/fg/ - Falcom General #88

Previous thread: >Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1484356232247880393/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Ys Seven is out on PC: store.steampowered.com/app/587100/Ys_SEVEN/

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

>NIShit in the OP

I like Rean.


waiting for someone whose know where to fish the other two ?

AHAHA REALLY? Machias makes such a good support character, now even more.


What's with gun users and being good at support? Even Elie could break the barrier of time with one of her crafts.

How come? According to this fire deal more damage.

Does Air have something else to compensate for that?

You need good oversight of a situation and be able to stay calm to carry the trails guns. Both very valuable skills as support.

I wonder if it's related to that other Phantasmagoria or is it just FALCOM being lazy about coming up with a new name for the spell

Reminder that this will happen again

guns are the superior weapons in the game (more range + can hit multiple enemies is one shot) to to nerf them they are given to characters that tend to be slow and have low STR (crow is the exception, but you only get him for a short while).

Of course, chrono burst means that the speed disadvantage when using burst drive doesn't matter...

You fucked up the previous thread, user. Again.

Calling it now, Kurt's bonding event with Rean is going to be something alongside of Rean teaching Kurt on how to handle tits.

It's disappointing that Falcom put NTRbait in the game, but I'm confident they'll make it up to the Reanbase with Juna's final event.

I don't know what that table says but in ao sparkdyne hits really hard and fast.

Literally first result on Google.

>first kurt was confirmed to be Juna OTP
>then it's confirmed Juna is madly in love with Rean
>and now this is confirmed
What a rollercoaster

>Default setting is JunaxKurt OTP
>However, Rean can cuck kurt by making Juna his waifu if that's what the player wants to do
This is the only solution.

w-w-what if falcom goes full moralfag and doesn't allow any forbidden student-teacher love?

Tell me that after what happens with ReanXSara's bonding events.

ReanxSara won't be forbidden love anymore in CS3. She's not his teacher, and he's an adult.

I'd have to write a fix fic.

Arteria when?

It won't be forbidden by the end of the game when Rean is Olivert's new Chancellor.


How did they get away with this now that i think about it? Or was Schera 18 here?

I love when you can see places you've been before off in the distance.

Check the Ao chart. Spark Dyne is busted to fuck.

>playing NIShit

I want to fuck Schera at all ages.

Gaius day.

>7 days more
But release day is 8 days away

stupid japs


>not non-alcoholic drink
>not even grape juice
She didn't even try.

Famitsu scans.

Why has Falcom forsaken us Reanbros...

So Joshua and Estelle is gonna appear in CS3 right

>he thinks time isn't relative
Baka gaijin.


Why does Kloe rap when she uses her S-Craft

This is the Ao chart! Well its the only one on gamefaqs. Does the Japanese wiki say otherwise?

At the very least I hope Schera does.

That doesn't seem right, fire arts aren't that fast.

She was clearly wasted as fuck already.


I wonder if Agate is fucking Tita while she's ripe

>Mystery group of people who are supposed to be dead, plus Vita
What the fuck is going on in Erebonia!?

I feel fire was edited, Spark dyne was always the most efficient spell

And here's the review page.

>tita headpats
Reanfags on doublesuicide watch

What the fuck happened to Agate

I can already tell you how CS3 is going to go.

>Ouroboros threatens Erebonia
>Rean and crew help fight them off
>Osborne whips out his five metropolis plan and conquers all of Zemuria, killing many in the process
>Rean and crew say fuck that and kill Osborne
cap this

Christ it flopped.

You forgot
>Rean gets BTFO'd and Joshua and Estelle saves the day

Only FE Warriors and freaking Destiny 2 scored higher.

Plus, don't take Famitsu shit seriously. It scored, Ao 1 point lower, and SC was 28.

FC and Ao got a 32.
SC got a 27.

>/fg/ thinks it can predict kiseki
nigger pls.. When will you learn

>worse than Musou shit
Go home lads, it's over

>male symbol pointing at Juna



let me guess, some "ally" will be revealed as one of the big bads again

>One week until EOPs are forced to leave for fear of spoilers.
See you in a year, boyos.

>All those screens with just the students
>Kurt x Juna confirmed
It's happening boys, Rean isn't the protagonist anymore and Kiseki can finally go back to having good MCs again.

What if a "big bad" is revealed as an ally instead?

The twist is that, it's Rean.

It's not fair Sorabros, what if Joshua and Estelle doesn't appear?

ill kill myself if Bestelle doesn't show up

Summary of their points.

>Large number of characters woven around main character's story
>NPCs update every time story happens (as usual with falcom)
>Difficulty level selection, but overall difficulty is higher than previous works
>"Outstanding and highly strategic battle system"
>Is a legitimate evolution over the previous work

I remember when Jojo ASB got 40/40 despite being a mediocre fighting game

Calvard when?


19 I think.

>knack with 7 8 8 8
Sony still pays good for reviews I see.

why it took you so long?

>outstanding and highly strategic battle system
>use one skill to delay enemies and cheese the game because CP regenerates so fast

Those games are also way older and from a different time.

Reminder that, according to Famitsu, Cold Steel 1 is the best Trails game. Out of all of them.

Yeah they're from the time Nintendogs got a 40.

Thanks Famitsu, now I know not to bother with this inferior follow-up.

Reminder that Famitsu reviewers are bought and paid, so they likely haven't even finished the game and they wouldn't know about Rean permanently leaving the party after Act 1.

Can someone explain to me why, even in Japan, western FPS bullcrap and is so overrated and Japanese RPGs get treated like crap by reviewers? I thought that was just a western bias thing.

I'm so glad falcom put those awesome speed lines all around me in the air while I hold RB to run because otherwise I would not have noticed how insanely fast I am moving.

JRPGs are a bottom of the barrel genre. They are the cheapest to make in every aspect a game can have but still be fun to play if you like the genre.

Japan is afraid of offending their western slavemasters. WW2 has eternally castrated Japan on every level.

>money makes a game better

Why is that the animations in Ys VIII are pretty good in battle but when a cutscene happens everything is stiff as hell?

Western games actually have decent graphics, and they don't waste your time with 40 hour prologues.

>muh graphics
seriously, this is what it comes down to? I really fear for society. We're in bad shape.

Bingo. Everyone loves 10 hour interactive movies with poorly done QTE.

Only shitty JRPGs like Kiseki get less that 36/40.

As if abandoning reading wasn't enough, now people want to discard any and all time commitments or stories in favor of turning video games into fucking movies. Nep save us.

What the fuck is going on with xseed's twitter today?

oh shit son

Nayuta no kiseki

If Falcom wants to compete, the Calvard Arc should be open world. I hear most gamers love spending 98% of their time looking at dirt/grass/sky as they walk from one town to the next.

Why would anyone care about an irrelevant spinoff that nobody even knows what platform it's on?

Crossbell announcement soon.


CS3+Crossbell announcement.

when are they gonna show Estelle and Joshua