>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
Previous Thread:
>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases October 17th for NA, November 3rd for EU.
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
Previous Thread:
I want to eat Jenetta's buns!
3rd best barkeeper
Bandanashark for cutest girl
Cass is the better barkeeper.
Edie's the better EO3 girl.
Name one better girl, (You) can't
Reminder to keep your autistic lolis on a leash.
Remember to bully all Harbingers
>fight a crawler and get it to low hp
>it poisons my dragoon
>less than 50 hp left, poison will deal about 50 damage
>"it will be fine even if I don't kill it this turn, because the dog will heal her"
>don't kill the crawler, dog heals dragoon, crawler attacks someone else
>next turn first attack kills the crawler
Rover is so fucking good I get too lazy to heal.
Of course, Cass is number #1
Should bad classes hold together?
Then who is #2?
Only Missy and Cass have personalities.
>found Jenetta casting chain pun on f3
Reminder that King Seyfried is still the legitimate ruler of Armoroad, as he never died, and therefore Princess Gutrune never inherited the throne. You don't want to side with an usurper, do you?
I want to marry smug happy Chinese merchant shopkeeper girl!
don't bully anyone
Jenetta, because she my peanus weanus says so
But Jenetta is an innkeeper, not a barkeeper.
She's not the designated barkeeper.
He is just a puppet king controlled by the tree!
Choose freedom, choose fishwifes! Side with the Abyssal God.
I prefer green-haired Bandanashark.
>tmw you moan out another girls name
meant the dark elf chick
That banana isn't ripe yet!
Why not both?
Mirina. As utterly forgettable as...
What are the names of the EO and EOIV barkeep again?
I think the lady who adores her niece doesn't have a name.
The dancer that tells you that being aloof is necessary but then gets emotional easily is Kirtina, I believe.
Valerie and Kirtida
Valerie calls you kiddos.
And Kirtida does not like bugs.
Even Mirina is more interesting since she is a former explorer.
I think the only people that have no name are the guild masters from EO and EOIV - and the latter is a reference to the former just like the guild master in EMD.
And that even though the guildmaster in EOIV is the only one to ever actually train you...
Personally I like Monk more than Monk.
Shit taste. Monk is clearly superior to Monk.
I think there's room for both of them.
Munimuni, her dad and her friends!
As much as I try to think about it, I can't remember either the bartender being called by name. Or the Radha hall guy, for that matter. Eddie's sister also has no name.
As a matter of fact, until the Untolds rolled in I think (almost) no NPC had a name in Japan, including EO4 ones.
>just like the guild master in EMD
His name is Gabriel.
Is snipers scavanger a worthwhile skill to max for playing through the main game?
+6% seems like a terrible boost for a maxed skill, but then again I don't know how loot works in this game so I'm curious
Are you guys bready for the full game?
Please let it have better voices, please let it have better voices...
One of the few times I thought the dub voices were cute. Maybe I just like airheads.
The wait makes my buns rustle
Actually, fuck it. I'm sure an undub patch will pop up in no time.
It's not that I don't enjoy the NPCs' voices, but the options for adventurers are overwhelmingly crap, especially the female ones.
>Not muting voices
I thought we all learned this lesson with Untold 1? Why the fuck are people still not muting?
>I'm sure an undub patch will pop up in no time.
neVer eVer
If the party member voices are the only ones annoying you then why don't you just make them silent
Because it adds personality to the characters.
At least in Japanese.
calm down teach
I'm level 19 in eo4 but I feel pretty weak. will level 20 skills make me a lot stronger? I have around 10 skill points saved up on all my characters. what dungeon should I be doing now? I discovered all of the ones on the second world map but haven't gone into any of them yet.
>I feel pretty weak
>I have around 10 skill points saved up on all my characters
Well no fucking shit.
>I have around 10 skill points saved up on all my characters.
Have you considered that that's the reason your party feels weak?
Lvls 20 and 40 open up new possibilities.
Misty Ravine is the main one for progressing through the game (and the Poison Swamp right below it I guess). The others are there to help bolster your experience in this part of the game.
he appears to be number 11
>what dungeon should I be doing now?
See what kind of quests you have available, try out the ones that direct you to a mini-dungeon.
>will level 20 skills make me a lot stronger? I have around 10 skill points saved up on all my characters.
Spend your points nigga, skills are everything in this game. The usefulness of level 20 skills will depend on what they are (like Nightseeker still just wants Blind and Paralyze in the early game, or Medic shouldn't skimp on stuff like Heal and Line Heal, but a Landshark really wants Improved Link)
That's some countdown thing on tumblr before EOV comes out.
>one month left and I still haven't settled on a guild name
No. You can only carry 60 items, and around midgame or so that will be what limits your exploration time in the labyrinth more than HP or TP. IV doesn't really have any bullshit rare drops either, so there's no need to boost the drop rates.
I didn't seem like spending points on weak skills would be a good investment. I'm saving up for improved link, sword dance, and squall volley.
should I do those caves first then? I just did the one that unlocks in the first area but the buffalo things were kicking my ass.
Trial and error.
The marsh with the frogs and water tiles is easier to take on, especially since you're not using your skill points to power up your actives and passives right now.
Anyone got HD art of Eyepatch Dragoon? I need it but can't find it.
Found this one.
Thanks Famalam
You all gave your eyepatch Dragoon heterochromia, right?
I want to plug her mouth with my dick
Thank you
>Have party sorted out already
>Only have humans and elves though
>Try an alt party with all gathering skills
>They're so good it feels required
Fuck. I could probably reclass one of my humans into therian but I really didn't want a midget in my party. Is using alt characters with gather skills viable? Seems like it might be a pain in the ass but it could work.
>not giving your entire party heterochromatia
Huh, seems like she changed her drawing style, but it's still very cute.
The guy that made the demo undub literally said he would make one for the full game
Why do people INSIST on making awful and ugly characters like this?
Are you one of those homosexuals I keep hearing about?
normies with shit taste
>only normies have shit taste
nice 000
I really want to make a type B dragoon, and the easiest way to cover him while he dishes out damage seems to have another dragoon in the party, but my autism won't let me have 2 Dragoons in a team.
Is there any other options for a tank/subtank?
i don't know how good ghosts or the dog is for that, any help?
just b urself
Please do not bully the sheep, they have it bad enough being elves.
>She's not even blind, she's just ashamed of the players shit taste.
Nah, the second dragon's purpose is to boost the 1st one's damage by proccing Gun Revenge. The only guy that needs protecting is dodge fencer.
The dog can use bodyguard on the Dragoon and since you won't be using bunker that much your pet slots are open. Necromancer can use Merciless Shield and Zombie Powder if you want to be that guy. The buster dragoon build is literally a ohko set hp so don't worry that much about tanking. Just hold them off long enough to finish set up and use binds
Spoilers for 5th stratum but a taste of what you can do. Was using random resetted party to test it. You also want a Pugilist for Giving it Everything (jp)
Because not doing so feels like wasting a feature.
I gave my fluffy shaman heterochromia.
I'm loving the EOV demo, partly because of the artificial endgame. Usually I hate to wait to replay an EO game to experiment with new classes, but since the level cap is so low it's easy to put together alternate parties.
I've currently got two Fencers, a Pugilist, two Dragoons, a Necromancer, a Warlock, a Shaman, a Rover, a Masurao and a Botanist all at max level. The only class I'm missing from my roster is Harbinger, but for the "endgame" of Level 10 Demo, I don't see the point in using one.
what happens if she grabs your dick?
Should I use an Earthlain or Celestrian for smoke botanist?
whichever one you think is cuter is the important thing but probably Celestrian so you can at least still use your healing spells
Ah I think your choices there are more TP on celestrian or more luck on earthlian for better infliction rates.
>Intelligence and Wisdom at level 99
>Earthians 113, 115
>Celestians 182, 143
>Therian 76, 98
>Brouni 152, 180
why are bunnies so dumb?
How does this team look like?
-Type B dragoon
-1 katana masurao
-binder pugilist
-herb botanist
-1 necro
about necros, i don't know the benefits of each specialisation,
i think A is about ordering your ghosts to attack, but for B i don't really get the combo.
>looking up anglo/welsh/scottish/irish names to flesh out party
>uh fuck guess I'll just look up a norman name to tie it up with my fancer
>first female norman name I notice on wikipedia is nene (with accented e's)
>for who is the master, and who is the slave?
>he can't type accents on his dum dum keyboard
You can't espcae the Néné
I didn't notice accents on the 3DS
I assume accented nene is the same as nene anywayway
>best girl is a boy
it's pronounced neen
Nènè is bènè
Pene. Nene is pene.
Fuck off fang.
remove neneposters