League of Legends General - /lolg/



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i'll ask again
how does teemo fare against renekton

why are there no "bad guy" personalities in league (even as a front)

is it just because the Koreans have no personality at all and no one can really get cocky without beating them

like why is no one out there after every interview telling all the silver players to suck them off if they disagree with something he did

Graceful&Slender edition

please respond

he will just all in you

I miss old rageblade

Good pic OP

xth for Syndra

Dragonpussy, Dolphinpussy, or Snekpussy?

what about blind?
and farming safely cuz of my range

don't even play ahri but her latest splash is a mistake

Where do gigantic cow tits come from?


Fiora is firm and tight

Coming back from a long break, so many splash arts either got ruined, or an outright downgrade, seems like the new artists are straight outa DA or something.

xth for Eternum Cass literally being out now

What are you gonna do once you used it? He'll just slice and dice or however it's called and destroy you.
Farming safe is alright if you got the reflexes to doge him or his inevitable flash up your ass.

I want Nami to hug me!

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW is live



Enjoy ur red snek ya bully

Cassiopeia can literally coil around you so snek pussy

worse than jade fang

Dragonpussy a best

>Get first kill of the lane onto Ashe
>Live on the scummiest amount of health
>Lucian gets a double kill
>Lucian calls me a Panth god in all chat
>Ashe replies by saying "kid just knew how to right click"
>We crushed them

hmm I see what you mean
what about vayne?

I'm sad that kienan doesn't work for riot anymore, he did a good job with her splashes.
Then again anything else would be better.

this is why im not honor 5

When a woman has a pure heart and so much love that it cannot be contained or begins to overflow into the surrounding flesh creating the love tanks we know as breasts

This is why babies feed from there and why busty is best

Who should I play top if I want to get better at linear skillshots? I like playing Illaoi but I want 1 other champion to try, preferably someone who can all in.

how do I win a game
>play a tank
>ADC literally won't accept my peel and instead tries to 1v5
>play a splitter
>team will engage into a 4v5 and die then pingspam me
>play a heal/shield support
>ADC thinks he's invincible and tries to 2v3 the botlane+jungler then complains when he dies, especially if i'm oom
>play a burst mage or ADC
>team does not know how to peel and will engage while i'm not in a position to do anything
>play a control mage
>team will absolutely never take advantage of me fucking somebody out of position

it's cool seeing stuff like this

>Cassiopeia can literally coil around you
but does she have the same muscle control of the dolphin pussy? Can she make me cum just from having it inserted?

the formatting on this is fucked up and it's completely wrong
don't post it again

Tell me about it

People aren't gonna honor you no matter how well you do if you flame them, retard

Am I the only one getting random music when loading riot websites?

>Win a game with no ranged champions on your team
What happened to "missions shouldn't disrupt games"

Also I'm glad we got a bit more insight on Ahri's old dress

I dont understand what that scoreboard is about

I don't know enough about that honestly. Since she's got tools to keep a distance and having her proc might help her out.

Creating her were a mistake. She literally steal souls from men. Least she don't eat hearts or livers.

Jinx is cuddly and cute

By not generalizing every single game you play into one of 5 possible scenarios before you even get into the game

what the fuck is this

Thread should be renamed "GAME MACHINE BROKE" edition!

>At the time, RiotZeronis was a contractor, which meant he received an overview of Ahri’s character in an email and then set out to draw the fox-like female. It was a fast sketch because she was moving quickly through development, but it only took one drawing to find the direction for League’s nine-tailed fox. “Of all the champions I’ve worked on, this was most my style,” says RiotZeronis. “She’d be my waifu.”

didn't even flame all game literally all i said that game was to the enemy annie "no" when she asked me if im scared of her

When you get fed it's your job to get someone else fed before your lane can catch back up

Eve info is up.

she can perform mental suggestion. you will mentally orgasm as well.

>Waifus Ahri
Not /ourguy/.


Please tell me you aren't that stupid

every single game goes into one of those scenarios
out of the past ten games someone on my team has had over ten deaths by 25 minutes and it was never me
i get leavers, AFKers, and inters in well over 25% of my games


Best couple!

If you have above a 50% winrate, you're climbing. And that's literally all that matters

>she can perform mental suggestion
What evidence do you have that she can do this?

>people would rather complain about waifus than discuss their personal progress and experiences while CLIMBing
cant we all just get along?

Atleast she doesn't disintegrate people

xth for bullying dumbass

This game is fucking garbage
>Ruin Nasus in lane
>He's 0/8/0
>He gets a triforce and just builds tank
>Carries the game
>Taunt spams because he's impossible to kill and does over half of anybodies health with 1 q

Nasus is literally a champ for fucking shitters with absolutely no skill.
The mere fact that this piece of shit champion exists in the game proves what a joke League is.
No wonder this game is considered toddler tier, we have game breakingly overpowered champions with a point and click 90% movement speed slow + attack speed slow and a q which does over 1k damage on a 1 second cooldown.
There is literally no defending this complete and utter garbage.

Now I just looked back at my client and I'm against another Nasus yet again. Oh boy can't wait to fucking ruin him early game again only for him to single handedly wipe my whole team 20 minutes in!
>"b-b-b-but just ban him"
Oh yes, I'll just ban him then enemy will pick Soraka, who I usually ban and nobody on my team will target her so she'll heal everybody to full in mere seconds, nice, epic, I fucking love it.

where did you infer 50% winrate from that
it's closer to 35%
i can't get my MMR out of the gutter because I'm getting matched with silvers on the enemy team and bronzes on mine when i'm a silver
i haven't had a silver on my team in 3 months

>Being this shit

An overall winrate, retard

>not wanting to discus your waifu while CLIMBING with her

>letting nasus farm after ruining him in lane

You're shit you fucking pleb.

>hurrr guys do i fit in yet i said hes sh

>Getting banned for 14 days based on one game

>no PLUMP female champion

uhhh??! hello?? Guys?!?

what the fuck do you mean?

Skarner belongs to the void and would do anything for Kog'maw!

At least I don't lose to 0/8 Nasus.
>Losing to a glorified minion

Will I get Silver 4?

Climbing > Waifuposting

You could just win games
You barely need your team till like challenger, just stomp the 8 year olds you are playing against in bronze or what ever

No wonder you're silver if you don't understand the concept of an overall winrate

This will be your mommy for tonight. Say something nice to her!

>€250.00 for this

It's a game about people who fight

Sonas probably as plump as you're going to get

xth for breast metal waifu

I thought we agreed to not use early Lulu threads

Men don't waifu fat girls.

we actually agreed to only use luluthreads

Kog'maw is a pure and innocent child, you leave him alone and let him eat in peace.

It's sad that i can't actually see Syndra without that helmet/mantle on her head. It's like Nami without her crown thing. Just weird.

News where?

What fucking champ can counter the enemy Zed/Twitch/Akali/Malz/Xerath who's 6/0 or higher by 18 minutes and can walk to my lane and delete me no matter what I do?


Your overall winrate. Based on your total Wins and Losses.

Let's say you have 500 wins and 500 losses you have a 50% winrate, from all champions played. A Total.

Let's say you have 300 wins on a champion and 600 losses on said champion, that's 900 total games played but a 33% winrate for that champion.

That's what he means, bruh.


Gragas is fat and he can hold his own against star dragons.

>i lose lp for a 4v5

Her nose and facial structure really dont seem "sexual" too me, I feel like Riot has avoided sexy for so long they forgot what men find attractive in a woman other than giant breasts.
Still, better than a man-jaw, or giant eyebrows.

Dr mundo my dude
Also rumble

I only have a positive winrate on one champ and that's fucking Janna.

nigga u gay af

You go 15/0 in 5 mins and enemy surrenders by 15


>lose 4v5
>team didnt remake
>they never reconnect
>lose 20 lp
>first time I've lost 20
>next game I win 30
>next game I lose 11


Oh, whoops, never mind then.

"It's better in the dark"


He's broken. You're a shitter. No matter how much damage control you pull it won't change that.
And yes you do lose to that shit.

Her face is fine, keep in mind she's supposed to look sinister, not like a pornstar. I think she looks great.

Because you also win lp for 4v5 in your favor. And so long as YOU don't afk, there are 5/5 chances an afk is on the enemy team, while only 4/5 for your team. Meaning, afks HELP you climb.

Please be gentle