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Xth for bun kisses dudes
i'm a huge piece of shit and i'm going to post this once more because the lala told me to
get some help
>tfw you're jealous of a fucking lalafell because they got to hang out with raccoon cat
i NEED help
There is no drama on Mateus.
Do any dps or healer want to join me during levelling 52+ on primal?
reposting cuz fk u
someone play the game with me. literally anything but savage shit, and no, i wont erp with you if you're an alt but we can have a normal conversation if you want o-o
data center: aether
server: mateus
name: mikki hikki
private pf up, pword: 6969
okay do it?
>listening to what rats have to say
does this mean there is drama on mateus or what?
>Cat poster admitting they are a piece of shit
We've already known dude you play a miqo'te female it's almost as obvious as being an Au Ra female
We're all pieces of shit bud. Those who admit it are closer to the sun than those who pretend they aren't.
How to know when to avoid someone
>they are a constant avatarfag (this means they seek attention, possibly unloyal and will ignore you if they find someone of a higher status that you)
I want to eb this raccoon and then spend the wedding night doing lewd things~
If you EB them, they are yours forever.
True and untrue. Avatarfagging can stem from various reasons. Several are: attention, boredom, enjoyment (playing a higher role than attention albeit still in the same category), purposely being irritating or attempting to stir up a ruckus and a sense of pride in their character / glam.
Looking for someone to Jerk off on. Must be cute! on Mateus!
>they are really boring and still barely try to talk with others after someone tried to be their friend
I play miqote and i'm nice
No, you are a piece of shit trying to redeem yourself to the public eye for pity and nothing more you know you are shit, you acknowledge you are shit, but you will never change I've met others with your mindset they never improved and wallowed in their shitpile. You'll have the same fate as them but you don't care and you never will until you get to the point that you are completely unliked by everyone in a community that's when you move to another community and do the same damn thing. Don't drag everyone else in the mud because you are a irredeemable sack of shit that doesn't have the willpower to change.
you sound like a 'nice guy'
The only direct interaction with another player I had for a long time was another femroe, who emoted at me and said she feels great to see another one. It made me extremely anxious and I teleported away after bowing. I'm a terrible mess of a person.
How are they still dancing two days straight.
what a cute boy OwO
why are your hands so large
>tfw I always dance at the rocky spots in limsa while I go afk or do other stuff at the pc
That's a hefty set of baseless accusations with such a low reference pool that they are virtually meaningless. Whilst you're free to presume one assumption after the next the end all is that you know nothing of me/the person (I add this because you seem like the person to do this more than once) and that means your post is meaningless. From your reference point you have two? posts of mine in this thread along with several over the course of months worth of threads. I go threads without posting anything, sometimes I post something once a thread for 4-5 threads. You fail to acknowledge the amount of people in these threads who are much, much worse than I am in nearly every account for the sole purpose of writing up a worthless paragraph that i'm assuming is to bait a response. Well here you go.
You sound like a cunt
I don't mean a cute one either
I'm talking about someone letting their bulldog go to town on a jar of mayonnaise.
What the fuck is this bullshit in Namai village.
>Yugiri wants to kill Zenos in an ambush. We're plotting/scheming in a river all ninja-like
>Fuccboi Isse overhears/spies on two literal ninjas
Fuckin' seriously?
But for two whole days? Goddamn
Does anyone have a picture of a female Elezen with Y'shtola's hair? Preferably one with face 4.
Can you monstrous gaylords please stop having back-to-back meltdowns and episodes of paranoia for a few minutes and tell me what I should meld as AST at 70?
While I was visiting my family for 4 days I was dancing there during that time.
i like your name
Here you go my dude
to everyone who stops talking to people just because they are boring. Guess what? you are most likely very boring yourself so get off your high horse
She was best girl. Zeboim-era Xenogears game when
I'm fucking proud of you
What kind of names do you like the most, out of curiosity? Ones that sound like actual names or, y'know, puns and references and that sort of stuff?
Enjoy some hot springs instead of being mad
succ me
t. a boring person
Depends on what you're doing. If you have low ilvl gear and you're trying to do savage you might want some vit melds. Healers at the moment have a looot of leeway in regard to what they can meld, nothing is set in stone. For damage you'll want direct hit. Spellspeed for healing isn't bad, isn't great.
A good place to start if you want to see some setups for yourself is to go to fflogs, search up the top asts (or healers in general), find their name server and look them up on lodestone. Kinda a long process but it's helpful. The main thing thought is to know /why/ they're melding those stats.
>tfw no selfconfidence and feel incredibly boring
>stop talking to people after the first conversation because I feel like I'm only bothersome and steal their time
>unable to have any sort of healthy online friendship
Good morning mother
Are you a girl irl?
No we're not playing shift the blame, a common tactic used by shitty people to make them look less shitty to people. We are talking about you and how you opened up conversation saying you are a shitty person to milk attention and you not improving yourself but coming here to mope. You also skirted around self improvement and went on a long tangent, why so? You have my attention please explain.
are your so called friends just there to entertain you then?
buns a fakegay bitch!!!!!
Thanks, man. I'm kind of a new player and this is the first time I've reached cap, so I want to be somewhat useful to people.
that's how they masturbate and they're addicted to the feeling
oh sorry catgirl (male), happy now?
I'll show you a "hot spring" /smirk
>try to talk to someone, bring up conversation points and cues, ask them what they like about what they're doing, how they're doing it, shit about what game they're playing
>get responses like "it's fun" or "it's good" or "pretty nice" with no thought behind it or sustenance. nothing that adds to the conversation whatsoever
Yeah okay bud.
catgirl (female)
But you aren't interesting either. Your idea of being not boring is never shutting the fuck up shit useless shit.
>>tfw no selfconfidence and feel incredibly boring
>>stop talking to people after the first conversation because I feel like I'm only bothersome and steal their time
>>unable to have any sort of healthy online friendship
so me
I'd succ you if you were a girl irl
I'll freely admit I'm likely rather boring to talk to, if someone wants to stop talking to me because of that it's entirely their right to do so.
made me laugh, pretty accurate when it comes to bun!
I'm not entertaining enough and would rather be alone till I feel like I want XIV friends again, which then causes another bad experience, which makes my mind crush me, rinse and repeat.
>Zeboim-era Xenogears game when
What sort of dps should I be getting on O3S with i320 weapon as a SCH?
Hot spring are nice after a long day of killing gods and woodland creatures.
There is no blame shift when your entire post has two references. It's baseless assumptions brought about by a sense of superiority, however for the sake of your "attention" i'll bite.
Why would I open a post with "i'm a shitty person?" I personally don't like posting the same thing twice, but I do it if it's been long enough or i'm asked. There's nothing to improve upon other than leaving that out of the post which would give you nothing to latch onto like a leech. As for skirting the self improvement, I don't even know how to respond to that in the first place. What do you want me to improve upon, O'Wise One? Should I watch every single little thing I say as to not appear as sorry, sad and lonely as Beepy or Paks? I'm going to repeat you and ask: please explain.
Anyone need a tank
Yeah that's me.
I get too nervous to say things to people if I haven't said anything to them in like 3 or 4 days.
If it's been like a week I just have to write it off mentally as "Oh god I fucked something up if they haven't said hi, i'd better just go somewhere else and hope I haven't bothered them."
Wanna do doma
yeah pf
>I get too nervous to say things to people if I haven't said anything to them in like 3 or 4 days.
pffft, try 1 day, kid
Do you like /pets?
>replying to both of my posts
It usually happens to me after 1 or 2 days, there is also the problem that I feel like I have nothing of substance to say, so I don't want to bother them. These mental barriers are too strong.
If I've got all my crafters to 50 and a few to 60, are there any post-50 cross class skills that I absolutely need before I get into the nightmare that is churning out collectibles for SB for the 60 crafting jobs? None of my shit is melded and I'm working with scrip tools.
server? you seem to be a nice guy
Simple my dumb sarcastic child if you have to say something that brings concern to other people to bring you attention for no reason its probably for the best to not say it. All of your sarcastic backtalk and sass is just further cementing the point that you'll never change always stating excuses but never truly changing. What you need to improve on is not being reliant on the attention of others, it's a downward spiral.
What's your ign?
Usually I run out of things to talk about after 2-3 days besides their glamour or what they are doing that day. Feels weird asking the same question everyday too. I'll emote them and such but its really nothing left to talk about
you're really bad at this
I'd be your friend if I was on Balmung
is there an escape to this? are we doomed?
>tfw I was so hyped for Xenosaga
>it turned out to be poop
>just wanted to see Xenogears prequels
The hurting won't stop.
Also, goddamn Zenos is a weeaboo
I do that shit too, it's rough.
for the most part, yeah. we entertain each other, isnt that why people become friends in the first place?
did you stroke out at the end there bud? gonna be okay?
They're nice
>>just wanted to see Xenogears prequels
>The hurting won't stop.
I'm fine that this won't ever happen. Really.
Mind if I add you to my friendlist, fellow mutual interest traveler?
I still feel the need to try and hang out, or just do stuff with people. Usually leads to me running expert 5 times a day as people wander around and mention needing it, or just start crafting stuff when asked or mentioned.
Balmung, Eri
Nope, we're hopeless. 4.1 cross server linkshells! Maybe we can all be silent dorks and nobody says anything together.
green giraffe
>I still feel the need to try and hang out, or just do stuff with people. Usually leads to me running expert 5 times a day as people wander around and mention needing it
For what it's worth, you are one of the only people I "socialize" with in these small moments inside of a MMO. You are a good person!
>Usually leads to me running expert 5 times a day as people wander around and mention needing it, or just start crafting stuff when asked or mentioned.
Wow are you me lol
that's an abomination
Feel free. I'll still be on for a little bit. Finishing up some MSQs.
I'm pretty sure I own the game on ps4, in fact I know I do because I have a character at the level cap, but now that I have a comfy desktop and game pad I wanted to invest in ffxiv for pc plus xpacs for my PC so I can stream gay anime from my TV while grinding.
I have to re-buy the game, correct? I'd only consider it because I don't have the xpacs
>tfw looking at the bundle on steam
>you will save 0%
>when you have red shits and think you have ass cancer and going to die but remember you had drank a shitload of red kool-aid earlier in the day
How's your day been going my dudes
Yes you will have to rebuy the game.
A lot of people suggest not getting it through steam because you will have to buy all of the expansions through steam as well but it's up to you, if you like being able to pay through the steam wallet then you have to get it on steam.
Yea you have to buy the complete. you can probably get it for $50 if you look. Having something to watch makes crafting and gathering bearable
it does suck that we'll never get a proper sequel, and the xenosaga games are kinda all over the place
Yep you have to rebuy it for the license
Is there a downside to getting it all through steam then? Besides things like sales in other places and whatnot?
Steam always has sales and I may be able to find a key or something. I'd like it just to have roughly 65% of my games in one place
Xenogears is a "failure" iirc, they made them push out the game and that's what we got.
Xenosaga was supposed to be a true story told in 6 parts, and they said no, butchered the story, turned it into a trilogy, and now we've got shitty Xenoblade spinoff.
The Rhine Maiden is probably one of the most memorable moments in that era of RPGs to me.
I'm more mad that xenosaga ep 2 was fetchquest: the game
I have it through steam and don't have any problems with it. Some people like being able to find random sales on sites like G2A or GMG and ofc some people just dislike steam so they avoid it whenever possible.
I personally don't like signing into steam to play it. Only downside I can think of is wanting to buy a physical CE down the road. You won't be able to use it with steam
>try playing X1 when it came out
>got maybe half way
>dropped for a decade
>drop near the beginning
>find the undubbed version
>emulate it
>drop a few hours in
It's hard.