Do we need another big war ?

In the last time I always feel like all these newer generations are just... a waste. People keep on discussing the most ridiculous things, keep getting dumber and dumber. Great inventiones are made but only for our own entertainment and not to improve ourselfs or our enviroment. (except Lord Musk ofc)

The idea of having everyone fighting in a huge world war like two generations have before us makes me feel like thats the only way we can... I dont know... wake up and realize what the fuck we have been doing, realize what we are and what we are capable of. I dont know if anyone is kinda getting my point.

Anyway. Am I right about this big war thing ? Are there any other things than fighting in a war to rescue humanity or is this the only way ?

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I kinda also want a war as it makes people focus on important things, but at the same time i'm too much of a coward to participate if there was a war so eh.

Like every other time an autistic teenage walt feels they need a war to validate themselves or society, there's plenty of action in the world right now. You can back up your words with action and participate firsthand in one of the great ideological and physical conflicts of our time.

WOW thanks user now my will to take action is back lets see what we can do...

>Trump for president !
>Vote Hillary

Well, nevermind.

Be the change that you want to see.

No but I genuinely hope we have a worldwide plague that decimates a huge chunk of the population. A disease is indiscriminate and it leaves the infrastructure intact unlike war or an apocalyptic natural disaster. Wouldn't mind being a survivor in that scenario because like The Black Death, the social and economic benefits in its aftermath would be worth having. I also hope certain people die off so I get the last laugh.

I want a war so I can have a job! War profiteering sounds fun.

>physical conflicts
you mean...war ?

dude I cant get my hands on enough weapons to almost wipe out humanity

Those other >autistic teenage walt I know are all hyped for war because they learned what happend in WW1 and 2 and said they can cope with that but that was like tons of years ago. Nobody can know what a world war would look like now and I am not sure if I really want to find it out.

>>hurr durr why aren't people like in my history when ships were wood and men were iron
/pol/ my nigga you must be colorblind because that's just blue pill and emotions

history remarks exceptional individuals because they are exceptional. implications that the common man of such and such group is anything other than common is the omnipresent memeing incompetents do to puff themselves up.

>claims to want to almost wipe out humanity
Have you even wiped out a fraction of humanity?
Are you even trying?

>not just volunteering for some shit kurdish or syrian rebel group to get your stupid war fix

People don't have to die to assuage your retarded worldview, fag.

I didn't claim that that is what I want to do myself. Its what I want to happen to the world because I think any other way to get the garbage out of here would not be succesful

what was your point, really
"ideological and physical conflicts" is clearly less clunky than "ideological conflicts and wars"
s m h

what are you even talking about you retard

When war happens, peoples values change. When your country is threatened, and you have to send your fellow man to give their lives to protect what you have, people start to understand whats important.

America has been in a state for almost 70 years now where everything is given to us, nothing important is threatened, and people can now run wild. That's why stupid fucking issues like gender pronouns are now becoming the hot topic.
The hot topic used to be keeping your job, hoping that your husband didn't die in the war.

War creates a genuine perspective on values.

>implying that you won't die from the plague


Why the fuck would you fight for this shit country ? Everything there is fucked beyond recognition and everyone flees from there instead of staying and rebuilding their damn country.

So, are we having too much peace ? I might be talking shit now but in the past it seemed like there was a war every couple of years in Europe.

Not that peace is bad and the discussion risen in it are all stupid but... this is getting kinda ridiculous

>implying he wouldnt accept dying himself so the plague can do its work



No because all it does is create a fresh batch of butthurt that we seriously do not need.

Also MAD

Modern war is a deterrent on its own, just as much as the threat of nuclear exchange, mainly from the lessons we learned from WWII.

Despite all the history stories of grand victories and borders redrawn, there were actually very few "Winners" of World War I, with the Axis powers all but destroyed to their very foundations, and nearly all the allied powers now crippled to a point where they could never recover their former place on the world stage, the only real powers that came out of the War in a stronger position than when they entered was the US and USSR.

mostly this was because of the titanic cost of waging a modern war, in terms of fuel and steel for your mechanized corps and navies, food to feed in excess of 10 million soldiers or more, and having to arm, clothe, and equip everyone with the supplies they needed to get through a battle, modern war's price tag alone broke the greatest powers of the world.

to do it again simply isn't possible for any nation except for the US, Russia, and China. So large scale wars are averted in favor or more limited regional proxy wars because of the immense backbreaking cost of direct conflict with the Big 3 powers of our time, cause should a modern conventional war break out again with all the resource and manpower needs it demands, it's doubtful there would be anything to gain from such an expensive and costly endeavor.

World War II*

hello underage /pol/

remember that wikipedia is not a credible source on your essay due next week

>Do we need another big war?
It's like /pol/ wants conservativism to be BTFO even further.

le /pol/ xDD
really just answer the question

No because big wars suck and I am very much enjoying the peace between world powers. Let Third World Nignogs suffer war for us. Chances are they're stupid enough to want it anyway.

The united states has been at war for 15+ years and you're asking for more war?

war is not beautiful, it is destructive; war does not beget clarity, it begets chaos.

why would you think war causes a nation to sacrifice when a majority of modern war(re: proxy war) is conducted while the population forgets its happening.

you're underage and are naive OP, you will grow out of it. i mean that completely uninsulting.

t. vet

No, most people are actually fighting and dying in wars right now. I don't know why you want every to die in a nuclear holocaust though, radiation burns only make people tough in a "burned to a crisp" sense.

>A disease is indiscriminate
Haha. No.

Please kindly shut the fuck up and read up on the horrors of places like Verdun or Stalingrad, and be grateful someone had to live throughout that to teach you a goddamn lesson

Shitheads like you rev up the romanticism as soon as the last living veterans of the generation of these human tragedies pass away

I honestly couldn't tell you. If I lived for hundreds of years I might be able to make an educated guess.

But, in my opinion, the general populous is always going to get angry and protest over things. Wars are a scapegoat for people to direct their anger.
When people have nothing to get angry at, they start protesting stupid shit.
If everybody was intelligent it'd be a different issue, but stupid people always want to say and do stupid shit.

Also like I said before, when a war is occurring, it makes people realize whats actually important. Again, in my opinion, I think a war would be good. It'll separate the wheat from the chaff, and whoever was fortunate to not give their lives will realize that fighting for your constitutional rights is better than fighting for the right to sew a vagina into yourself.

>Shitheads like you rev up the romanticism

He didn't romanticize it at all you fucktard. Saying war makes you wake up and stop being a fucktard, just like you, isn't "romanticizing" it.


well said, dude. dubs confirm it

I remember when I was also a bored suburban teenager. Movies and games about war are cool, right?

is trying to debunk your misconception that the common man today is somehow dumber than the common man during WWII. The special people you read about from that era are exactly that: special. They represent a tiny fraction of the people from those eras. The average person was likely just as dumb, if not dumber, than the average Westerner today. People have always been interested in stupid, superficial bullshit (what you call "ridiculous things"). Now it's celebrity news, before it was gossiping about what Gertrude from the farm down the road was doing with her husband.

Acting like there's a desirable social benefit to a shitty modern war is no different from romanticism, just at a different angle

It's like saying the cure to an overactive or ADHD generation is to depress them with copious amounts of PTSD, it's fucking mental and doesn't make any sense at all

when are you signing up cletus? they need a few more advisors ninawa province.

>Given a long-enough duration of time in which vast swathes of the population aren't getting massacred, groups of citizens with something in common will band together and campaign for their interests.

What exactly is your problem with this? And moreover, what exactly do you define as "what's actually important"?

>war is great haha i'd love to be a soldier in the front to get a chance to act like rambo and kill lots of people xD

I agree only on Full Scale Nuclear War. Fuck the pussies who is like I want a war, but not real one.

> War creates a genuine perspective on values.
Yeah... The WWI created feminism and WWII the current race isn't real controversy.

That is part of the romanticism of war.

no, war has become an existential threat, we have to learn to withstand the decadence that comes with peace or we will destroy ourselves

Why does Veeky Forums have so many "born in le wrong generation" faggots?

Nobody except extremely naive teenagers, or people who havent grown up, think the way you do. It's time to stop living in your moms basement and maybe even cut down on the hollywood films too.

No we have enough death, misery, paranoia and hatred as it is.

Where are you saying this? From the safety of your parents' mansion?

Don't pretend war isn't horrible for all parties involved and the earlier generations weren't just as 'worthless' as your current ones. Especially after they come back from the war and are perhaps forever scarred by it, or don't come back at all. Isn't the idiom "war took the best of us?" Shouldn't that leave you with only, I dunno, 'worthless' people?

Besides, if you need mandatory population reduction to be able handle society, then maybe the society needs to change and not its population.

great post and might be the best one in the thread.

thank you user

>implying you wouldn't do the same if Cletus was fighting with Bubba for supremacy and everything else is considered collateral and fair game

Are you literally a teenager or just part of the scum you want too see the world eradicated of so bad.

Stop making excuses why you think your life is shit.

Yep, WW3 will probably result in the elimination of nation states and the establishment of one world government.

What "we" (the Western world) truly lack is a challenge, something that would give a sense of purpose for millions of people.
The answer is not WW3, but another space race.

A Nuclear war more like. I don't even care if I'm killed in it, as long as this piece of shit society is wiped off the toilet bowl.

no fuck off retard


I'm glad this "we need another world war" meme is a fringe idea promoted by edgy teenagers/manchildren and not mainstream. I don't want another "WAR TO END ALL WARS IT'LL BE QUICK AND EASY ONE YEAR TOPS" shitfest.