>Current Events
>JP: UR Riko Scouting
Nice job.
For cute gay family.
Ruby birthday soon!
>shitty crop of an LQ anime screenshots
>JP: UR Riko Scouting
Rubypedos shouldn't be allowed to make new threads.
How much longer until the event
Honkniggers are the worst.
I wish Ruby was my daughter
I'll pass.
Dia belongs with Ruby so yes.
No, degeneracy crack ships shouldn't be allowed!
Anyone else still playing? Still have a bunch of LP.
But Dia belongs to Hanamaru
Getting that FC was enough for me. See you again.
Honest question, why?
She's giant baby who can't swim, talk with people, more likely still wets her bed and she's a cuck on top of that.
i mean they said daughter not lover. it makes sense?
>she's a cuck on top of that.
Fuck off crackshitting flip.
Don't think I got anyone last game.
>more likely still wets her bed
>she's a cuck
I think those are made up, Especially the cuck part.
Sunrise hates RubyMaru, and in the s2 YoshiMaru will become NikoMaki 2.0
I'm out, as fun as this might be, I don't want to overshoot TOO much.
>yoshimaru crackshitting flip at it again
lmaoing at your life
They will calm down after the live view-
Oh wait
>Delicious tits with more delicious tits.
I love them.
Based ODEX destroying flip boipucci.
Why Umi such a abusive bitch?
Can we have some canon now after all this crackshit?
Happy birthday Ruby!
From your lover,
she'd never slap her lover Elichika
she slapped JAV-chan because she was stupid irrensponsible bitch who made Kotori leave
Honoka is an idiot and Eli is useless.
I wish I was Nico.
cute gays.
Looks like we miss nothing.
The ending to this makes me want to die, but I'm delighted to see more KanaDia being translated. Love those two.
But, Ruby belongs to Honoka
tumblr is worse than hell
This is worse than PanaEli...
Ruby doesn't have a lover, though.
Eli's a better onee-chan than that molenigger
Chika's lover is Riko, crackshitter
One of you homos answer my goddamn question, when is the PDP event?
There nothing wrong with PanaEli
What about Yoshiko though?
What do you expect from Rubypedos, they're bored mentally retarded man children. They probably laugh at fart jokes.
Paired with someone else.
It's canon in all Sunshine media. Deal with it.
Go check twitter, retard.
Eli is probably Ruby's birthday gift
Just a thought about Pana being top in any ships makes my dick hard
How can she be so lewd?
Kill your self Rubyfriend, you're fucking cancer just like Kananfag roasties.
Someone forgot about the puppets.
Yoshimaru or Rubymaru is boring for me though.
>dominant Pana
I need more of this.
This user gets it, Yoshiko already belongs to _Dia.
Wrong sister, wrong birthday
I don't consider a joke to be canon
Fuck off honknigger. Your ilk have shit up these threads for long enough.
>How can she be so lewd?
She has a very lewd body.
Imagine sticking your 4 incher inside Ruby while she's sleeping and she lets out a soft Pigi~