>that realization when none of Trump's plans are going to get passed

Are you ready for the worst day of the stock market, ever?

Since I have 100% of my portfolio in gold, hell yes. I doubt it's going to be more than minus 200-300 points on the Dow. though.

>Veeky Forums doomsday prediction
welp looks like it's just another week in a bull market!

yes, my dude. i am short nasdaq. i am short snapchat. my account is like 40% cash right now and i am ready to get busy. i think there will be a bit of a downturn over the next couple of months.


b-but its real this tiem!

i think he's right but his timing is just off. the market WILL go down at some point. maybe on monday. maybe next month, or maybe in 8.6 years.

Cashed my funds a few weeks into the "Trump" rally and now leaning back, watching the world burn (popcorn's ready).

i withdraw from almost everything and mostly hold cash. i have this feeling i might need it soon.

You only had to listen...and you did. :)

I wish. But HFTs keep buoying the market through phony bid/ask manipulation no matter what the health of the economy. You can bet that when it finally comes crashing down it will be in about 30 seconds and everyone who isn't Citadel or Goldman Sachs will be looking at a total loss.

these are my absolute fav biz threads

actual question though for everyone who thinks it wont crash due to mass manipulation, why arnt you long?

But everything is going to plan.
His decoy healthcare bill is taking out the people he wanted to get rid of, his muslim ban IS going to go through, the wall is already being designed.

Everything is fantastic

This. Obamacare is going to fail one way or the other. Democrats are being retards as usual, falling repeatedly for the same bait.

I'm young so I'd rather see the stock market crash sooner than later.

I am long, hedged with ~50% cash. Waiting for another opportunity to make 10% in a few days like I did around Brexit.

I only use play money in the stock market though so, I don't stand to make or lose much.

I'll give a little back since I made a killing by buying FCX and MRO early last year and selling last month due to the smart Veeky Forumsinessmen that have long since left this board I'm sure

Buy utilities and hold, thank me in two years

I'm confused. I bought at the 2009 low and did well for awhile but most of my stocks have been backsliding since 2015. The last 5000 or so points of DOW gains have done nothing for me.

It was a Heritage Foundation plan; what did you expect?

If you're buying and holding you might want to cycle some of the "has been" companies and bring in fresh prospects.

i have a bunch of shit shorted, i'll be right

The massive tax cuts aren't going to happen, the infrastructure spending isn't going to happen, and when the market figures this out everything is going to unravel.

By all means, keep up the irrational exuberance.

>Are you ready for the worst day of the stock market, ever?

When was the worst day of the stock market before?

ok cool, im 50% cash and long too

horrible resolution

>~2k in TVIX buys two weeks ago
I'm ready


>holding TVIX for 2 weeks
So you have like what, $500 by now?

I'm actually doing alright, this past week has gotten me back up to the initial investment with a couple green days and some solid AH performance

the healthcare bill wasn't a "decoy" the GOP just doesn't have any idea how to actually pass legislation since there is to many fractions in their own party, the muslim ban got cockblocked by the courts and the wall isn't being designed since no cash has moved in that direction yet, you actually got to spend money to get that happening

the thing to remember is this is pretty much the first time since like the 19th century that the GOP have actually controlled all branches of government and they have no idea what to do now that they are in control

>time is running out

The VIX is creeping up...............


Looks like you're going to be right


it's nothing