Would a modern Iliad movie be good?
Would a modern Iliad movie be good?
As much as I appreciate you scrubbing it from memory, there was a modern one recently.
You mean like re-telling in a modern setting? Perhaps, probably not.
All I know is that any Illiad movie is doomed by default. They should stop attempting to make them, they can't capture the feel, significance and meaning of it properly and sell it right at the same time. Strong days of independent cinema are long gone and with them the possibility of something substantial
That was over ten years ago m8
So long as it includes flaming arrows and studded armour, yeah
I quite liked Troy t b h
It had its problems but was fairly entertaining for what it was, and they handled the Achilles-Hector duel pretty well
It could but good, but probably wouldn't be.
A movie that focuses on the psychodrama of Achilles and his relationship with Agamemnon could be awesome, but any Iliad movie ever is going to be about some big fight at the end between Achilles and Hektor and be ultimately indistinguishable from any other action flick.
Make Penthesilea more relevant and it will sell fine
Its still pretty damn modern.
The acting was great, the fight scenes were very good, and theres not a whole lot of CGI in a sword and sandals movie
>tfw no modern Odyssey with 10/10's playing Circe, Cylipso, and Penelope with full blow sex scenes mixed with over the top gore and cgi monsters
If they made it a trilogy on the level of lotr then it would be perfect
I'm not sure about a movie, but I think a three season series would be good where each season would cover The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid.
So, 300:Odyseey?
As long as they don't turn it into another episode of "let's all gaze at Brad Pitt's awesome perfectness" and actually make a movie with rich, complex, historically accurate characters but given the dilapidated state of Hollywood these days that's highly unlikely to happen and they'd turn it into another bland action flick starring some hunky white guy with a script dumb enough to make it easily translatable.
If you want a fantastic retelling of the Iliad, Eric Shanower's graphic novel "Age of Bronze" was pure masterclass and Veeky Forums approved
Wasn't really the Iliad...
Was more like a what we think the actual story was like, rather than what the real thing was like.
Where was Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Achilles being a little bitchassnigga crying his eyes out, where was Apollo, and Chryseis, what about Ajax (why did he look like a Norsemen?) where in the hell was Panthesilea, and why didn't they show Mount Olympus?!!!
>So, 300:Odyseey?
Penthesilea wasn't really important, but Memnon could have been in it 2bh
It would be good if Odysseus and Diomedes were being bros and going on raids and shit
>*Record scratch*
>*Freeze frame*
>Yep, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got in this situation.
>Would a modern movie be good?
Achilles and the Greeks were black.
Well, an old Italian TV series did just that.
Let's go back the root of this whole situation. Yep, that's right, all this caused by one fruit. Now, you're probably wondering, how could one apple lead up to all this?
Troy wasnt really an adaption, rather it was based on the Trojan war with a condensed version of Achilles' trials as it's main plot.
I'm surprised that Hollywood hasn't tried to make a Greek mythology cinematic universe yet. Though I guess it's because it can't be copyrighted.
That's what the Clash of the Titans remake plus Wrath of the Titans were probably supposed to be. That and trying to recapture Harry Potter with Percy Jackson.
These would be great in the hands of a bearded continental European director who smokes in every one of his photos. Hollywood would fuck it up, if that has to be pointed out at all.
The art looks boring af desu. Is the writing good or what?
The art is nothing flashy but it's not bad, and the writing is superb
Well then, I might give it a shot, if I find nothing else the next time I visit the library.
truest post in the thread,to be h
What are you kidding? Hollywood has made tons of movies about Greek mythology. The problem is that most of them suck, they're bland, uninspired action flicks without any of the exploration into what made them special to the ancients.
They've made plenty of movies but they haven't tried to Marvel-ize it yet, that's what I mean by cinematic universe. Same continuity, recurring actors, etc.
1997 Odyssey series is absolutely halal.
First 10 minutes of it counts as the best adaptation of Iliad, too.
But there was one and it was magnificent.
They did and Troy was quite good actually. Some actors hammed it up, others tried to act, and the choreography was pretty good. I think even the CGI aged surprisingly well
I actually like Troy because they took the Achaian/Hittite Angle instead of the LE TOGA/CORINTHIAN HELM GREEKS :DDDDD