League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Taliyah Did Nothing Wrong
Skarner belongs to Kog'maw and the void!
xth for breast metal waifu
xth for Syndra
hah, lost another blade
Well for one you're not a rampant shitposter trying to derail the thread into some discussion about "Kindred's thiccness" or something like that, and i always appreciate people who actually put some effort into their posts (like you did in )
She appeared in the lore, and mary sued her way out of it.
She did nothing at all while everyone else did all the work. She's literally the equivalent of that Sailor moon image where tuxedo mask says "My work here is done" and then leaves after Sailor moon says "But you' didn't do anything"
xth for best adc, best husbando, best main
>this exists
made it to 7 seconds
Has the lore actually advanced past that story where Sivir's wounded and Nasus and Xerath are in the same city? I haven't been paying too much attention.
this is so bad
>all these TSM tags
holy cringe
She showed up, met Azir, she realizes he isn't a slaver (NO SHIT), then goes off to "gather the worlds leaders" or some sort of quest thats akin to fucking avatar
Before I knew who Scarra was I thought people were just saying a shorter version of Scarizard
>"Absolutely repulsive"
But I'm a chronic shitposter, user.
I can provide insight and help to those who seek it but otherwise I will mess around.
I am also sure I might have over 1000 Ougi pics. I am not sure if I'm insane, dedicated or just really bored.
Cassfags were born to be gassed
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Wait, what? When did this happen?
Maybe it'll be important later...?
Eh, hopefully they just drop the story at that point. Other shit in Runeterra's more interesting.
>But I'm a chronic shitposter, user
Aren't we all shitposters deep inside?
Your collection is impressive, i am currently at 700 pictures of best girl
Lulu is CUDDLY and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!
This is the birthday of leagues biggest chest!
Say something nice to it
I wanna cuddle (You)
>be otp
>promos to d4
>I get counter picked 2 times
>win my lane regardless
>enemy team "report X!!!"
>Ornn's already secret OP.
>Getting buffed again.
God bless.
Another season stuck in silver. I love this game.
I want to hit her with a volley ball at terminal velocity
have you considered improving your gameplay, dumb anime poster?
I've seen enough shitty hentai to know that no means yes
where do you find all these cute Jinx pictures??
>tfw win lane as Lux vs an assassin
Didn't end well.
Hand over your OP.GG for review user.
lets play!!
Shit taste.
>tfw no SG Ahri gf who makes you wear a cockring and refers to you as "my little cuck"
It's fan made
>tfw miss a minion
>tfw try to hit the next one and miss it too
>tfw miss cannon and get ping spammed
>support cuck
>negative winrates
>support in silver
It is your own fault
So you have to buy their fucking pass to get the championship ashe chroma? That's fucking shit.
>support on silver
>Only one is tanky enough
Found your problem.
Chroma locked behind 1300 rp and 12 boring missions you need to grind?
Sounds about right
Dan/Gelbooru, Tumblr, Google, Pixiv, Deviantart, rarely lolg but its always a treat, and rule 34
Absolutely not
heh, nothing personal
Stop playing Rakan. If you want an engage support go with Alistair or Leona who can actually live after they go in.
Also the Soraka should be way better. Are you lane bullying or just spamming heals on your ADC?
Reminder Riot desperately needs to trim their neckbeard
Im going to lay eggs in Lulu!!
I'm going to cuddle you whether you like it or not
you really are into shitposting overdrive lately vladfag hows the bf doing
>Enter my Plat 2 promos
>ADC locks in Cait and Support a non-Censer pick
Guess I lost in Champselect
>Our bot does fine but Gragas goes 0/11
Unexpected turn yet I was still let down.
Who is more autistic, vladfag or lulufag
In a different country :/
Please don't bully too much.
Can't, shitposting with phone tethered because internet die cause earthquake.
I like support!
Well, the only cute tank support is leona I can't play poppy for shit.
Rakan is fun though, and for some reason when I play Leona I get poked to death and killed or the adc never follows up.
I enjoy playing soraka a lot but I'm very bad at it.
Lulufags. at least Vladfag shuts up every now and again
>weeaboo nigger unironically stuck in silver
Color me surprised
Hey,do you think Azir changes will shoehorn him into one item build and kill of the current AP heavy one?
Because with the changes you want to get a lot of CDR really quick to get the attack speed boost so dicking around with luden's echo,void,zhonya's,rabadon probably won't work anymore especially with the range nerf on Q.
Lulufags. At least Vladfag has a somewhat healthy sexuality and a job.
what about the namifags?
They don't speak enough to be an annoyance.
>What about meeeeeee
Literally who
Play Lulu and build her tanky.
Are you daring to talk back to me?
Don't bother with Poppy support, she only works from Silver 2 to Diamond 4. The adc is more likely to screw you over in lower elo so it's not worth the engage value and control she provides.
Could probably spam some poke supports to get up there.
Stop playing pussy heal and shield supports. Silver is all about fighting and contesting objectives so play a support that can make shit happen or get gud.
>Silver surfer
Wow you just keep collecting them, uh?
Currently the new build for him is to build morelloes first.
Nashor's is nice but we're trying to take advantage of the bonus attack speed from having 3 soldiers out so we don't need it as much. I'm not sure exactly how the rest of it will play out in terms of build honestly, probably Liandries will stay standard. I just know CDR is imperative now.
Lulufags by a wide margin.
There's really only 1 or 2 Vladfags whereas there's at least several extremely autistic Lulufags.
Lissfag is pretty high up there as well.
god fucking damn it i want to poke the enemies's eye out
at least he can succeed collecting them all
he just needs autism for a complete starter collection
>healthy sexuality
>literal rape fetish
>tfw he posted his selfies here
reminder that the azir rework is shit and will turn him into another brainless spam mage literally orianna with an insec
Rude. I'm not a nigger.
She's ugly though.
I always play soraka like a poke support, maxing Q first and then W, maybe that's why I'm not winning with her, will try Sona more I guess.
But I like pussy heand and shield supports, also, I can't count how many times we got a double/triple at bot and pinged the adc/jungler the tower or drake just for them to back.
Do I get something if I get 10 of those?
Well now Riot listened to the "big flashy plays" idiots and we've got the Shurima Shuffle champion.
Its still fun but it seriously should be on a different champion.
Look at it this way: We can now actually do some damage early-game now, just not at the range we currently can. Also we can summon soldiers slightly further.
>get secondary
>wing it and decide to panth
>enemy is a first time cho
>i get fat on farm
>i ult bot
>get vayne far ahead
That's like far from my main deal famalam
So when are you going to post pictures of your cute butt and boy nips.
>been trying to get chest on shen for weeks
>finally get it to day
>dragontrainer trist
oh shit son
>calls people weebs
>posts anime
>can summon soldiers further out
>but your damage dealing radius has been reduced
>so has your ability to "shuffle"
l m a o
Is this kind of post some kind of bait here?
I've played third game for barely 6 months and I'm just recently, gold 5
I also have shitty internet (pings range from 150~200 and I have occasional disconnections) and only play on weekends when my internet is slightly better
How can someone be stuck in a elo for more than a year surprises me
dunno about that having less range in mid lane sounds like a suicide to me
Why is Eve asian
is it kadeem?
>been playing this game for about 5 years
>my main account is stuck in fucking limbo
>silver 5
>has plat mmr
>can't shift it out of silver, it just goes back and forth
>made a try hard account
>make it my goal to go 10/0 in placements
>get gold 1
>get it to diamond no problem in 8 months
get good.
Lulufags for sure. And it's not just Lulufags that are on Veeky Forums that are autistic. But what I have seen through the years of league I have played anyone who has a strong liking for the yordle is highly autistic.
Then play Taric. If someone doesn't want to take an objective you either haven't made it obvious enough that taking it would be a good idea or you just got to accept the fact that you aren't going to get it, deal with it, and continue on with your laning.
A lot of women have some kind of rape fetish though.
It's just that most of them aren't very vocal about it due to controversy.
>elo hell doesn't exist
Explain this then
because asian girls are the prettiest
Honestly if you get shuffled at this point with the shorter range there is no excuse. You got out played. Even if the wall is now just dumb.
Supposedly it works from what I've been hearing but then again its not out yet so I dunno.
>find out there's a ton of grill gamers playing aram
>go play aram
>meet girls
>talk to them
>get pics
>they're either fat or have a roastie
So which game do cute girls play? It sure as fuck ain't League.
It's because men interpret it as "rape by anyone" rather than "by a specific guy I like"