of Obamacare that remotely benefit UNH are those pertaining to Medicare and Medicaid.


>The markets did amazing under Obama
Is money all you care about you fucking kike? How about the fact that he prompted racial divide? Hatred of cops? Supported more illegal immigration?

Fucking cuck. Fuck your markets let them tumble. Taking back this country will not be easy. Strap the fuck on, son.

>The only sections of Obamacare that remotely benefit UNH are those pertaining to Medicare and Medicaid
which is not coincidentally where most of those 20+ million ended up.

the most expensive customers wound up in federally funded health care. But because of the taxes they still booked a net financial gain for the feds despite this enormous new cost.

Trump has this in control.

Relax Hater.

Nothing big is going to hapten.


>shit talking my president

Truly hope u lose it all im the market u retard cuck.

Then truly hope u die sad and alone remembering this very moment and what i said.

Fuckoff and sage

HAHAHAHAH. not even bait at this point u welfare cuck

>How about the fact that he prompted racial divide?

0 evidence

>Hatred of cops?

Again, 0 evidence

>Supported more illegal immigration?

He deported more people than any other president. Again, you're wrong.

>Is money all you care about you fucking kike?

This is an economics thread on an economics board. Take your race baiting trash over to /pol/

This 100%. Its okay. The weight will fall on out backs like it always does while the autsistic left is only good for sheiking and breaking our shit.

Liberals and democrats jys

Someone making sense on /biz and not being a shitcoin cuck. Leave before we get trolled brother

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Paid obama tax last year so fuck u and suck my fucking dick u welfare cuck

I dont packpeddle shit suck my fucking dick. Maga

Drumpfling... kys cunt

Topkek. Smile every fucking time i see the gif. You are fake news will never not be funny. So glad we got those leftist beta cucks

No! ;(

I worked for uncle sam too u mong. U do to get awesome menedits and healthcare


Kill your fucking self u wlefare drawing paper pusher DIE

market will roar back to life now that they will focus on the most important legislation - tax reform. BOOM

Yet we still are.

U first faggot cuck. Get a job

Yeah. Hes LITTERALLY suxking a dicl right now

>they will focus on the most important legislation - tax reform. BOOM
wall street has been wondering why that didn't come first. The delay has actually been hurting markets.

I just paid of a $200,000 medical bill and the leftist jewcuck faggots need to die. I have yet to meet an anti trumper who even has a fucking jobs.

Seriously. If u didnt vote for trumo do my wallet a favor an hamg yourself

Does babby neet need a burpy?

What, couldn't hack it?

5 point harness is secured.

3m respirator, shield, and stick ready


Fuckoff. Not even arguing your b8 u leftist cuck.

Obviously u are not white and dont have a job

Having a shittier response than a toddler...

No actually. Dispatching and then becoming a cop was the plan. 2 months of being the town babysitter i started job hunting. Unbeknownst to me the sherrifs daughter just tood a few months off for some reason and i hate that cunt. She popped off like 2 days after she was back and i told her what a fat smelly unwanted cunt she was. She left the room crying and i was intentionally fired from the only job i will ever be fired from. Also, stop whining cuck. Get a real job

The reality is that most businesses are snowflakes. They need to government to coddle them, look the other way, or both and they take about as much responsibility as negroid "fathers." Despite lying through your teeth and shitting all over the place while others clean up after you, 95% of businesses still fail. So, yeah, you're fucking cucks. The problem isn't our government, it's weak, spoiled, ignorant, little brats who think wearing a suit is a super power that entitles them to rewards far beyond their meager, at best, productivity. Go fall down a fucking well.

Like shilling shitcoins, right? ZOMG so edge much coin 4 u!

>95% of businesses still fail
over a long enough time line everything fails.

over ten years 96% businesses fail or are sold.

>have private healthcare services
>suddenly insurance cabal rears its head, inserts itself as the middle man
>consumer is separated from the cost
>healthcare providers rub their hands, start recommending unnecessary procedures
>CAT scans for everyone
>antibiotics for a flu
>pills like candy
>pills for the side effects of the pills
>weight loss surgery
>insurance pays for it all
>insurance cost skyrockets
>consumers get fucked
>then the healthcare providers get really clever
>they start drastically increasing costs for everything
>$200 bandaids and $300,000 for setting a broken bone
>insurance pays it
>sends the cost back to the consumers through even higher premiums
>consumers: how is this possible?!?!?!

Insurance industry is the parasite, rope is the solution.

No one wants to argue with you either Cletus. Are you even capable of being critical of Trump?

I had hopes for him, because I had no love for Hillary. However, Trump so far has pretty much shit the bed all while looking as unprofessional as possible. I hope he gets better.

They can only do what they do because they get special government privileges.

It didn't used to be this way.
Look at the 50s and 60s.

I think I'll try to buy SPXS tomorrow

Yeah, thanks to QE. Might as well increase welfare and give everyone $10,000. It's not like we can even pay the debt anymore.

Hehe some retards actually believed it was even possible to just pull the plug instantly on this massively convoluted program coz muh obumo boogeyman

-0.91% S&P 500

>0 evidence
Support of BLM
Trayvon is muh son
>Again, 0 evidence
Again, support of BLM rioters
>He deported more people than any other president. Again, you're wrong.
And yet allowed millions of illegal spics to continue spic'ing in the Southeast and Southwest.
>This is an economics thread on an economics board. Take your race baiting trash over to /pol/
Instability of a nation effects economic security more than anything. Stock prices are nothing but bullshit numbers that reflect monetary and fiscal policy along with individual performance as an outlier

>He deported more people than any other president. Again, you're wrong.
wrong, he changed the way they count the statistics, now they count turning people away at the border as deportation