Fighting Games General /fgg/
why are modern fighting games so sniffable?
When does UMvCI come out
3rd for cute boys!
I want to play Millia but dislike playing sluts
how do I get over this?
MvCI is the best fighting game of the 21st century
Roxy for season 3
Android 21 for playable waifu
thanks thats all
rashid will save mvci
Embrace the slut
Play jack-o.
>mvci already this hype and loved when the cpt is not even out
I can't fucking wait bros I just can't, who is gonna be the new punk? Will KBR get his revenge on Fchamp? Will chrisg ruin another marvel? Will mvc2 ogs dominate? I can't wait to find out.
The vappas polturds are SEETHING and I love it.
Lili has great taste
Gosh that bitch on the bottom has a nice bottom
Lets recap shall we?
reality stone is far too fucking good and is unga tier.
the constant switching is way too free.
Anti air
>"polturd" rashid spamming autist whose mommy doesnt let him say bad words online is still at it
She has even better tits
>enemy jumps
>somehow lands behind me with jumping light punch
>80 hit combo
i instantly regret buying this shit
DB is all flash and no substance
MvCI is playing the long game by making it so deep and complex
DB might be at 2 or 3 evos but MvCI will be there for many years
something something beginner sniff?
But it stinks!
I don't want a double slut
What do you guys think about my new mvci team?
Is Tekken worth it for the sniffs alone
Looks pretty KURAYZEE
Black widow trailer when?
When are these characters coming out?
>play two people
>no match found
well that was totally worth $40 and many hours of shitposting and training/mission mode...when's dbfz
>tfw no real DMC game since 4
Are using using the dante stone?
its alright. you are just a whiner about day1 shit. you're the reason sentinel was trash in umvc3
>dash and mash le mixup cuhrazy so pringles xd kusoge has amazing netcode and lobbies
>high IQ street fighter left half broken in the stone ages
Made a Nemesis combo, is this damage good?
all 6 dlc characters before 2018 so might get two releases per few months
can't beat jab mashers in marvel. Doesn't make sense to give them full combo off of a FUCKING jab
>high iq
it really is not fucking fair
It's supposed to be Monhun + Black panther first then Winter soldier + Black widow.
Swing and a miss.
You most sane person here, m8
you're getting hit on the way down. end it with a tag into spike or into chris mine/incendiary instead of just super
Anti air
Friendly reminder that Bamco is giving fans what they want because they are making this game with love in their hearts, while Capcucks are getting lesbian Gamora in an astronaut suit because (((ESPN Disney))) demanded Capcom do it in the television contract.
You don't need to buy a game to masturbate to it.
>pressing buttons with shit on the screen
Anyone MvCI PC?
anyone else having a hard time finding matches?
that is not a team, you're just activating the doppelganger style
>chun-li's feminist win screen
Who was in charge of this writing. I want to punch them in the face.
Works fine on my ps4.
But she's not thicc. At all.
Yes, but they want the Kappa audience.
You tell me
Bad excuse
Kappa poltards don't care about facts
how do you know? weve never seen her ass except in toriyama concept art. her tits are pretty sizable.
Am I the only one who thinks Android 21 looks awful? What the fuck is that shitty design?
literally seething
Can you imagine the outrage if MvCI made a new OC donut steel Avenger instead of putting existing characters in the game?
>MvCi reportedly biggest Capcom flop of the decade
>match begins
Marvel is kind of shit
me too she looks very deviantartesque
I would but I'm still labbing f@m
>people complaining about reality stone being broken
>Meanwhile soul stone
you mean like monster huntress? either way, it would be a step up from johnny cage hawkeye, lesbian gamora, and downs syndrome chun-li. if it was a cute babe, i think people would love it.
Chariot might be with you
/v/appas only care when capcom and disney does it, both companies are treated very unfairly by redditors.
I dont like how her shoes are one red and the other blue. Glasses for an android seems dumb too.
I think they just grabbed some random sketch from toriyamas desk and ran with it
Yeah I don't like her either. But whatever, as long as I have Buu, Piccolo and 16 I'm fine.
reported by who
Fucking hell, Jive made me forget how much I hate grinding combos.
This autismal, repetetive DDR mini game in FGs. Mahvel would be great if it weren't for that.
are you happy with your stick /fgg/?
Are you Justin Wong?
you can use auto combos mate
yeah its so fucking autistic
should have just used melty blood's combo system.
Use autocombos retard.
marvel combos are easy though. it's the movement that gets retarded.
People will judge you but you can legitimately win just off of auto combos and having some knowledge on how to play neutral
literally jives best design decision hands down
>infinity surge
reality > gap > time > gap > power = space > soul
>infinity storm
soul > power = reality > space > gap > mind > time
So now that Marvel has shrot hops, will people give KoF a try when they learn how to do them?
>tfw not skilled enough to use flight properly
My Iron Man sucks.
the PR guys are madmen
it wont, the original plan for mvc3 was to just release all the umvc3 characters as DLC, but then japan got fucked up by natural disasters so it somehow made more sense to just re-release the game
mvci already has the DLC season shit on lockdown
when you realize jive's decision for 5-hit combos was great for all of us low iq warriors
>unga bunga power surge that low
>time storm below mind
reminder that you can kara cancel into your stone surges, which makes Space and Mind way better
no, cause I play pad
Phuck Marvel and its kidney stones and ugly UI and its day 1 DLC. Whens my boy Zeku
>this is what sells games, not good gameplay, not rollback netcode, not interesting new character but pandering to /v/edditors on twitter with reddit humor
i guess that's why those games are dead 2 months after release
>one guy running social media for bamco generating this much interest and positivity
>capcom has an army of esports shills, twitch streamers, bloggers, has-been wrestlers and celebs, marketing deals, and all sorts of other shit
>they cant sell a single copy because they have no money left for quality development
When is Capcom going to fire everybody?
kara cancels are kusoge mechanic
next to option selects