Post your /alt/
Other anons take guesses about situations in your map and such, or post with any explanation, I don't give a fuck.
>inb4 4th reich
>inb4 hitler won
Will post a template, or post your own.
Other urls found in this thread:
Make them in paint or photoshop. It may be useful to include a year. For example, mine is Circa 1000.
>Circa 1000
> India is completely united
> Japan owns parts of China
> America has giant countries
> Siberia is populated.
Let me guess, aliens.
not really
but you've got a good track
> India is completely united
Yes, Indian empire.
> Japan owns parts of China
And America
> America has giant countries
Sorta? The dark blue is Euro annexations.
> Siberia is populated.
Not really. The light sage is Siberia and slime Green is Baikal.
OP Here.
>Republic of China
>No apartheid
>Greater Slavic Union
>Siberia, Baikal because I can
>Russia doesn't have Konigsburg or northern areas.
>Still has administration over Siberia and Baikal
Circa now
Best Europe
I've made my fair share of autism maps
do me some 'splainin
OP here
I hate the overuse of "unions" and "republic" in these kinds of things.
>someone saved your modified Victoria II template
Religoon never exist
nah, this isn't happen
We have always been at war with Eastasia
2016 have been working on the events leading up to it.
>that austrian/bohemian border
No wonder they got deported.
>united Ireland
Wow, you managed to fuck up African borders worse than the Berlin conference. That's quite an achievement.
I mean, the reason why I did that was geographical, not cultural. I don't think cultures should make borders, really. But, they're supposed to be the Sahara Union, Cape of Africa, Congo Basin, Cote d'ivoire, South Africa, Mozambique, Egypt, Central Africa republic, Madagascar, South Sahara, etc.
I dunno, I just think Apartheid has caused a lot of problems. In a non-condescending way, could you show me the way you would like it? I am legitimately curious.
>It's literally just Greater Serbia
someone post the map of the seven kingdoms, which (pic related) rules the biggest one
oy vey
Alt-History fags are literally the worse
It's basically saying "Yeah, I got a bias, but I ENJOY IT"
>Hannover and Kassel in Westphalia
doesnt look too different from real world right now to me
that's because that IS the template
and IS the real world right now
for your use.
It's alright, no labels, hard to tell them apart.
I understand. It's really a way to show opinions, though, and discuss how to actually make a better world, in theory at least, all memes aside.
oops. Thought I just missed some minor differences. thanks
That's fine mate. How are you, user?
>It's basically saying "Yeah, I got a bias, but I ENJOY IT"
How? It's just interesting/fun to speculate
Okay, anons. You can /r/ stuff now. I'll do a map. Tell me any situation, and I'll map it.
Spotted the loyalist!
Boo boo! Go home Darnel!
Any alt-history maps that include Northern Ireland as a country are automaically shit tier.
Ireland United free of Britain or Ireland United under Britain, anything inbetween spawns ulster loyalists and a world with ulster loyalists is not one anyone should want.
Best Map Coming Through
dont get why the french didnt keep dubrovnik a 'indipendent' client state, even just formaly, it was one of the oldest republics in europe, youd think at least ideologicaly they could have made them allies, not just double-cross them into occupation then declare the state anulled
>no britanny
Well, even if you're going for geographic focuses of states (and I tend to be sympathetic) There's a gillion horrible mishmashes going on here, with states divided internally by gigantic natural barriers.
The great migration never happens, but the roman empire still collapses a few decades later anyway due to its other problems. what does europe look like in 1000ad?
>le epic splitting up spain for no reason meme
Kill yourself faggot.
Stop taking this map seriously
The same but instead of "France" it would be "Gallia".
This is the ideal one
Saxony is not conquered by Charlemagne, instead it remains independent and later spreads to the area of Hesse, Rhineland, Flanders, the Netherlands, the March of the Billungs and all of Jutland.
not bad
OP here, will do later
Noice, I'll be waiting
Epic popular literature reference there my Redditbro!
I just about lost my damn marbles on that one
bumping so OP can deliver later
I don't get this map.. what is this supposed to mean?
[Laughs in Reich]
Just to make that clear, I'm talking about Old Saxony, not the present-day Free State of Saxony.
This map never has been and never will be amusing.
If you want to edit it, i'll post without text. And sorry, not huge on that age, so it was sloppy as hell.
>that image
Oh god I'm dying.
There is only one acceptable Europe.
...and this is it!
someone post a progressive war between Taiwan and China in the year 2003, caused by Chinese expansionism due to a meteoroid impact. If not, OP will.
>West Prussia
>not touching Prussia
>in Poland
>Saxon Empire
>only incorporating minor parts of Saxony
Pls edit, I am a disgrace
Year, 2003. Cheng Zhou the Elder takes power in Taiwan. The meteor impact occurs. (NOTE. THIS will show a progression of mostly military control, not official annexation, unless otherwise stated.)
It is worth noting that he is in KMT (Kuomintang) party.
The areas marked in dark red are the most affected by this series or meteor strikes; leaving the biggest, most devastating craters. The biggest one is in Beijing, crippling its infrastructure.
It is worth noting that China makes a railgun system to shoot down possible future impact candidates. This is known as the Stonehenge Turret Network. It is here, and can accurately hit airborne targets at high altitude with this radius.
With this new weapon, China, under the new military dictatorship, invades India and Indochina, using the highly accurate STN to maintain air superiority. Because of the world economic depression the UN cannot interfere now, and China has left the UN. Russia does not care, and the EU is doing not too good. The reason China is doing this, is to increase production and resources, since it has been dealt a heavy blow, and needs to recover.
In addition, the Koreas finally ally themselves together to fight off the Chinese, as China has invaded their former ally, North Korea. Burma is easily conquered, and China, in December of 2004, expands into Indochina and begins expanding into Indonesia and Malaysia. They utilize their "Invincible Fleet", containing several cruisers, a modernized battleship, an aircraft carrier, a landing fleet, Submarine fleet, resupply fleet, and air squadron, scoring them easy victories at sea.
Cheng, a member of a place which China has longed for, prepares for the worst. He calls together leaders all nations in oriental Asia, including India and Pakistan, and governors from Pacific nations. Japan, The Koreas, India, and Australia were vital in this coalition. This coalition is known as ISAF (Independent State Allied Forces). In retaliation, they all landed at the mainland of Asia. This map shows ISAF member states in monotone dark blue, and their first offensive is shown in dark red.
China invades the Pacific with their invincible fleet. Their next plan is to invade Taiwan, and annex it immediately after capturing it. Then, Japan. First, they put a contingent of a large bomber force at the Fuijan Provence.
If you guys care at all, pls say.
I think I named all of the big changes. this is after WWIII forces the break up of China, Russia, and the US
This was the first one i made when i picked up the first shitty map that i saw
> No Black Death
> Imperialism Racing
> 1841 AC
>china hit by a meteor
>develops railgun
>no one else develops railgun despite having strong economies and an equal incentive to build one
immersion RUINED
napoleon never sold louisiana to the US and beat the russians
How do you subjugate indias massive population?
They could make them a tributary/controlled state but they cannot control millions of pissed of pajeets by force alone as their numbers are too vast to assimilate with migratory han-waves or force alone.
>New Colorado (Lux.)
If everyone has been taken over by Islam anyways, what's the point of having all these European states and not just add them to the Caliphate?
R8 my alternate post WWII 1960s. Follows a German victory and a much less severe Japanese defeat. Note this map takes into account a number of other events that happen afterword which is why it doesn't look exactly like one would expect an immediate post war world would.Among other things The US and Japanese fight as reluctant allies directly against the Soviets in a much larger Korean war in the late 40s early 50s, de Gaul taking advantage of Vichy French political instability and unrest among their colonial forces to siezes Algeria and Tunisia, the Germans evacuating Serbia after years of fruitless antipartisan efforts, and a war between Hungary and Romania. While Britain isn't ever invaded the war takes a terrible toll on its economy and society, resulting in Britain eventually losing nearly all of its colonies during a brief civil war against communist rebels, one which also results in an authoritarian, but not fascist government more friendly toward Germany, taking power and Churchill and his supporters fleeing to Canada. In addition the weekend state of the Allies after the war allows communism to enjoy a major resurgence in the developing world. Theres a lot more I have thought up but I'm about to leave to go vote so I don't have time to type all the history out in detail at the moment.
Seems pretty coherent, all in all. There's more than a single point of divergence from our timeline, but it all makes sense, more or less. Some gratuitous blobbing going on here and there. The biggest problem I have would be your version of the USSR - it is a vast, empty and weak state. It just doesn't seem plausible that the Russian Empire would not take it over.
>all those typos
this is what happens when I don't sleep
>No Americans
>No nukes ever used
>No Vietnam war
>No foreign coups all over the world
>No removing "socialist" leaders and putting puppets to steal oil
>No state sponsored drug trade affecting the region and the world
>No meddling in other countries' affairs
>No foreign military bases all over the world
>No weapons, funds, intel for extremist Muslims
>No fucked up middle east
>No war on terrorism
>No incredibly influential Saudi Arabia
>No Iraq war
>No Syria war
>No refugees
>No NK nuclear program
>No Iran nuclear program
>No surrounding Russia with rockets after USSR fell
>No resentment between Europe and Russia
>No putin
>No shitty "elections" to elect a clown to do corporations' bidding
>No shitty pointless culture that everybody hates
>No Americans on Veeky Forums
>No Americans
I prefer the alternate history maps where we dump maps from other websites desu
alterante history threads*
Wow really deep, really sounds like its typed out by a third worlder from a shit country
Literally how the fuck was this supposed to happen
0/10 not believable t./gsg/
But there's not much speculation, in the end it's all autist masturbating over maps. It'd be great to think of how the Chinese would have reacted to Alexander the Great or a world where the Central Powers won World War 1 or how England would be different if Harald Hardrada won the conquest but nobody talks about that, they just talk about maps they've painted
>freeing the Yoopers from the Lower Peninsula
REEEEEEEE, Rightful Michigan clay. Cheeseheads get out