boards.Veeky Forums.org/vg/thread/189814729#bottom
boards.Veeky Forums.org/vg/thread/189814729#bottom
first for feet
first for titan pride world wide
Can't wait to be free from all this inner circle dick sucking when PC releases.
Fourth for all you memesafe lovers need to clean out all the vex milk and prep your hive bulls for her next round.
it still works given Calus's character
>people still complaining about dogs
just git gud like its not that hard dude
>tfw no Holliday gf
Join PS4
Reminder to not let Dub play striker.
Thanks for letting me cut my teeth alongside your buddy man.
Sorry I forgot to delete monarch stuff we were at 815 and I felt I needed to act swiftly
Post calus (Calculus, Calulator, Callused Hands) to make up for it.
First for Leviathan is a worse raid than kings fall
We we're only on page 8 user. Just take your time.
Anybody up for Nightfall? PS4. No mic right now.
i don't know which is worse, that the oven pizza i just made cut the shit out of the roof of my mouth or the fact that there are warlock mains in this thread.
Immediately after this I said "God I hope someone else fucks up harder than that so that everyone forgets this".
[Spoiler] Nobody ever did. [/spoiler]
It's ironic because I was telling my normie friend how much the gatekeepers don't want to fight and that we shouldn't shoot them.
Don't reply to brainlets
what toppings though
the fact that tripfags are shitting up this thread
Let's do this.
I can't decide where it fits. Every encounter before the last is piss easy and getting coins instead of loot is gay. But at the same time I think the setting is really cool
Hit alt+s next time for spoilers user. Don't worry, someone else will fuck up and over-ride yours soon enough.
>No bosses other than the final boss
>Boss is a DPS check
>Buggy mechanics
>Loot drops are bad
>failed spoiler
how does he keep fucking up?
Fuck I love going home at school end time during warmer months.
Anyway, how's the new weeklies this week? Any shit modifiers on the nightfall?
>'Grow fat from strength'
>raid drops 2 or 3 items on average
exotic chests are the only thing worth a damn
Anyone have some good Destiny fan art?
>dps check
High DPS is fucking easy as long as your team isn't retarded and gets at least 70 skulls.
gg lol
I did it successfully earlier. Was it my punctuation or my unnecessary spacing?
1 more for chill Nightfall.
who platinum here
god damn I fucking nolifed for 2 weeks and now I don't have shit to do
Easiest raid boss in the game
You capitalized the S in spoiler.
>Every raid until this point has been a tactical strike meant to dismantle a great enemy force and eliminate a high value target
>Leviathan is us getting invited to this dudes palace where he dares us to try to kill him
Love it or hate it, this raid is certainly quite unique in terms of tone and structure.
I fuckin love how the titan raid armour looks, by the way.
I'm close. I just need to finish the prestige nightfall but it's fucking awful.
What if I'm a sperg who rages, but I have cleared the raid six times now and my LL is 305?
Messaged you
Can confirm. 84 skulls 2 phase hunter master race here
>Complains about boss being a DPS check
>Meanwhile he wants *more* bosses
Also what said.
If you do what I said (2 people inside the throne room, 4 outside of it) you can 2 phase him at the very least.
You don't even need 4 people outside to get ~70 skulls, you can have 3 people outside so long as the guys on the inside burn his shield *slowly*
I'm talking about leaving his shield up for a good 15 seconds.
ya this week's strike fucking sucks too
is it still bugged on prestige?
Then join up.
Accept my FR
We do 3 and 3 and when we hit 50 skulls in the mind dimension we tell them to burn the shield. Its more dangerous since the people in the throne room end up being at about 50% health when they do it but we still come out with ~70 stack.
Please do not post subhuman niggers in this general, thank you.
Having a warlock in the throne room with a healing rift helps
>2 people in the throne
Way to cause a wipe by getting overrun by centurions and Psions retard
Put people who are competent in the throne room, retard.
>Failsafe still won't give me my exodus down robes
it's doable if the 2 people in the throne room are really really good, to be honest you're going to want 3/3
>use guided game ticket for shits n giggles
>they're both a higher light than me
>we timeout at the boss becausr they're literally retarded and don't understand the modifier and they end up with less combined kills than me
>they don't even shoot the fucking anomalies
guided games were a mistake
any niggers in chat?
>t. friendless queer making fun of elite clan Chads who have other Chad bros and get far more pussy than I ever will
2 people run ahead clearing objectives, one person focuses on shooting the anomalies.
the breach team will grab any anomalies they can get on the fly, but will not go out of their way to get them at the expense of moving forward and clearing objectives
they will also avoid fighting whenever possible and just sprint through wherever they can
time booster will clear their own mobs as they go as needed, they can die all they need to because their only job is getting more time, it makes no difference. when the time booster has all the anomalies they can find they join the breach team to help finish clearing objectives if needed
Light level doesn't mean shit
this game hands out loot for doing nothing and most of the weeklies consist of trivial content that a retard can do
spic niggers
trap niggers
shitter niggers
haji niggers
nigger niggers
>When someone in the /dg/ fireteam unironically says 'kek, this nigger is annoying' when fighting the Nightfall boss.
So long as the guys in the throne room are full health once the shield is up, you can 100% push that thing until your screen is almost completely white (15 seconds is usually enough)
>Kill the ads.
>Don't die.
>No wipe and you get to enjoy Force of Will x90+
>this game hands out loot for doing nothing
My biggest gripe with Destiny right now
R8 my transmog dudes
The constant memeing is why I don't play with anyone from /dg/ outside of 4-5 people anymore.
>someone in the /dg/ fireteam smacks their lips after taking a drink and grunts as they audibly fart before you hear them hastily mute their mic and not say anything the rest of the Nightfall
>304 warlock
>298 titan
>295 hunter
>all major activities completed
Who /bored/ here?
>So long as the guys in the throne room are full health once the shield is up, you can 100% push that thing until your screen is almost completely white (15 seconds is usually enough)
Yeah totally, but we're doing enough damage to 2 cycle at ~70 that we haven't felt the need to push it that much harder.
>People are 300 LL
>be 290
>Have to explain call outs and what to do in Gauntlet
I want to end myself.
who else cabal cocksleeve?
Get a life nerd
Chad would ignore the anomalies, shotgun rush everything, never die and end up with 212 kills and 0 assists without even picking up one of the restoration things
>Waste ammo on a shield because you want one less DPS phase by sending another person to the mind
Post more of this thiccness
>you guys mind if we run the nightfall again on my other toons after this?
>279 hunter
>that's it
>still haven't finished the raid yet
who /only plays for a reasonable amount of time/ here
>say I have to go after finishing it once because my pop-pop just died
Post some Destiny artwork then man.
>fuck up a few times in the raid tonight
>starting to worry that I'll get a reputation as a shitter and never get called for raids again
No worse feeling
A 'life' is working 40 hours a week only to have enough time just to when you go hom to heat up a microwave dinner and eat it, and go to sleep?
Crucible makes me actively dislike this game
You're mistaking Chad for Gregor. Chad only wins things in online games through sheer brute force with his bros. Gregor is the silent, skilled player who uses simple loadouts that don't contain meta weapons or armor and manages to outdo those that do with ease. He never says a word, but drops a friendly emote when greeting and before leaving the fireteam.
>don't even do raid
>get raid loot welfare because clanmates did
I don't feel anything anymore
What raid team were you with?
Everybody in Dub's was awesome except his normie friend who isn't even here to get blacklisted.
do it in another raid and you will.
>tfw you will never raid with Dub
If you are an unsuccessful cuck maybe. Either way its better than being a lonely NEET.
Do you think the Fallen will eventually ally the Guardians?
What's the highest light level item you've personally seen?
What's the highest light level gear possible right now?
I have a 303 and a 298 but the highest I've seen without mods is 300.
>d.va player
It seems even a goddess can be flawed
My chief fear every time I've raided with /dg/ since VoG.
Even more so if I brought alone an IRL friend who was worse than me
As long as you learn from your fuckups you will be fine, people who are stubborn and continue to wipe raids are shitters
I want YOU to do the Nightfall with me
pretty sure its 305 with mods, Don't know 100% though
>that one adventure where the fallen captain leads you to the objective and if you kill the hive nigger he peaces out
Isn't the cap 305 right now? I am at 304
That's fine then, to each their own.
>Waste ammo on a shield
You'll be fine.
>Not just afk'ing crucible until you get a Better Devils to drop so you don't get mad playing it
How do you get a 305 legendary kinetic?
>if you can handle me being blitzed on painkillers, sure
It always works.