Fighting Games General /fgg/
Do any of you fight anything in real life? I'm thinking about learning either Aikido or Krav Maga for self defense purposes.
*sad music starts playing*
I was almost scared people forgot to make a thread and it was gonna die like Marvel
Post Marvel combos
We need footsie Lilith, Booby Felicia, or Leggy Q-Bee for season 2 MVCI, then this game might be saved
Meme arts.
Either do boxing or bjj.
Pyron when?
what the fuck is wrong with gootecks in his new video with jwongg? he looks and sounds horrible
what is that?
I used to box, would recommend.
How are people going to react when the DBFZ LE comes out and the Goku figure sucks?
>More Darkstalkers than Street Fighters
Way to miss the point of MVC.
>that guy listing rollback netcode as a con
embarrassing. how kappa do you have to be to download a game then refund it just so you can give it a bad review?
You lied to me, crapcom.
>implying it has a point now that its mcu instead of xmen
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, in reality the vast majority of street fights end up on the ground.
Brazillian Jiu-jitsu (talk about memes). I'd reccomend Aikido.
I still don't understand what sort of satisfaction Kappa gets from these when everyone knows they're being disingenuous
who is the Kappa here?
The reviewers?
Is Menat good for a beginner?
omg broski has a British accent
He's all charming like Hugh grant
This. jiu jitsu is for posers. only aikido is powerful enough to allow 90 year old men to beat adults in their prime.
Where can I get an NA key for MvCI cheapest?
No but she's good for my dick.
To bad they can't prove it.
>look at
>*all around us are familiar faces starts playing*
His wife left him.
what did you expect him to have? a pakistani accent just because hes from england? you fucking racist, not all brits are pakis.
Now imagine him hunting for vampire lolis
I was being sarcastic, jiu jitsu is great and aikido is worthless.
>MvC:I is shit
More news at eleven.
Aikido is not about beating people up though, it's about self-discipline and self-defense.
>broski being bullied on twitch
Help him you guys, I don't have a twitch account.
gamesplanet for $40. if you find cheaper let me know. im still holding out for cheaper.
>kappafags think aikido isn't a waste of time relative to proper martial arts
What's Aikido? Never heard about it before, are there any fighting game character that uses Aikido for reference?
What's with all the game is fun? They should demonize it to its fullest, amiright?
Got my copy on cdkeys for peanuts. May just be EU/AU tho
I didn't even know he was married, or are you referring to Mike Ross?
Oouchi is FUCKING savage holy shit.
>tfw really want MvCI but poorfag
How likely is the game to still have a scene a year from now?
I've thought about taking up martial arts recently, just because I think it'd be good for my mental and physical health.
how to remove chromatic aberration
Defend this
yea all the cheapest ones are eu locked. capcom wants us americucks to subsidize the eu fags even though they get "free" healthcare and we dont.
Everyone judging the mechanics and netcode as if they're some OG FGC expert while only playing it for a couple of hours at most
hadoken creating air current under his gi.
>How likely is the game to still have a scene a year from now?
It'll be part of the CPT so money is involved which means yes it'll be active, not to mention it's Marvel which is always popular anyway.
>admitting that a majority of MvC was Street Fighter & friends vs X-Men & friends
So was 1, 3, & I guess you can include Infinite the most varied of the others? 3 was definitely varied in its roster.
Geese and Kasumi in KoF use aikido, and also Aoi in VF. It's about parries basically.
Why do we have to defend it now and not years ago when that animation was made for MvC3?
New VF when?
>This game is fun. This game has stellar netcode. This game has incredibly hype moments that can only come from a MVC game. However I cannot recommend this game
>Android 21 avatar
>Profile says "Whens dragonbahl?"
Pro scene of Marvel will live for a while. Healthy amount of online players might not, specially on PC. On PS4 it might be ok, though.
oh, that's cool
short hop seems really fucking good
lmao broski getting bodied
Why would I want to defend insincere Kappa cherrypicking
Post teams
Aoi from virtua fighter I'm pretty sure. Its like really pretty Judo, throwing people around with their own weight and shit. Do judo so you can be a based mother fucked like Goh in Virtua fighter instead
I dont understand why hadoukens dont blow ryus gi back in sfv.
some people have standards user. this is a $60 product with $30 day 1 dlc pass. if it were a $30 multiplayer only game you'd have a point.
At least he's past the refund time. Fags without 2 hours clocked might as well be the "buy just to give it a bad review and refund" we've seen yesterday.
When your using established IPs you bring out people who care about roster.
I need you Android 21
Who cares about price when a fighting game is something you put hundreds of hours into? Stop being poor.
PS4 is much more likely to die off when the playerbase trades it in and moves on the the Uncharted of the week or whatever cinematic walking simulator is hype at the time
fighting games need to be more like wrestling, at least in spirit.
jebailey and those japanese guys got the right idea with the ring/cage matches.
I wanna jerk off to this but I can't get anywhere with pictures.
What do?
The wrestling gimmick is the best part of CEO
They should have a money in the bank event.
>If they announce it they'd just put it in Japanese arcades or something
I want it bad tho.
Because no one played Ryu in 3.
rashid of the turbulent wind will save mvci.
Geese technically doesn't. His martial art is an older one from before Aikido that gave origin to it.
>Reddit killed MvC:I on PC because chun li was ugly
DBZ better be the best fighting game in the fucking world.
>Who cares about price when a fighting game is something you put hundreds of hours into? Stop being poor.
that would be 10% of the customers at best. its meant to be sold, otherwise theyd make it multiplayer only
Shake your monitor with one hand.
It's funny because dragon ball Fighterz looks incredibly stale and nauseating.
And I wanted DBF to succeed and MvCI to fail, but it the exact opposite happened when both betas were released.
I don't see DBF lasting too long because a lot of the dragon ball players love the weird budokai/xenoverse controls than 2d fighting. And the game looks to casual for GG/BB players.
Nobody is going to play him in MvCI either
They still won't now
M-me too
Oh yeah, you're right. Well, they're not too far apart anyway.
is nova gonna be in any capeshit movies soon?
It's really fun.
>Vampirella is also influenced by Vampira It seems to have received.
> I am thinking that if you add Lady Death and Vanpirera and divide it by 2, it will become Morrigan if you make it a Japanese anime style color scheme . People who have gaimest extra "Vampire" let's see Morrigan's development stage sketch. A skeleton is attached to the lower part of the costume (lol)
who is the redditest fighting game streamer?
If Dragonball FighterZ has a $30 season pass DLC I'm literally going to scream and kill myself.
>the game is fun an deep and great to play and it has everything i wanted
>except it looks funny and my favorite character is missing so its shit
who knew that gamers were obsessed with superficial bullshit and didnt actually give a shit about the actual game?
If MvCI fails despite being the best fighting game release in years I think I'm just going to quit fighting games altogether because I'll want nothing to do with a community that actively wants that to happen
>want to use, maybe main this goddess
>seriously suck with her
>tired of bringing shame and disgrace to her so can't bring myself to pick her anymore
is this what suffering feels like?
You'll see how it is ok to have day one DLC on it.
Everyone else does it, it's like industry standard now.