I Should Go Edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin:
>Femtur Pastebin:
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
>Andromeda is dropped:
Previous Thread:
I Should Go Edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin:
>Femtur Pastebin:
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
>Andromeda is dropped:
Previous Thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
Mass Effect is for fags.
what the fuck is wrong with his eye sockets?
Reminder that Sid is for bullying.
Sorry to be such a sour grape.
In all due modesty, it really was my greatest masterpiece.
Alright I just found Nyaa isn't a thing anymore so where do I get this anime?
That's exactly what make the rapebait part more exciting. Destroy their "oh so romantic, oh so clean" mindfuckery by a merciless assault on their ass.
I guess. I'm not very good at it though.
Wew, that's an oldie. I remember when I first started using that name, and when I stopped.
Also here's the snippet requested:
I drew a few spaceships though.
I laughed and cried, RIP fish. Fun read.
Thanks screencap-user. I'm glad you liked it.
Wow edd, those are some THICC ships. Well done.
Makes me want to do some more drawing.
I tried drawing a femtur, I've drawn several actually but this one is the only one I'm remotely happy with (I'm the guy responsible for derptur)
Realized I forgot her spurs though.
I'm not very good drawing living things, my anatomy is way off.
Your derptur is my favorite, though. Regardless of your intentions, the face never fails to make me laugh.
It's "Das Mädchen isst das Brot"
>starting another bread war
Heh, the face is just a result of me getting fed up and just drawing something.
Oh god no please no.
Flatbread from Norrland is clearly superior to all.
Goodnight /meg/. See you aorund.
I'm going to bed too. Goodnight user.
Night /meg/ sweet dreams.
Already 10x better than the stuff I could come up with if I attempted to draw. Keep practicing/doodling and you'll surely get better.
>Nice work Danny. However you do have a tendency to over complicate your writing, especially when referring to people or speech. It's okay to use 'her' or 'she', you don't have to come up with a new description every single time. Similarly characters can just say things, they don't always have to mutter or ponder or reply or whatever. You may be trying to make your writing more interesting but doing this sort of thing constantly lessens the impact of descriptors and makes the flow of the words quite awkward to read. It feels a bit like you have a thesaurus open and are trying to use as many different words as possible.
I could do that, but I probably won't. At some point writing 'said' over and over becomes boring and looks awful. Not to mention it fails to convey tone in the dialog.
Would hae ansered this sooner but janitors decided my suggestion picture post warranted a three day ban, whereas futaposting and far worse is okay...because ... *insert reasons here*.
Also, edited this for commentator on last thread
I agree with the leaf. Repetition of words and phrases gets stale pretty quick.
By the way did you read the fics posted in this and the last thread?
Some of you guys are alright, don't come to the nexus tomorrow.
>ywn be called a conniving monkey because you turned off your head lights in a race against some ayys
Yes. it was lurid, perverse ad I loved every moment of it. Glad to be back before CYOA dude could continue.
I would have voted for missionary, condom off. turians can handle a little itching.
Some of you guys are alright, come inside me tomorrow.
What about edd's little story about fish?
How the fuck are you making so many threads for this dead franchise?
read it, it was pretty good. Maybe less murder plots and more dangling Kelly by her ankles over a ledge on the Citadel while on leave. Defintely a fiction that could be expanded into a full one shot.
waifus and lewd greentext stories
by all rights, I wish it would just die so I wouldn't have a reason to come here any more. it's just goddamn femturs and femquars by now, nothing else.
I don't want to come here any more...
replaying mass effect 1 with meuitm mod getting this error
win 10 creators 64bit
nvidea 1070
>dimitri will never be a companion in MEA
>he will never make a barrel fire out of liam's old couch
>ywn walk into the cargo bay only to be greeted by the smell of a diesel engine and black smoke coming from the back of a t 90 mbt
>ywn see random people coming and going from the tempest
>ywn find out that dimitri is selling bootleg liquor from the back of the tempest
>ywn have dimitri crash the MBT
>he will never tell you sorry by replacing it with a ZIL 157 with no canopy and just a wooden bed
>ywn have too pull him out of the fire that is his shenanigans
>ywn have to teach him that calling merchants greedy volus's will not get him better prices
it fucking sucks man
Then stop.
I want to cum inside Sid for scientific research
I can't
If you want to go to jail for sexing a minor, go for it.
space man you got the adventures of dimitri stashed away
this man needs it
she's space legal I swear
Would you like me to write anything other than femturs and femquars, WG? How important is it to include MTs?
frankly, I wouldn't even bother reading it.
I like the one middle right that looks like it could be a space mobile home, looks comfy
Are you alright, you cheeky kraut?
he is German, he does not even comprehend to concept of 'right'
None of us can...
when you stare into the abyss that is a reaper puss, it stares back
Good enough to write that
> KL copypaste
I´m not WG
you probably should stop saying that.
> Das Mädchen isst das Brot
> Das Mädchen wird vom Brot genommen
wait for the next election, we´ll see how that turns out
You forgot the spurs and the collar.
It still bothers me immensely that Sid has two different skin tones.
a waifu come thru swangin' in the candy painted 'lac?
I would read about Asari MTs though
Night Garrus post
We would all read about MTs.
1) Best designed alien race (anatomicaly speaking)?
2) Most interesting ayy civ culture?
3) The one xeno species you want genocided the fastest?
>1) Turians
>2) Turians
>3) Batarians
i dunno I was gunna say Vorcha, but I sorta miss space vermin the race in Andromeda
I guess I choose the Chinese
>Do Reapers count?
Collectors, for javik
is there's no full/finished
I like Turian design, but I also think the Vorcha were pretty cool.
Turians because militaristic.
BTs, the foam epidemic must be stopped.
>tfw can't capture BT males and fuck their women in front of them
>ywn be pinned down on shan xi
>ywn hear the sound of jet engines
>ywn hear the BRRRTTTTT of a a 10
shit pic
>wanting to fuck BT "women"
God, fuck this 'you can never leave MEG' meme. Most people have, that's why this place is so fucking dead. You just get confirmation bias from the same ten sad fuckers who have wasted five plus years on this shithole.
How about you prove them wrong and leave
>"You can finish anywhere, hoomon. It's not a chore compared to my kind."
Man, someone doesn't like a joke.
>ywn watch as a squad of turians breach a room
>ywn watch as your gas canister bursts from the door way they entered
>ywn watch as the orange gas fills the room
>ywn watch turians gasp for breath as the gas begins to cause muscle spasms
>ywn walk through your work as the turians body spasms as their central nervous system shuts down
>ywn not tell them what's in the canisters
But they have four tits. Four. Tits.
Their faces look like sculpted poop and they are just as deplorable as their men.
OFFICIAL race ranking:
Turian=Quarian>Krogan>Asari>Elcor>Volus>Hanar>>>Garbage>>>Vorcha>>>Fecal matter>>>>>>>Batarians
You forgot about the Drell user.
Nice going, genius, you forgot about the drell and salarians.
>implying vorcha aren't GOAT and shouldn't be above shitsari
decent ranking otherwise
>no salaraians
Scandalous! Not wanting a prime, 14 year old wide eyed salarian maiden who never left Sur'Kesh and is now wandering the Citadel hand in hand with a human boyfriend and learning to appreciate affection so alien to her.
You're right. Sorry. Too many to remember.
Turian=Quarian>Krogan>Salarian>Asari>Elcor>Volus>Hanar>Garbage>Vorcha>>>Drell>>>Fecal Matter>>>>>>>>>>>Batarians
I Just don't like Drell. I feel like we never had enough info or time to explore them. They just feel hollow. Literally all we know about them is what you can learn in one or two conversations with Thane.
Also fug you, Asari are qts and I like 'em.
>tfw you'll never be a mercenary with an asari gf that is murderously protective of you
also, i think it got deleted, but there was a video of the track Suicide Mission on YT and the art for the video was some future cityscape from inside a building with miranda in the foreground (half undressed, from the romance scene)
is it deleted? I can't find it anymore
Late night Jack post!
Which waifu do you think listens to Sugarland? And why is it Ashley?
Say you woke up tomorrow 150 years in the future in the ME universe.
Where would you go? What would your life be like? What would you do?
Which ayy would you fug first?
be a chef
learn to cook dextro
seduce a femtur
Firstly, see if I have biotic potential. Then whether or not I do or don't, join the Alliance to get them sweet genetic enhancements, only to go AWOL after a year or two somewhere in the Terminis Systems. I'd then make my way to Omega to work for Aria(Probably the most stable job there is in the Terminis.)
First alien I'd fuck? Probably Asari. But I'd definitely try to hunt down some Quarian booty.
I'd then use all my ill-gotten gains to invest in lots of corporations, using them to live comfy in a little thing I like to call Operation Freedom 35, where I'll be retired by the time I'm 35.
I work at tech support call center and go plinking with a dinky little .380 on the weekends
so I guess a really shitty agent, or some sort of mission control operator
C-Sec is hiring, my friend.
I could wind up in worse places I guess
You could make a few turian friends showing off your archaic .308. They'd probably be pretty interested in such a 'primitive' weapon.
I always did like the Citadel Blues color scheme
>post exile quarians in c-sec
I didn't make it bro
C-Sec might be cool.
Reapers won't be cool.
I don't know if I'd want to stay on the Citadel, knowing all the shit that goes down there. Probably safer to find a comfy colony world somewhere.