/dg/ - Destiny General
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>exodus crash nightfall
>survival trials
This week fucking blows.
>tfw no Holliday gf
Nth for raid gun
does anybody here use snipers? they seem like garbage. actually difficult to hit things with but the damage pay off isn't that good compared to, say, a good rocket launcher.
i mean on pc, they'll probably be cookie cutter but on console?
I don't really like snipers, I use Linear Fusion Rifles instead.
>There's about 32.9% of warlocks, 33% of titans and 34.1% of hunters in the playerbase
Well I'll be, I thought there'd be a trillion hunters.
What's your main class, /dg/?
>survival trials
ez pz
The Skullfort helmet is the only useful if you're a striker. Just slap on a legendary resilience/recovery mod and it's solid
They should have been an energy weapon. Not even double the ammo of grenade launchers and they can easily clear groups.
They hit hard if you hit a crit spot, but enemies move around so much it doesn't fucking matter.
They're meh but okay for certain types of enemy dps. Funnily enough low imp high fire snipers are better for pve than high imp low fire snipers and viceversa for pvp.
Voidlock shitter here.
Mained titan in D1, got him ll 280 in D2 now im maining warlock for the fuck of it
everything had to be shit on to fit in the same slot
Warlock, the thinking man's choice.
Titan. Striker melee with Crown-splitter is just too fun
What's a good level for the nightfall?
I used snipers a lot in D1 but they are unusable trash here. I feel like hit detection and the aim is absolutely fucked across the board for snipers and handcannons in PvP.
Titans are the normal class.
Hunters are the expert class.
Warlocks are the crutch class.
Warlock. I just like the glide so much. It feels a bit slower in D2 than D1 though.
>Hunters are the expert class.
More like the edgiest.
This. Hunter main here.
most people make one of each class, so of course the split is somewhat equal
warlock > titan > hunter, in terms of what I play most
Countdown is a thousand times better.
nth for pc version is superior
Warlock. Only one thats legitimately fun to play out of the box and exotics only make it more so.
Actium war rig and synthoceps both work well for striker as well.
nth for Asuka best girl and Rei a shit
>Actium war rig
lol no
>Stains is online
>He's playing Overwatch
Come back to us
280 for normal
weeb genocide when
I love that I can't do the Prestige Nightfall because the pulses near failsafe don't spawn, just great Bungie, really outdid yourselves here
>8/100 emperor seals acquired
what does it mean
>everybody shitting on the mod system and calling for buff or a complete overhaul
Looking for Tactical Espionage Action crew for the Underbelly, got the irrigation, armory and ventilation keys.
I'd like all the old and now irrelevant attention whores to collectively die desu senpai :)
that you need to collect another 92
right after the console cuck genocide
those are all soloable
>implying I own a current gen console
dumb weeb poster
a post
More like the hit detection is spot on and you don't get easy headshots and doubles like before when bullet magnetism would allow you to get two people standing apart.
How can you call it superior when it's not out for a month.
If you keep saying it, you'll jinx it and we'll end up with arkham knight 2.0.
>the traveller never spoke to the speaker
Most common complaint about them is
>its powerful but I can't hit all these moving heads
Yes, I agree that on PC it will do a 180 since no one is going to have trouble hitting the gigantic heads or weakpoints of enemies.
>It feels a bit slower in D2 than D1 though.
It's far slower than D1. As much as people bitched about the Warlock jumps in D1, but focused glide was perfectly accurate and you could get great distances from a jump. D2 is similar, but that initial burst doesn't carry much momentum at all.
Uhhh has the code for underbelly changed?
>he didn't play the pc beta
>he even for a second doubts that the pc version wont be superior
how fucking retarded are you
The great debateā¢
Where will you spend most of your time over the next ~3 years?
>die once in survival
>you're knocked out
What a shit game mode.
What part of "I never said it spoke to me" do you not fucking get
>Halo 3 BC in the lead
nice reading comprehension
If there's a cross-save feature, I'm gonna switch one of my guardians over to PC
I don't have consoles so take a wild guess.
>Even split between console/pc
Only neets would answer yes to this
There's not
That's too bad.
>ded game
>ded thread
>ded orbit
All titan, also this seems pretty legit, anyone who uses Warlock is a scrub
>been nofap since September 1
>playing destiny kept me distracted from the urges, especially in the morning
>nothing left to do in game
also why the fuck are people saying the nightfall is hard? You literally get immunity pools on kill
>Exodus Crash is my favorite Strike in terms of NPC interactions
>Literally the worst Strike boss in the game
This boss needs a fucking rework, holy fuck it's so un-fun.
>Did the nightfall when it still had burn
That shit hurt.
Adds were worse than the boss.
Am I missing a mechanic or does he actually take like 8 minutes to kill
>exotic that allows significantly longer periods of sustained dps for autos
I dunno champ. Numbers really show in the raid especially during minds eye and calus dps phases. Its not the swiss army knife of titan exotics but its situationally excellent
Codes for underbelly don't seem to be working, me and Knobbler are already there, anyone else want to help?
you have to succ each other off to activate them
He's called the Speaker not the Listener, retard
The problem with the boss is once you do a set amount of damage he disappears. I can't confirm myself but, people have been saying that if you do more than that set amount, when he pops up again he'll have more health than what you left him left.
NoFaps a meme. You know that right?
Are you saying you did the nightfall when it still had the burn? I can see the arc phase being a goddamn nightmare
It is but NoPorn isn't
I can confirm helped buddy with it prior to this week.
If he takes a certain amount he'll start to teleport and hurting him past this point he gets some amount of health back MORE than when he startwd with the prior phase.
Do something like knock him off or kill him in one hit he comes back full health.
This is exactly why he's a shit boss. If they just had him constantly on the field and then disappear ONCE to change to his melee phase he would be fine. Every other Strike boss is fine, but this Vandal cunt is the worst in the game.
Yes and no. NoPorn does jack shit for you unless you're a porn addict but PornInModeration works with all the bennies and none of the cons scientifically proven.
Would you be able to knock him off the ledge with repeated R1s on the Striker's Super since it stun locks bosses?
You can sword him, flashbang/flash and thunder him then push/punch him off, or do a super that knocks him back a bit but he'll come back full health.
>city streets portion of the final mission is a public area
that's because the city will be a zone
>day 1 had 6 people hold the line behind titan barriers like badasses
>day 10 had just me
>We'll make this boss and his arena a real pain in the ass
>Should we allow players to knock him off the edge, might make for a fun little easter egg type thing
>Nah, just respawn him with more health if they do
t. bungo
This. It's only if you have an addiction to the point where you're spending 2-3 hours per day watching tranny gangbang scat porn and so far removed from reality that nothing vanilla can get you off.
>are you judging me for selling out and going back to the city?! You ARE judging me!
T. Suraya
Alright, doing chests on Underbelly, who wants in? I'm doing Irrigation, Vents and Armory.
1/3 for nightfall. Pm for invite
Huntard, Nightstalker mostly.
Wait, that was a public area? What the fuck?
Hunter. Mostly Nightstalker, but i'm making the jump over to Nighthawk Gunslinger for PvE. Just infused my Orpheus Rigs into some legendary pants.
Streets of MIDA you mean.
Yeah. It was so you could have cool moments where shit would go down and some fucker would swoop in like batman or you and some randoms would have a nice "hold the line!" Moment. Now you get a nice big empty story mission.
See you fuckers in three days
Help me with raid when I get back please
This mother fucker is better than Uriels. (More damage). Better than the Trials auto. (More ammo)
Name a better energy auto rifle. You probably CAN'T.
>Name a better auto
Still Uriel's. Better perks.
If you think simply having more impact makes The# better, you just don't understand why Uriel's is considered toptier in the fist place.