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YE edition
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first for next expansion being old gods
Sylvanas' ice cold pussy
Bring us more undeadarts and lewds
Ysera's dreamy pussy
>Silithus ruined
Fuck Blizzard.
Femdead booty.
Any healers in /wowg/?
I play a Disc priest
Is your name disco and do you play as undead?
I really should play disc. Shadow is kind of crap, and holy is boring as fuck.
Disc makes me feel overwhelmed though.
What are the shitty wowg guilds
Can't blame you.
She is De-licious
5 decides my next class
demon hunter
How's prot warrior doing atm?
how much money do you have to spend for the RAF bonus?
If it is dubs then you play a panda monk
@Draenor(EU)-Horde is looking for players to fill raid spots.
We're originally a /wpsg/ guild comprised of competent players, some of us already raiding mythic ToS with other guilds. Current roster has 7 actively playing members, currently only farming mythic+ and pugging weekly 9/9 ToS hc. Therein our current list of priorities can be summarized as such;
1. recruiting enough people to establish a core of at least 25 strong players,
2. running weekly ToS hc guild runs, not only to gear up people but also to obtain a general assessment of the raiders' quality and how comfortable they are with ToS boss mechanics,
3. eventually forming a group capable of progressing into at least 4/9M.
In virtue of the still embryonic stage the guild is currently in, raid schedule has still not been decided.
We're accepting basically anyone for now, but we're hoping for players willing to take PvE seriously and having some patience while the guild is still forming its ranks.
For more information feel free to add pontos#21107(EU bnet) or pontos#8492(discord).
how new
mistweaver monk
>server being BUTTFUCKED again
>timewalk and raids lagging like motherfucker
>Forum fucked up
Resto orc shaman
They are by far the worst tanks right now don't bother with them.
fem goblin rogue
What's the current memelord class/race combo for pvp?
Goblin rogue?
I play a femdead but not one called Disco
Overwhelmed how?
choose whatever you want.
I have a hard time keeping attonement on people.
I'm kind of a shit healer.
>holy is good but boring
>shadow is fun but shit
>disc is both good and fun
>i'm shit at it
>The Light and Void are the same
>The Light is a one path only uncompromising thing
>The Void is flexible and accepting of everything
what's the backstory here
r8 my new character
>high road or no road at all vs degenerate try everything & anything
Truly a hard choice.
Rolling new server with peeps, horde.
kinda interested in PVP, might raid but it'll be a ways off, starting from level 1 and playing casual.
gonna make a melee hunter
Orc or Tauren??
I've already told you what I think about this picture.
oh are you still there user friend
>pink hair
>Survival hunter
Orc, male or female. The Tauren two handed animations are abysmal
Get frames that show the atonement buff on people so it's easy to keep track of.
You should keep it up on both tanks at all time and then I usually keep some up on the people i see taking small damage, about 5 is good though use more if you need them.
When you know damage is coming in, pop both radiances and evangelism, activate velens and then cast lights wrath/mindbender and your damage trinket then penance and smite.
Use one then the other with every big burst from the boss, the cooldown from one will be reset as you alternate.
Use shield on cooldown, it gives you back mana(if you take the talent, which you should)
Dont use shadowmend unless someone is 100% gonna die if you dont because your penence and shiled are on CD.
Use penance to heal if you have to, it's no longer a talent thank god.
Why is he fucking her ass?
>tanks take damage so the boss doesnt kill everybody
>heals maintain alive the entire group
>dps just hit the boss
Survival Fem Troll Hunter
The warlock forces him to do so.
that can't feel good
how can one thread be this bad at rolling
Look at this noob mog
Don't kinkshame a drawing
what if someone hear them?
I think she made sure the she's alone.
If someone were to walk in on her the felhunter would kill said person I assume.
he has the knot stuck in though
Gnome unholy DK.
add futa cock and we can speak
>tfw 4k wowhead rep
>solo brh for Poor Unfortunate Souls achieve
>it doesn't work because blizzard can't code for shit and it requires you to be a full party even if the achieve doesn't mention anything about it
dwarf war
He would just would pull it out roughly which would displease the warlock.
>roll unholy dk bc class lore/campaign and very skilled friend says he's been maining unholy
>finally try frost and it's way more fun especially in pvp
Rip AP
If I got Sephuz and spec-specific legendaries for 2 specs then I'll wait forever until next one for those specs, right?
yeah that'd kill her
Nah she'll be fine
>75 rep per WQ
>the blue ones don't give you 250 like the did in Suramar, helping the grind pass a lot smoother
Why the fucking fuck? Do these people think anyone wants to do these shitty WQs all goddamn day? Fuck off and give me proper rep per blue quest.
One down.
how many imps would it take to kill her?
im only missing one mount from the egg and two mounts from argus rares and i skipped the first 2 weeks of argus completely
>tfw know this warlock in-game
>tfw did pic related crossfaction on ur belf
I've got a bunch of eggs cooking right now, and Varga is up, so hopefully it won't take long to get the egg mounts.
I have no will to go farming for the rare mount drops off-mission, though.
I'm not sure mostly because I don't really know how powerful an imp would be compared to a human.
Well imps can cast firebolts and shit. A regular human gets a hole blown though him.
death by fucking of course
like half as strong as a goblin
>really like demo artifact and theme
>playing it is just a clusterfuck and you're constantly behind destro shitters let alone chad affliction locks
how's the artifact challenge for it?
Is there absolutely any way to do decent damage in low level (sub 10) mythics as a shadow priest?
I feel like I understand how to play the spec, it just feels like everything dies before I can actually do anything. The only legendaries I have are the twins painful touch and soul of the high priest.
nature can get fucked desu fampai
I posted this in the other thread, but:
>RP guild's Discord has turned Facebook-tier
>guild has completely lost track of its original RP purpose and has turned into yet another "wacky tacky gang that does occasional mercenary work and solves mysteries"
>leadership is composed mostly of LGBTs with most of them having serious issues
>cliques have formed in the guild
>slips of the tongue or wrongthink lead to either vocal minorities calling for blood or said unstable leadership booting people
>string of internal controversies
>no organized PvE or PvP
>losing interest in the game because of them
Is it time to bail ship? I've been sticking with them for two and a half years now and it's changed too much for my liking.
How do you get those mounts?
You get them from eggs off one of the rare panthers. Look up the Fel-Spotted Eggs for more info.
One of the rare panthers (Varga) is up right now on NA.
>>cliques have formed in the guild
This is the first sign of a guild. Internal cliques within a guild are basically the first manifestation of cancer. They will eventually tear the guild apart.
Jump ship immediately and save yourself the trouble of being caught up in the shitshow of its eventual drama-laden implosion big RP guilds are known for when they die.
I guess considering how stuff on argus went this has a little extra layer of humor to it.
If I have the legendary ring from WoD, but it's one step away from becoming legendary, can I still do it?
there's a bunch of reasons why the warlock class hall is the best
that's one of them
thx user. I didn't know about fel eggs.
I have still the opinion that Naaru are same as Void Lords and light magic originates from them as much as void magic and there is no eternal conflict as such between naaru and void gods.
Did you remember at least 1 single time when Naaru helped us to fight someone except their natural enemies (Undead or Demons both of who originate from the legion)? Makes you think huh
Blizz please let me transmog my shitty elemental fist into something other than a different shitty fist, thanks.
~Shaman players
Mistweaver any fun?
I'd say like 20 imps with their tiny dicks
*penetrates your world soul's sandgina*
There's definitely people that cordon themselves off to the side And it feels very stifling - there've been multiple instances where people have made light-hearted jokes hat have blown into full drama jus because the LGBTs thought they were personally being attacked. It was fun at first, but now I, and other people, feel afraid to say anything. I've even stated my opinions previously and got hounded for it.
Think I'll probably leave soon. It was once the most thematically appropriate guild for my character and used to be fun, but now I just can't get engaged with it in its current state anymore.
As a side note to anyone around, are there any good RP guilds on MG that delve a bit more into adventure and exploration? Preferably with a pretty chill community?
>tit mole
>adventure and exploration?
Modan Co does that frequently, although I'm not sure how active they are these days.
I think it's some smoldering armor that got fused to his flesh.