Stop letting lulufag win edition
Stop letting lulufag win edition
First for deals.
Thanks, Rito.
Hey Faggots,
My name is Veigar, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to your clairvoyance magic on summoner's rift.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of a trading vessel, and studied with all the greatest dark wizards. What spells can you cast, other than “jack off to naked drawn champions”? I'm also the strongest mage in Valoran, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
>Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
xth for Syndra
>tfw I got Dreadnova Gangplank for literally nothing
Is Lulu made of play dough or something
Ahh, very nice. I only lucked out with the cheapo skins.
What was the discount on this one?
Reminder that banning Tristana is a requirement for victory. No exceptions even if it's a bad trist.
why do mids and adcs have this mentality of "my first 3 items are concrete. i will not alter my build path no matter what" for 99% of games?
20% 1080 RP didnt sway me though i grabbed that shit faster than blitzcrank in URF
That she did. It's good to see her get out of her funk and start drawing again.
I occasionally play GP so it was worth it.
Though Captain is still probably his best, the lines from that one are more joyous
How can I increase performance on this game? I turned graphics and particles to the very lowest settings and disabled shadows, yet I still struggle to maintain 30 fps. And during teamfights, fps often drops down to single digits making it impossible to play.
I'm a poorfag with a 7 year old iMac. Is there anything I can do?
her early game is absolute garbage
Yes they've stated you can contact support and get the deals you had before if you want them
feels good
In what cases not Draven do you try to get bloodthirster? I'm thinking about getting it top if I'm farming well and ahead in lane.
Is the item bad now?
I dont know but I'm tired of seeing ADC's rush three crit items when they can't find for long periods of time. I'd rather someone get a life steal item or an armor pen item as a 3rd slot.
got the one I really wanted for half off
dunno if I should get any of the others, though
Pantheon support?
I'm really happy I finally got the lux skin! Everything else is pretty bad though!
I hope your shop items have been much better my lovely friends
we need more of these
Not only is that wrong but also the only thing that matters is breaking the nexus, which you can only do early.
Efficiency of the powerspike. If you want to get mercurial scimitar first you can. But don't be suprised when the ADC with 2 zeal items and IE does more damge while you're still working on IE
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
Kill yourself.
Consensus on nuAzir?
I feel like they gave his W a little more damage but nerfed everything else.
Lulufag we're not using your thread. You're going to lose. Now. You lost. YOU LOST.
Feel free to lick my pole because thats the only way you'll get any (You)'s out of me you sub-human parental rejection.
I openly admit to owning 5 dragon dildos and being a slut in Diamond 3 and I have more dignity than you.
Nah, I'm very much saving that for Janna.
I love my boyfriend Kled! He's so cute I want to rub his ears sexually!
Seems pretty shit
I'm ok with that because I hate laning against him
>SG Janna
I am cum.
Can't do early*
you should've gotten a pc 7 years ago. macs are notorious poor performers when it comes to games. my pc is 9 years old (with a phenom 9650 and a radeon hd 4850 kek) and runs lego legends fine.
It can work, especially with/against particular champions like, say, Jhin. He can follow up on your W with his and your passive blocks several of his very important autos.
>roaming and/or ulting to other lanes to set up kills via stun
Also important.
These can make for an unpleasant experience, though.
you can only post in this thread if you purchased all 6 of your my shop offers
true. I think I'll work on a Lulu Veigar one.
What do you do with champion shards if you own them all? Just dust?
ADCs are just used to DPSing or life stealing through anything, also it feels like you're forced to get your Infinity and generic zeal item if you want to have any DPS when team fights start breaking out.
beat her in lane, thats her weakness
good goy
Rioters currently rubbing their hands under their nose in malicious glee.
Show us more.
because shiv+rfc+warlords gives you sustain and you add all that crit to ie and things go boom, especially when you have an ardent to give extra as and on-hit damage and heal as well.
They cut his range and changed around a little on his ult and gave him more damage.
He has a better early-game but in exchange he puts himself in more danger. If he wants to trade and do damage he has to commit more. I sort of like how they pulled this off but Im upset because they went with this route SOLELY because its flashier and not because it fit his theme of a commanding emperor archetype. I can already see the same thing happening with Swain, they find out that his kit doesn't work with his theme and they redo it some-time later down the line. In the meantime hopefully picking Azir doesn't mean my team has to say "are you good at him?" everytime I so much as hover him, also hopefully I wont have to try as hard to be strong either as opposed to other champions who I could get one kill off of and just win the game with.
I've never bought one and I hope you people fucking die.
I don't think you can reroll champion shards in the new system so yeah
Real threda
Is it, though?
Real thread? More like real dead!
and its dead lol fuck you you sub-human parental rejection.
I got that too, last time. Good on you. Love her passive's effect in this skin.
I play Renekton only when Trundle is banned or taken (once every decade) and I only play Irelia when I'm horny. Purchase?
>this butt blasted
can we just stop for a moment and talk about how disgusting Warring Kingdoms Garen is
it's basically whitewashing and appropriating chinese culture
why did you buy it and support the ideas behind it?
stfu when i heard about the shop being removed and fixed i fucking spammed poppy games and managed to get star guardian poppy in my updated shop
Who here /wants to cuddle Kog'maw/?
yes, you should dust all champion shards you get soon before next preseason. When preseason hits, all your current blue essence will be multiplied by 6.5 which is a better return than if you were to save your shards and dust them after the preseason patch.
So lets say League of Legends was also adding console gaymers to the mix, to which we all share the same servers
How fucking awful do you see this being? Do you think it would make riot balance shit properly given some of the styles needed to play champs
Imagine her gracefully and sensually gyrating her slender body while she rides you
because I support the extermination of minorities
Did anybody else only get "your shop" skins for champs you already own skins for?
good taste.
I had to look up which champion this is even supposed to be.
Tahm Kench is my chub catfish bf!
uh what?
>holding a rapier
hmm I wonder
he isn't fluffy enough to be worth cuddling
here's a list of the most cuddleable champions:
And it remains the ugliest skin to this day, rivaled only by SG Lulu. Who's idea was it to give yordles human skin anyway?
I wanna BEE with Lulu!
I bought 4
That's good enough right?
So do you furries pick which League champion you molest each month out of a hat or something?
Is Nasus next?
Ohh, what a lovely day.
How is this fellow top these days?
Trundle is my bara frost troll bf!
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
It's supposedly gives you skins for champs you play a lot
And since you play them a lot you'll probably have skins for them already
You're out of luck as always, given that she promised to spend the rest of her life WITH me!
>Pick a off meta support
>Get a Vayne adc
>Start roaming when laning phase ends
>She never leaves bot
>She gets hurricane instead of shiv
>She had warlords
>Start giving her advice on how to itemize Vayne near the end of the game
>She never got boots the entire game
>Post game lobby, we lost
>I'm apparently the problem
Adcs are funny sometimes.
Kind of a random question but what exactly does SG Janna do exactly? Like the other characters seem to have fleshed out personalities, hobbies, etc. But what even is Janna?
>what even is Janna?
A stupid slutty cunt.
No one cares about your lvl 30 normals
idk why you guys dont just ignore the lulu idiot
its not like he spams or anything
try the walking dead generals a few months ago
Actually it's
January = Rengar
Febuary = Alistar
March = Wukong
April = Warwick
May = Volibear
June = Renekton
July = Nasus
August = Azir
September = Tahm Kench
October = Ornn
November = Twitch
December = Aurelion Sol
how'd i do, /lolg/
She's a mysterious girl with a dark past.
I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!
>lulu thread is dead
poppy's the best yordle, kiddo
she's the senpai of the group, kinda like Mami in PMMM. She has a huge knowledge of stuff and kinda act like a mother/big sister figure for the other star guardians.
You leave my Dragon out of this you Slut. And thats coming from me.
Fuck Rengar twice in a row or something but he belongs to me.
I want to shugi shugi shugi in Gnar.
>tfw you will never be a waste of human life to the extent of the pathetic barafaggots in this thread
Your entire existence is nothing but a stepping stone for my self-esteem.