Historical stature of Europeans

Why were the Northern Europeans historically taller than Southern Europeans?

If diet is the answer, what type of diet would contribute to the increased height?

As a Southern European I always thought Northern European food was generally bad for you, since they just eat what they have available while we have a wide variety.

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Animal protein consumption explains 95% of cross national variance in height. Tru fact

>If diet is the answer, what type of diet would contribute to the increased height?
Cheese and Milk. Calcium is vital for proper growth.

>since they just eat what they have available while we have a wide variety.
no, that's exactly why northern diet had MORE variety. you had to know lots of things you could eat while southerners could take almost all of their energy consumption from plain wheat.

The Nederlands has the highest milk production ever.

I see a correlation here

more large cities in the south
city dwellers tended to be shorter than rural peoples because of poverty

And they're among the highest peoples in the world.

That image is beyond bullshit, you know that right? It was proven a hoax.

The Chinese for example eat a fair bit of dairy.

No doubt

The real correlation is that better/more diet + higher standard of living = taller

Look at twin studies

>If diet is the answer, what type of diet would contribute to the increased height?
Dairy. Consider kurgan peoples.

Northern Europeans who lived in small communities had higher standards of living than Romans?

that's not true at all, at least milk is very rare in chinese stores, if they do sell it's without lactase

Animals in colder areas are larger to contain body heat, its why the biggest bear is the polar bear, the biggest mastodon is the mammoth, the biggest canine is the grey wold, the biggest feline is the Siberian tiger, etc

Twin studies are useless. However the genes that affect height are pretty well understood through multiple lines of evidence and they seem to correlate with animal protein consumption

Plant protein. Doh

>living in a relatively clean sparsely populated village and not in filthy slum housing where you get to eat meat rather than grain from the dole
what do you think

I'm pretty sure it's just genetics. The Scandinavians and Dutch weren't that tall before abundant food was available.

The Roman historian Jordanes writes in his work Getica that Germans are taller than Romans and that Scandinavians are taller than Germans

scandinavians were germans

Well true, but Getica was written centuries after Germanics spread southwards from Scandinavia

but scandinavians were still germans and romans grouped them together with continental germans

Japan and Korea have very high milk consumption. It's even mandatory in public schools.

So I guess the factor which creates tall blond haired, blue eyed light skinned men isn't the environment, but dairy consumption.

Germans are celts that were rule by a minority of scandinavians for a brief time, they have completely different ancient origins, germans being anatolian farmers and scandinavians being hunter-gatherers and indo-europeans.

what the fuck are you smoking?

This is just silly, he is differentiating between Germanic tribes living in Scandinavia and outside, of course they aren't all identical. There are loads of tribes, some of them described as taller than others but Scandinavian tribes in general were described as "tallest of men".

It's a recent development, vast majority of Asians are lactose intolerant so they have to drink milk without lactase.

>Germans are celts
You base this on haploshit I assume?
What if I told you almost all the R1b in Germany is of the Germanic variety, not the Celtic one?

so which does height correlate the most with, plant protein or animal protein?

>cumskins being degenerates that drink animal milk

Humans evolved to eat fruit sugars and protein, not grains

Grains are a meme food, wheat for example has a fair bit of protein(gluten) but humans can't fully digest it and in some people it can damage their intestinal tract, rice is basically pure starch good for only short bursts of energy, potatoes are from a poisonous plant(nightshade family) and excessive consumption causes dropsy

>humans have not evolved to eat starch despite having the enzymes to break down starch
gluten intolerance is a fucking meme and it's mostly for cumskins



And almost non-existent for blacks and Asians.

celiac disease is the only actual disorder



Read the discussion section, it's been reported around the globe

The problem is that the wheat humans used to grow didn't contain much gluten, but now we use GMO wheat which contains much more gluten because it makes superior dough properties, as developing nations switch over to more modern forms of wheat they will begin to develop more gluten related disorders

1.3% of african americans have celiac disease

compared to 0.5% to 1% of the general population

do you seriously need a complex explanation for why some arbitrary physical trait varies from population to population?

Tallest people in Europe are those living in Dinaric region.
I believe it's dairy products.

disease occurs largely in Whites and rarely affects
native Africans, Japanese or Chinese. Estimated prevalence
rates in Europe range from a high of 1
in 300 in Western Ireland to between 1 in 1000 and
1 in 2000 in other regions

>the wheat humans used to grow didn't contain much gluten, but now we use GMO wheat
No GM wheat is being grown commercially. You are a conspiracy theorist who ignores facts and logic and can only defend himself by saying "you don't believe everything I tell you therefore you are a tool who believes everything the government tells you".

