Completely rework xenobio, when?
/ss13g/ spessman spessmem spessmeme
Other urls found in this thread:
Cursed general
Kill yourself
Last Thread:
Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>latex feather guy fucked off vox don't even have feathers
>let's remove X
>bay is us, but the admins are carnies
>this thread offed the old thread
>What is Space Station 13?
>New player guide
>BYOND client
>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server
>Test server
>Public server list
>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"
>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk
>Map renders collection: updated sometimes
>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation
>Cryo Autism
>Round Stats
>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!
>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
>OP Pastebin
Make a proper thread you subhuman
I filled out the captcha, ergo I am human.
Check our friend out here.
>I am a gamer and slight prepper, and im wondering what game you have played that most accurately reminds you of what its like to be a prepper. ^_^
>im 16 -3-
This was in 2015, he's actually not underage.
What is a prepper?
They buy cabins in the middle of nowhere with shitloads of guns and canned food in preparation for the apocalypse. I think.
Survivalists who are anticipating the world ending. Why he thought it was a good place to post that god only knows.
"Noah Gold" and latex work to give a few results.
Supposedly he also annoyed /wtg/ somehow considering he admitted in our Discord that the doesn't go to Veeky Forums.
There's even a link to a fuckig furry reddit of people mentioning him negatively. No need to link that shit so I'll just quote.
>HE uploaded latex stuff to the sub, people were uncomfortable because he flooded it. When the mods spoke up he called them Nazis and made drama. Other similar shits around him.
If you've just tuned in now, this is who the person in the OP is.
It's basically a different type of chuunibyou that westerners get
Same reason he thought it was a good idea to make a character like that in a space station simulator, he simply can't stop trying to shove his fetish into everything.
This is how he imagined his vox Sweet jesus there is so much more.
I need pictures, pictures of MoMMIs
Bring out your best, don't care how old, I just need em!
He... does that latex animal shit everywhere he goes.
Take your non-ss13 and fuck off to a cringe thread
Luckily for you, I am a master artist.
The classic
Some people deserve not only a ban but to be hurt.
Did the round finish yet? Needs more greentext stories.
[10:39:01]SAY: Sleik Gryph/DessertSnek/(Sleik Gryph) (@256,269,1) Deadsay: whines, "ai >3< did you like the law i added?"
>be me
How/where do I acquire the following resources if cargo is unstaffed/dead:
Metal (when all spawns have been used)
Glass (same as metal)
As a scientist, and as an engineer.
I've been playing for 4 days please be nice.
Oh god please give us a link
Also Plasteel.
Good work. This should please the tabloids while we focus on more pressing matters.
Now get out there and get me pictures of that damn clown menace! He's bound to be up to something
>visible cock ejaculating
>Yotsuba B
>valid-centric general
Mr Jameson, don't you think you're a little hard on the clown? the guy's a hero!
My bad. I was too busy being terrified by his fursona to notice that background stuff.
We played the same game as this person.
Deconstruct, recycling, slimes, mining, silicons
Deconstruct, recycling, mining, silicons
Mining, slimes, silicons
Deconstruct, recycling, slimes, mining, silicons
Ask the AI to order you some then break in and grab it when it arrives.
>DessertSnek will never come back so we can valid him
god bless marko
he got it done
Reminder that vox attract people like this.
There are none, they would have to violate there laws for there to be any..
If you can photograph a "MoMMI", it's not a real MoMMI.
We must shut the server down.
It's the only way.
He is trying to send a message sir!
He is trying to kill all the station with mass suicides!
>Diona has the HoP's name
>Tells HoS "I know what you did" through obvious ghost knowledge
>Blows a weldertank on shuttle
Oh shit, was that valid?
Felt pretty good about bullying him before
Now I know there was no other option but to bully
>latejoin assistant 2 hours in
>decide I'll just steal the prop nuke and drink all of the beer
>can't get past the electric grille without glove
>teleportation storm happens
>teleport around
>end up in windows most of the time
>get stuck in engineering
>nigger some gloves while I have the chance and then ask the AI for a way out
>go get my fake nuke
>down all 1000 units of beer
>fumble around the station for a while
>get HONKED by the HONK
>banana peels hell that I can't dodge because I'm drunk
>fall into a coma
>shuttle is called
>shuttle dock
>shuttle leave
>still in a coma
such is the drunk life
>mice can use :i with intercoms to speak over the radio
>request shuttle be called as mouse
That's it. I've had it. I'll just shut up if all I'm gonna get is backlash. If this shit's a joke, I'm not finding it funny. It's also hard to tell if things are a joke or not over the internet. Please don't insult me unless you're serious. If you people are being serious, then screw off. I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was state facts. I'm 15, for the love of God. Leave me alone. Before anyone goes and says anything, I have a great sense of humor and many times, I can get jokes. But I'm having an extremely hard time not getting offended right now. I'm done
I'm generally against doxxing.
But haaah waaaw I had to do it. Forgive me, /ss13g/
Good luck finding someone who speaks mouse though
fuck off Sawbones
I was chatting with the AI last round in mouse
AI can understand mouse. I used to be a mouse and crawl into the ai core and read out the script to ratatouille to whatever ai was online.
You can also get Metal from chemistry, and probably anything from Botany
Silicons understand everything
use TK on the singularity, and hope luck is in your favour
You really have to be careful with copypasta that says "I'm 15", you could get accidentally banned by an oblivious janny by mistake if they don't recognize it
>latejoin as sec
>Find HoS covered in xenoblood(slime?) by perma
>Tells me HONKS are about
>Grab some earmuffs and patrol
>Find a phazon fighting a HONK
>Phazon wins
>See same phazon chasing a man in a clown uniform
>Taser and interrogate when my deafness clears
>Ask about the mech
>Everything I ask about is responded to with "what?"
>Take him to HoS
>HoS is looking at the CE's gas chamber
>As I'm talking to the HoS, CE slowly walks over to me
>Drags me over a banana peel
>Officer in clown suit runs off
>CE: "why'd you let that clown go?"
>A bunch of unimportant shit happens
>On the shuttle
>Atmostech sneaks into shuttle brig
>Cuffs himself
>ask if he needs help
>Tells me, no
>Tells the HoS that he's being framed and that I cuffed him
>HoS: "huh."
>The HoS runs away
>Laugh and take off atmos tech's cuffs
>Watch a plantshitter welderbomb
>Walk through post-shuttle dock griefing to get some booze
What a magical game
except that they can non-harmfully detain or bother human antags and that they do not have to help them when they are harming humans
If it makes you feel any better, I feel dirty for looking long enough to notice.
If you embody a nymph that was alive and in the room with you when you died, can you kill the murder?
I mean you can, but that's a lot of frost oil and silicate. Just go to town with a plasma cutter at that point christ
1-in-12 librarians do.
For the record I've done the botany meme where you make high potency ice peppers, then sit with a tank full of silicate and chem dispenser to convert tons of iron sheets.
It sucks, it's super slow and makes barely any metal. Just mine it.
>Grow fast growing high potency pumpkins while I mutate golden apples, glowberries, and ice peppers whew lad I love not being able to just spam click mutagen to get my species mut and fuck off
>Slam in high potency and fast growth into them
>Want to kill myself cause I can't get a large bluespace beaker and nobody will help
>Could have just been a supply borg or scientist and gotten more rares faster
dekarflamon was the Mime, got perma'd, killed themselves, then became the bussed recruitment Clown where they fucked with the station until they got killed by some people and then returned as Diona a) giving out info from before their birth b) trying to kill the HoS, which ended in a failed welderbombing in shuttle as nonantag
t. Logdiver
>not giving engineers 'breach repair' grenades
>not laughing at them when they throw it expecting metal foam, but get sheets instead
>not then getting knocked over by a sudden rush of air
Are there any mimes that aren't complete shit?
Asimov for mice, when?
did that get merged?
Force-MoMMI the engineering department.
We should add a way to learn languages
And exclusive learning-only languages so the Nerds can talk to each other in Ancient Greek
How do I translate my tome?
What would you do in this situation?
Mommi wiggle and ping while paramedic and engineer screech autistically.
Hide in the vents and wait for somebody to turn on the singularity then laugh
Months ago.
If you roll cult language and traitor, buy a voice changer and "slip up."
(You can also emag your computer for a tome.)
Set up the SME.
Wire the solars then drink in the bar
what is the cult of nar'sie ahelp, then kill them before i can get a reply
This is a terrible idea.
Looks like a job for
we've run out of language identifiers, user
We've done A-Z and 0-9, we're all out
Not starting the engine because of the engneer is interaction. I start the engine.
As an observer? Laugh and maybe spook one of them.
Are MoMMI allowed to interfere with ghosts?
Non-antag objectives for various jobs when?
We tried that.
>tfw I was that MoMMI
I think I decided to just leave it alone and go set up the SME instead.
Shin was less insufferable than the latex furry how is that possible.
He didn't type like a tard and behaved himself in-game for the most part.
Link to the objective? I'm not sure where to look in the repo.
Cololnial Marines is such a fucking blast. Why are there not more anons here discussing it?