>tfw ETH is almost 1/3 the market cap of BTC
Bitcoin is about to be dethroned. Fucking kek. Make way for us mETH addicts! We kang nigger now.
Tfw ETH is almost 1/3 the market cap of BTC
gonna be so fucking cheap in a few weeks
It will correct; however, I think ETH has established itself as a feasible alternative/substitute good for BTC at this point; it's certainly surpassed LTC.
As the price of BTC pulls back, I believe that some coiners will start to move their funds into ETH for the chance at another BTC-like return. We may be witnessing the beginning of that phenomena with the price action we've seen in ETH since the Winklevoss ETF was rejected.
Personally, I've stayed out of crypto for the past couple years, but I think I'm going to go long on ETH with the next pullback.
I'm looking to divest my small amount of bitcoin into ETH. What is the best ETH wallet and exchange? Should I do it through coinbase?
Just bought ETH best decision for long term. ETH to the moon
Those are some nice speculations buddy, now fuck off back to your cuckshed, jamal will be home soon
Use Mist for your wallet, and Poloniex or Kraken for the exchange.
Use Bittrex for the exchange. It's easier.
buying ETH feels weird, ive almost only bought at all-time highs and it always benefits me
time to hold
Fuck "easiest". What is the cheapest right now?
Your time is money.
Go easiest.
what the difference between
I made a Poloniex account. Do I need to first convert my USD to USDT then use the USDT to buy ETH? That;s how I understanding it. If there is a way to buy ETH with just USD please let me know.
fees vary a little bit. otherwise in my opinion, it's the chart and the chart options. i use bitfinex for their app and easily customization chart.
Yeah, use Cuckbase.
"Ethereum was intended to be a token, not a currency. It is not a store of wealth like Bitcoin."
I like the app too but looks little jamed in my 5g iphone
It's not wrong though
Ethereum is far more than a simple currency like bitcoin, which is why it has so much potential to surpass it in both influence and value
1 eth ~ 10k$ in 2020 :^)
every currency in the world is a token.
every token in the world is a currency
how many eth do i need to be cosidered a kang and shit
25-30 should do
ETH is like Dogecoin, inflationary and completely worthless.
Bitcoin is worthless too, but at least had a cap and was deflationary.